Siacoin Developer Commune


What episode of Silicon Valley is this?

Hence the ever dropping price and tweet that they don't care about the price. 100 SAT should be a fair price to pay because it is never mooning back to 1000.

>tweet that they don't care about the price
same with golem

fuck these faggots that pretend the people investing in them dont matter


The fact the technology is powered by the coin and a lot of people are excited for it will drive the price. Y'all niggas retarded for thinking the devs need to care about the price. This is why you are poor.

that guys trying too hard to be gilfoyle

>Y'all niggas
neck yourself


>Y'all niggas

Kill yourself


Whoa there /pol/

who there reddit

we told you to kill yourself now scram

just because the network runs on a coin doesn't mean it's worth something
how dense can you be?

>tfw have 1.5 million SC in this real life Silicon Valley shitshow

I thought this was a joke..... but it's real.

How the fuck do these people work? Even some youtubers have nicer more respectable offices. Rent a fucking office in an industrial space, holy shit, get some more monitors! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE???? VALUATION AT $150++ MILLION REEEEEEEE

There is nothing wrong in working not from the office according to Watts. I just don't believe in these group of nu-males.

save on office space rental.
start ups have to cut costs whenever possible.
you should be stoked that they are so lean and financial disciplined desu.

idk that room looks really comfy
and if they're all friends it would be really cool to live in a coding house imo

You're just mad because white people are being bred out of existence.

This. Startups are really informal settings

is their main dev a whiny faggot?

>Raised 2.5 million from Obelisk
>Control a bit under 1% of Siacoin, which amounts to at least $1 million.
>Working in a goddamn cramped living room in the suburb for the last 3 years

I understand people get upset if you control even 10% of the coin supply, I understand the autists get angry if there's even a tiny amount of premine. But less than 1%? Livingroom? Office worse than my own home office! This is insanity.

Dumping coins right now. Good luck fags.

looks pretty comfy to me. facebook of storage confirmed

eww, gross.
seems like the Faggotry Club top members reunion.

I bought sia instead of ans.

Someone end my pain already.

could have bought sigt and seen 800% gains so take it easy

nothing about this bothers me except the fact they are all using fucking laptops

>We don't care about the price
I've heard that before, when POSW dropped to 2k.

At what price?

i had 400 of sia when ans was 7$ and went sia, only bought 100 ans(neo) buying up more now i think its going to rocket like ether - 80 - 300 in like 3 months and now neo jumping up like mad - same progressions as btc but since now theres so many more ppl and much more exposure it will be like 5x the speed to lambo

HAHAHAHAHA do autists here have never seen a startup? You should be thakful to see actual devs working on their product because that will drive the price insanely and no white-collar marketing guys making hype about nothing.
Seriously just sell all your fucking Sia right now I will buy your bags easily. Idk maybe invest in some marketing scam like PTOY without any line of code written and all ICO money invested into making noise and paying bills of "creators"

my faggot radar readings are off the charts

740 sats. Pls no bully

yeah but how do you jerk off?

Okay user. Iron hands for a year on that coin, if I were to give advice.