GAS vs NEO which is better long term?

Alright Veeky Forums I went pretty much all in on Neo (more than 1000 at 9$) but watching GAS rise, makes me wonder if I fucked up. Has anyone figured out how this whole system works yet?
Can't get enough clear information on which one of the two assets is going to be the better long term investment.

Anyone help? What is your strategy if you long term yet the doubt is creeping in by the day?

Sorry if this post isn't retarded enough for Veeky Forums

Roadmap and whitepaper

GAS is better for short term, NEO is better for super long term.
I will explain to you how it works because you are a bunch of low life subhumans and I pity you.

Right now you dildolover get 10 gas per month for you neo

NEO are limited to 100 millions (only 50 distributed right now), you must think as NEO like a share in a company, a NEO can't be divided (you own 1 NEO or you don't, you can't own 0.25 NEO or 0.142838 NEO for example, it's a trick from the exchanges).

NEO does three things:
- it produces one (AND ONLY ONE) GAS over the span of 22 years
- it gives you a vote to elect consensus nodes and development decision
- it recycles "burnt" GAS

GAS are limited to 100 millions and they are mined over the course of the 22 years (only 2 millions have been mined right now)

GAS is the currency used in the NEO network for smart contract/registration.

Okay now that's clear, I will move to taxes/fee and consensus nodes
Consensus nodes, also called bookkeepers are basically the ones validating GAS transactions (think bitcoin miners allowing money to circulate), consensus nodes are elected by NEO holders (more you own NEO, more you have votes).

Now these consensus nodes can impose two types of taxes:
- taxes that will redistributed to all NEO holders
- taxes that will redistributed only to consensus nodes

For example let's say some companies want to register assets on the NEO blockchain, consensus nodes can decide that companies need to pay a fee in GAS for that, this fee for example can be 0,25% (arbitrary number, will probably bee far less than that) from which 0,20% will be redistributed to consensus nodes and 0,5% to all NEO holders.
In the last case the GAS will be "burnt" and regenerated through NEO meaning that a NEO will actually generate more than 1 GAS in its lifetime (still there will never be more than 100 millions GAS in circulation).

>GAS is the currency
>NEO is the government/miner

I made it as simple as possible for your feeble minds

thanks user.

how much NEO are you holding?

Don't buy gas put that money into more neos

Less than GAS, that's all you need to know.

t. bought at 18$

There is no point investing in NEO as long as GAS didn't catch up.
GAS is anormally undervalued because exchanges either hide or confiscate them and don't allow their trade, also lot of people don't understand how NEO works, once this will be solved the marketcap will explode.

Good explanation, thanks.

One further question, if a startup holds an ICO, will they take contributions in neo or gas?

For gas or for neo?

Technically they can do both, however the more time will pass the more they will use GAS if the price of a NEO rises.

Let's say NEO worth 100$ and you want to invest the equivalent of 85$ in the ICO, well you can't because 1 NEO can't be divided, that would be a stupid way to make an ICO.

For GAS, NEO aleady mooned or at least made most of it growth for a good amount of time.

What's the fastest and Cheapest coin to get to binance? ETH? LTC?

I used BTC yesterday from Bittrex, got them in 30 min I think, I heard ETH is faster but didn't try.

Ok , I am a NEO noob.

From what I was reading in the previous posts there is neo and gas... Which one is better investment?

What is a good entry price? Can you buy gas and neo at the same exchange?


Thanks mate, best of luck to you

What wallet do you guys use to store GAS?

The Neon wallet.

Thanks senpai. you wisdom is a virtue

1 NEO is basically an IOU for 1 GAS, so in long term of course NEO is worth more.

However short to medium term it might be GAS, because if neo the system really takes off, the demand for gas might outstrip the supply long before all the GAS have been distributed.

why do i feel like some hysteria surrounding GAS is right around the corner? Just bought 50.

What do you think about the economics of them trading 1:1?

In terms of marketcap ? Hard to say, it's too early to know how profitable will be a NEO to generate GAS thanks to fees.

What do you think a fair ratio is for neo/gas based on current supply? Seems dumb that gas has way less supply and a lower price. Shouldn't gas be like 2x neo or more?

So why aren't more people buying this shit up on the chinks exchange and waiting for it to come to the western exchanges? Wouldn't that be pretty fucking profitable?

Yes it should be superior logically, that's exactly why everyone is buying.

That's what I'm doing

I'm pretty spooked tho, it's already 4x up from like a week ago.

Ok cucks, bought 50 @ 365k.

So basically, you are saying that you won't invest in something until the crowd adopt it like sheep ?

You won't make good gainz with that kind of behavior.

No I'm saying why wouldn't anyone jump on now before its gets shilled even harder within the next weeks and again when it goes to bittrex. Dipshit

Where can I buy it?


Use BNB fees


Thank you fine sir. What is a fair price to pay for these?

kind of what Im doing

I'm buying now and going for the very long term. I want watch these fuckers hit western exchanges. But I've not been doing this long and could be so far off.

3500 if it drops and you are lucky but I expect we will atleast hit 38 today and I dont expect a lasting dip that great (however you might considering selling at 38-40 post conferance) If you feel comfortable with the rising curve Id say go for it now, it has plenty of room to move. I got in at 8$ and made around 800$ the last two days.

Just bought 35, that means u boys can expect a little dip and pick up some more.


I suffer from the same curse as you.
Let's see how this plays out.

Definitely gonna be watching the coin tomorrow, to see how it reacts to the conference.

Here's what I think tho, it got listed like 3 days ago, on a relatively unknown exchange. I can't tell if traders have had enough time to accumulate enough for it to start dipping violently tomorrow.
Someone discuss with me why it is going to drop, or not drop tomorrow.

Honestly does it matter when you realize in months it's price will be so much higher on western markets and you worried about a small dip while it was dirt cheap from the chinks exchanges.

Rather make 15% gains and sell.
Buy the dip and make another 50% gains.
Instead of making 35% gain. you make 65%.

It would literally be stupid not to sell if the price is doomed to dip due to sell-off.

Well I tend to have a poor time trying to predict the market so it's something I see as a risk I'm willing to take. I hope you the best of luck and max gains user.

You too user-chan.
May the gains be with you.

As long as it's not clear how much GAS you can expect from 1 NEO due ti it being spent on the network, the value of NEO over GAS is hard to estimate

So, basically 1 Neo naturally generates 1 gas over 22 years. But it'll generate more based on how much gas is used on the network.

So as more products come out that require gas to be burned, the faster your Neo will generate gas?

If it's so rare it seems like gas should be worth 100x of NEO then :O

Which if I'm understanding that correctly, then gas will never be more than Neo and gas will in fact drive the price of Neo up

what are you talking about. the price of neo and gas will be sat on the market... if 1 neo generates 1 gas in 22 years that means that gas should be a lot more expensive than neo.

Thinking about selling off gas and acquiring more neo. its like a snowballing effect that increases exponentially, especially if gas value soars first

Been thinking the same but at the moment since GAS is rocketing I will hodl and try to time the expansion limit, sell and buy NEO when it/if dips.

Its a win for sure id say

Best of luck to you. The current momentum is amazing desu, made some nice gains on NEO and switched it all to GAS when NEO slowed down and now Im 2k+ and it keeps rising.

When gas is spent on the network, aka paid to bookkeepers. An amount of It gets redistributed to NEO holders.

So yeah by default Neo will generate 1 gas over 22 years, but that isn't accounting for the redistributed gas that Neo holders will receive. Neo holders will start to receive more gas as the network gets used more.

It'll essentially work like this. Neo holders generate gas, which they use or sell. Normies and wannabe bookkeepers will buy gas and use or sell. Either way once the gas gets used it'll be redistributed between the bookkeeper and Neo holders.

If you choose to buy gas and hold you'll probably see some great gains, but once you sell thats it. Neo holders come out on top always. This is why Neo will always be worth more than gas.

I don't think many people understand how this works and so we may see gas overtake Neo in the short term. Which, will also drive up the price of Neo.

GAS is mostly for fags who missed out on NEO and now want in. It's a little sad actually lol. I think they don't realize that GAS is divisible, and for most of the things you use it for, you only need a small fraction of it. Soooo where is the YUGE valuation coming from? Just face it fags, you missed the NEO space ship.

I get your reasoning, but i think youll have to back it up with maths and real-world usage numbers because from my perspective unless the network is used insanely much and were talking about a very large timeframe, like in 1 year to 10 years, buying and holding GAS instead of neo(well, assuming you choose) will net you a lot more profit. I'm bullish on both though, but looking on what i said and the rarity of GAS from where im standing, GAS should be worth a hell of a lot more than NEO until we start seeing some heavy usage of their network and as i said, i think that will take atleast a year.

NEO is going to 300k until more dApps come. Will you crypto morons ever learn? Here is a hint; June 2017

Kek have you seen how it's been doing while you talk shit. Stay poor kid

But let's say 1 Gas goes to 200$, then holding 1k NEO, giving you like 2 Gas a week, makes much money too

it's a gas bubble fueled by the fags who missed out on NEO, lmao.

It's indeed way overvalued right now, but I think the floor would be at 400K now.

maybe stable around 400k, will have dips though.

lol NEO isn't ever going that low again, sorry fags :)

Lol, did you buy the ATH?

Nope. I bought way early :) jealous?

Undervalued faggot. Should be at least 2x the price of eth

Neo is still the better long term investment. Gas doesn't have more moon potential than NEO does because fiat can be used in place of Gas and transaction fees can be adjusted to account for Gas prices. Gas is currently a bit overbought right now compared to NEO if you take dividends into account in my opinion.

At current market prices, NEO is paying 8% dividends. Before the gas hype, NEO dividends were closer to 5%. By comparison DICE, another safe dividend paying token, was priced at 5% dividends in the weeks leading up to its first dividend payout.

Don't buy into the hype. Stick to NEO for now unless NEO moons again and Gas doesn't follow.


This thread is ridiculous. I don't even know why I'm here. GAS is still undervalued. NEO is never going to hit the 3000's again, sorry fuckers. Just about every TA on NEO has been wrong this week. Expect $40 this weekend. Expect gas to get fomo'd to $20.


I will enjoy buying it for 350k. Thanks for trying tho

only thing you'll be buying for 350k is our GAS, faggot :)

Some autistic just dumped on 19800. Just bought 500 at 3200

Because faggots suck at life and cry about not buying neo at 5 or lower. Don't understand that neo gives free $ called gas. But holding eth a shitcoin giving you nothing but more faggot shitcoins

I'll be waiting for you in the pink wojak and NEOmarine threads.

>t. TA guy

gas just outlived its dumpers. heading up from ath again :)

Is it common to be able to fill a buy order below last sale price if you just sit on it? 320k wtf?

Where are the other 50mil Neo and when/if will they be released?

It is because the market cap was microscpoic.

Smart people that were Chinese got it ahead of time and smart International got it the moment it went up for sale on binance.

>Neo is still the better long term investment. Gas doesn't have more moon potential than NEO does because fiat can be used in place of Gas and transaction fees can be adjusted to account for Gas prices.

No, that's not how it works, stop making shit up.

>t. increasingly nervous gas holder



Kek so hard.

Not it isn't.

It is an extremely valuable coin with a market cap that is WAY lower than it should be because it was not on exchanges while NEO was.

This surge is a correction in the upward direction.

It's gonna crash just wait. I know because I'm the guy who has been making shill threads about how easy it is to buy into and it great and mooning come buy my bags lol.

What part am I making up? Brainlets buying Gas at current prices will still make money when NEO rises but would do better just buying NEO. There was a brief window of opportunity several days ago where Gas was very undervalued but that opportunity has long passed.

Makes no difference to me if you ignore me though. I'll just continue selling my Gas at inflated prices to buy more NEO.

Transactions can't be done in fiat, that's just a straight up lies or illiteracy, transactions are made in GAS.

will gas ever be on bittrex?