Can you crypto faggots just fuck off?

Can you crypto faggots just fuck off?

I remember pre-BTC when this board actually had shit that WAS NOT crypto related. Now all this board is filled with is no-life losers spamming their shitty crypto that they invested in so that they can make a couple of cents profit from it.

>xdd le why havent you bought so and so
>xdd le coin is mooning
>xdd im a faggot



You heard him, lads. Pack it up. He posted the icky gore webm.

Is she going to be O.K.?

Nocoiner sure is assblasted.

Sorry poor fag, maybe one day you can drive a Lambo to the moon.

>I remember pre-BTC when this board actually had shit that WAS NOT crypto related
bullshit. Veeky Forums was made for it

I bet this is the same fag who keeps telling us that crypto isn't real money and has no intrinsic value lol

The day of the rope is coming no-coiner

when the cryptorevolution is here, you're going straight to the gallows


= retarded

>OP's been here since 2009 and he's still not a millionaire


I agree. Why the actual fuck crypto isn't relegated to a general or two is beyond me, also most crypto traders are fucking communists. I'm fucking sick of this shit

Fuck up you little newfag queer. My current weekly income is more than you will earn in the next year you little faggot.

not making enough to pay someone to tell you this board was created for crypto, apparently.

you're not welcome here, nocoiner.

imagine being stuck like that for an eternity and dragging around hungry and tired and hot and confused and scared and in so much pain... baka

cant be worth it , janny

That's pretty cynical of you to say, why do you think he's not gonna make any money next year


Get those two confused sometimes haha

Sorry OP but he's right, had you listened to us back then you would be retired now too, enjoy your real job though and the fact that some of us NEETs who have done nothing but post the occasional meme have already made more than you will in your entire career. Unless you are merely larping then the truth is OP that the real rekt is you.

>he never bought btc nor eth when it was cheap as fuck
>he could've been a millionaire by now

Yeah fuck off cunt I bet you still live with your parents you little nu-male beta piece of shit.

This thread is fucking horrifying. I've not seen anything like this since the bme pain olympics. Please mods delete this, I'm shook.

Go back to LiveLeak, redneck.

>tldr, OP regrets missing the crypto train

Find a better way to make money and the board will change. Stupid fucking cuck.

I fucked your mom last night you stupid faggot. Continue wasting your mother's money on crypto, she'll be paying me money to fuck her you dick sucking faggot.

U mad u didnt get double gains this week?

Buy ETH, MCO, BNC, Dcorp if you want to get rich by January. Don't say I didn't tell you about it.

:( it's such a waste when a woman dies

>I remember pre-BTC when this board
this board was created because of BTC having inordinate threads on /g/ kek.