Stop giving ever increasing power to centralized government.
Stop giving ever increasing power to centralized government
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Make me, dickwad.
Alright, have it your way.
Stop owning people and calling them your property.
Stop what you are doing and pray to Jesus.
Yes sir.
That's kind of hypocritical given the way he conducted the civil war, don't you think?
if they werent people, why were they counted for the purposes of allotting house representatives?
Used to be a confederate right wing retard until I realized Lincoln was a fascist and had a strong will to power mentality.
and now youre a frogposter
Lincolns original plan was to ship the slaves back to Liberia
southerners fucked us
>against centralised US Federal Government
>Davis attempts to heavily centralise Confederate Government because of how unified the country was
literally laffin
We need to to handle our ever-increasing superpower status.
Balkanizing our shit is not suitable for world power
>Lincolns original plan was to ship the slaves back to Liberia
I keep on hearing this but where the hell does it come from? Lincoln doesn't seem like the type of person to do that and even if he wanted to, there's no way that he could've deported so many African-Americans in a short amount of time without facing opposition from politicians or humanitarian groups out of ethical or monetary concerns.
It wasn't an uncommon position at the time. In fact, Liberia was created as a place to put african-americans in Africa.
Liberia was not endorsed by the US Government and treated with some hostility until 1862. In fact, it was propped up by an advocacy group known as the American Colonization Society who also had zero endorsement by the Government.
Your claim that Lincoln's original plan was to send them to Liberia is not only lacking citation, but the claim that was a "common" position to hold is also false.
yeah for VOLUNTARY repatriation to africa
That's an ugly ass carving
Stop drinking milk.
Stop eating bread.
Stop having stable currency.
Not him, but I'm fairly confident it was one of those impossible campaign promises that politicians make some times to get the common rube to play along, and once in office he probably took one look at the sheer scale and cost of such an endeavor and was like "lolno"
>Stop giving ever increasing power to centralized government.
The real irony is that the comparative weakness of the Confederate central government is what totally gimped their war effort.
You've got Lee's Virginians dying of exposure while the governor of South Carolina hordes uniforms and refuses to give them up because muh states rights.
Fair enough point
Can't run a war with a decentralized government. Only reason it worked out in 1776 was because the British had to spend three months sailing to just to get news to from the Colonies.
pic related, "my way"
>Only reason it worked out in 1776 was because the British had to spend three months sailing to just to get news to from the Colonies.
There was also support from the French, which was so essential that basically the entire Southern strategy was "try to get a European power in this on our side" and the Northern strategy was "do everything possible to keep Europe out of this."
My way it is
>Confederate officers wearing blue jackets
How did this not create a ton of confusion?
It did. Stonewall Jackson was killed by friendly fire for this reason iirc.
It was one of the reasons why the Battle of Wilderness was such a shitshow
It was an idea that Lincoln had that the blacks who had been slaves all their lives when freed would be treated with hatred and violence by the white man at worst and would always be considered second class citizens at best, he thought that the black man would be happy to go back to his ancestral home where he would be treated as not only a man but a first class citizen in charge of his own country. You have to understand at the time the feelings towards blacks even on the free states, Illinois is a good example with the Black Laws where free blacks could not operate businesses that sold to whites, could not bring any charges against a white man if only black witnesses were present, could not interact with white women, could not vote in any election, and had to pay state taxes for public education and welfare but could not use white schools or establishments. Lincoln, from Illinois, saw this first hand as a circuit lawyer and Rep and in his travels saw other states implement similar laws even in the staunchly abolitionist New England states. The north fought first and foremost to preserve the Union, while the most radical abolitionists like Sumner called for full emancipation and enfranchisement the enormous majority of northern Republicans, Whigs, and southern Democrats only wanted slavery abolished in the free territories as outlined in the Missouri Compromise and a range from compensatory emancipation to southern farmers for their slaves to a ban on the import of new slaves and let slavery die out in its natural course (Lincoln originally believed the constiutional purview allowed slavery to exist in the states where it was firmly rooted and while he personally detested slavery it was his duty to uphold the constitution).
Any who, in 1862 when Lincoln first had his idea for the Emancipation Proclamation and really formalized his thoughts on what freeing 4 million black slaves would do economically and socially, especially in the south, he believed the southerners would never have them integrate in any parts of life and the free blacks would suffer great injustices. He called on a congregation of free blacks to meet with him personally and spread his message of giving the blacks a free pass to Africa, Liberia specifically, tasking them to speak in northern congregations in Pennsylvania and Boston to hear the blacks input. Frederick Douglass was one of the black leaders Lincoln called on to hear his message and Douglasd was so taken aback and insulted by Lincoln's words that Lincoln had to reassess his position. Douglass and the black leaders Lincoln talked to couldn't believe they would have to leave the country where they and their ancestors had toiled as slaves and had built so much and strongly advised Lincoln against making his small speech a general action. Lincoln took a few weeks to rethink his position and never, not even once, brought up the idea again.
It's a painting depicting the First Battle of Manassas, where a lot of Confederates who had defected from the U.S. Army were still wearing their old uniforms. It didn't help that the Virginia state militia was previously issued blue either.
Jackson was wearing a black winter coat but that's incredibly easy to mistake for blue, especially at night.
>free blacks could not operate businesses that sold to whites
>could not bring any charges against a white man if only black witnesses were present
> had to pay state taxes for public education and welfare but could not use white schools or establishments
God the whites of the era were cunty, even beyond just general discrimination. Even if you were white yourself, could you imagine living in a society where everyone was a little bitch like that?
show us yours :)
>Forces northern civilians into slave catching parties.
>Forces confederate states to keep slavery, forever.
lmfao fuck niggers
Stop namefaging
>It wasn't an uncommon position at the time
Except it was. It was a fringe position by a few independent groups that never had strong political support. No political party took it seriously.
Laws like that in the world are pretty common in the world in that period and frankly for a longtime after. Lots of tiny and big shit that build up into a P-A bullshit pile that people use any rhetoric really to justify tha in many cases form a Catch-22.
Nathan Bedford Forrest turned from a KKK member to a activist for equality.
Stop posting meme template threads
Was this "centralized government" fear due to southern's fear northern liberal policy of anti-slavery/racism?
I feel like the whole thing about the "big guverment" is a big emotional trauma created by the civil war.