>born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
>runs for chanchellor of Germany
Why was this allowed?
Born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
I was just thinking "now's a good time for another hitler thread"
Because he was German.
>runs for chanchellor of Germany
he ran for president. he was appointed chancellor
>born in AH from AH citizens.
He wasn't.
The Weimar Republic didn't have a natural-born-citizen clause in it's Constitution. Maybe if it had, all of this shit could've been prevented or at the very least delayed.
He became a civil servant of Brunswick and was given German citizenship as a result.
The limits of nationality are ultimately arbitrary.
German speaking austrians were considered germans and that's all there is to it.
Wow so all Americans are also English by virtue of speaking the same language?
He wanted to unite the German volk under one flag. He says this in Mein Kampf.
No because neither americans nor british think so.
>ignoring the Austro-fascist opposition to a pan-German state.
Why don't more nations have this clause in their constitution? It seems like common sense, yet to my knowledge only America has it.
Not a similar comparison. A better comparison would be like saying the US and Canada are similar enough to both be considered Yanks.
Wtf I hate borders now? #OpenbordersforNazis
It was only adopted because Thomas Jefferson constantly feuded with Alexander Hamilton and didn't want him to be eligible to run for President.
If you say "pan-German state" you admit german speaking austrians were considered germans.
They clearly valued their national identity enough to not want to be thrown together with people of their own ethnicity because "muh one blood demands one reich"
You mean a tiny fraction of austrian political leadership.
Hitler annexed austria with almost no resistance.
>By the end of 1933, Austrian public opinion about German annexation was at least 60% against. "Reason: the Hitler terror".[26] On 25 July 1934, Dollfuss was assassinated by Austrian Nazis in a failed coup. Afterwards, leading Austrian Nazis fled to Germany but they continued to push for unification from there. The remaining Austrian Nazis continued terrorist attacks against Austrian governmental institutions, causing a death toll of more than 800 between 1934 and 1938...The plan went awry when it became apparent that Hitler would not stand by while Austria declared its independence by public vote. Hitler declared that the referendum would be subject to major fraud and that Germany would never accept it
So what?
This is more about resisting nazis than saying something about nationality. 40% is about the same thing the nazis had when they seized power in germany.
Austrians were called germans long before germany existed as a country.
After their empire was dismantled in WW1 they would have joined germany but the allies forbid it.
>The limits of nationality are ultimately arbitrary.
German speaking austrians were considered germans and that's all there is to it.
I showed you proof Austrians liked their national identity over their ethnicity
>so what?
>This is more about resisting nazis than saying something about nationality.
The opinion poll was before the invasion
>40% is about the same thing the nazis had when they seized power in germany.
irrelevant since we're talking about Austrian nationalism.
>After their empire was dismantled in WW1 they would have joined germany but the allies forbid it.
You can't know that for a fact though it is true the treaty prohibited it. Either way it's clear Austrian nationalism did persist among a significant portion of the population.
>I showed you proof Austrians liked their national identity over their ethnicity
No you didn't, don't pretend that's all the poll was about.
The first thing they did once hungary and the other countries broke off was attempt to join germany.