ITT: We act like this board is a WW1 trench.
ITT: We act like this board is a WW1 trench.
Other urls found in this thread:
*stands up*
*killed by sniper*
*dismembered by artillery shell*
>Tfw trench foot
What is this bullshit
Heard you faggots needed some help
at least I'm exfoliating my skin!
s-so what do you lads think you'll be doing at christmas?
>Just heard the Americans are coming to save us
>Expect to relax while their fresh troops fight the Germans
>The arrive and take up 10% of the trenchs
>Get killed anyway
Well the soccer game last year was pretty nice.
>tfw all the people who saw you score the winning goal are dead now
*is drinking water from his canteen*
*canteen gets shot*
*i throw away the canteen and jump to the trench*
Fucking shit.
Oi lads where ave the scouts gone? I've got a cravin fer sum BIG BLACK COCK and I'm tired of wagglin my willy all day!
>artillery homing in on our position
>Race to the carrier pigeon
>one scrip of paper left
>I know this is the only hope we have
>start writing on the scrip
>"Rear Battalion: If Africans are as smart as whites, why didn't any of them invent the wheel? t. Veeky Forums user"
God speed.
What the fuck did you just say about my glorious preußischen Armee you little shit? I'll have you know Preußen was the top military power in all of Europe and it has been involved in numerous great European wars, and they have over 300 confirmed victories. They are trained Napoleonic warfare and they have the top commanders in the entire European continent. You are nothing to them but just another Frenchman. They will annex the fuck out of you with precision the likes of wich has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying shit to Preußens over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak, I am contacting my international network of diplomats acorss the HRE and your entire Dynasty is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot.
The storm that wipes out the pathetic thing you call your independance. You're fucking dead kid. They can be anywhere, anytime and They can defeat you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with a single division. Not only are they extensively trained in Clausewitz's teachings, but They have access to the entire arsenal of the Königlich Preußische Armee, and They will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable army off the face of the continent, you little Slav. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
few days till the big push lads. our artillery has been hammering them night and day, ain't seen anything like in all my years on the front. brass reckons we'll just be able to walk over to their trenches and there'll be nothing left of them. i believe them too.
>get shelled for a week
>have dysentery
>after 1 day all the paper gone so now we shit in our hands and throw it outside our trench
>Haven't taken my gas mask of in a week
>haven't eaten in a week
>haven't slept in a week
>tfw no gf
My battalion is mutinying again
I'll have to execute the dissenters again to boost the men's morale, I guess.
>You're stuck in Wipers while Chad is fornicating with Arab beauties in Mesopotamia
Thinking of going over the top by myself lads
The shootings will continue until morale improves.
*stabs rat*
looks like meat is back on the menu boys!
*looks over the top at German bodies in no man's land*
What about them? Their fresh!
nice digits lad
>get shelled
>whatever just stay low
>gas starts coming in
>put on mask, shrapnel took out the glass
>look around
>see wounded comrade struggling to put mask on
>nobody else around
>grab his mask, start pulling it away
>stomp on his head
>finally get mask and run away
>running away through trench
>try to run through body of water
>is actually a shell crater over 9ft deep
>drown with 60lbs of gear pulling you down
Look on the bright side, once this is over our leaders will see what a silly waste this has all been and we will join as European brothers to rule this world in the name of peace and prosperity for centuries to come!
The Italians ran out of bullets two weeks ago. They havn't stopped charging our position though.
they are NOT for eating!
>At two minutes before eleven, as millions of soldiers on the Western Front waited for the hostilities to end, a Canadian Soldier, Private George Price, was killed by a German snipers bullet at the French village of Ville-sur-Haine.
-The war to end all wars, Russell Freedman
Wanna go home lads
>entrenched at the Somme
>new lieutenant, something Tolkien
>says after the war maybe he'll be a professor & write books
Rats for dinner again?
Cadorna isn't going to stop until Italy's entire male population is dead
-The war to end all wars, Russell Freedman
>stomp on his head
>finally get mask and run away
Come on guys! Lets take another 100 meters of mud!
Pass the liberty cabbage, my fucking hair and teeh are falling off.
>Tfw Stacy gave me a white feather last I was on leave back in Blighty
Might go with you
>tfw no german waifu to warm my bed.
Will this somme thing work lads? Will we break into Germany? I cant wait to get myself a fraulein! Btw i heard that our Artillery destroyed their wire and machine guns, should be a walk in the park!
>Europeans finally figure out Trench Warfare
I can't stress how terrible trenches were. People know the usual stuff like it's wet and you get trench foot but that's not even a fraction of how bad it was.
Trenches were often filled with the body parts of friendly soldiers who were shot next to you or even worse, hit with artillery dismembered. Imagine spending a rotation in a trench and you're constantly stepping on pieces of hand and leg and bone. And the soup-mud that ate people. And then there's the human feces and piss. When you're under constant fire or threat of fire, you're not going to wander out to find a tree (just kidding all of the trees have been splintered and blown up) to take a shit. And then the pests, the lice and the rats, feeding on the remains and feces.
Soldiers would rotate out of the front-lines and when they walk into town the first thing they do is take a bath to wash the stench of pure death off of them, only to return back to it when they're up again. It was truly hell.
You're right. They're for sexual!
Should I keep dumping?
Lots of rats as well.
>A fucking yank thinks he knows what warfare is
Laughing so hard I shit my pants
Yup. Got any of Poilus?
>tfw everyone who saw that football game is dead
>mfw I tell everyone I scored a hat-trick that match
>dixie retard posting
The trenches built during WWI were on an entirely different level than the Civil war fortifications.
The english channel down to fucking Switzerland. Entire "cities" on both sides of trench networks.
>tfw mailman got killed
Did she say yes?
How will I ever know
>Mixed units
Can someone explain?
Thicc ships make me hard
>"Then the time came for us to go over. We had to run forward about fifty yards, up some planks over our own front-line trenches, and then across a meadow where it was almost impossible to run; we could only stagger along. As we were going over these planks, about half of us were knocked out-either killed or wounded-and going across the meadow there were a lot more killed. >"When we finally stopped and lay down, trying to get what shelter we could from the tremendous rifle fire which was coming over, a sergeant just in front of me jumped up and said, 'Come on men, be British.' So we jumped up again and followed him. He ran about six yards and then he went down too."
-British corporal Alan Bray
-The war to end all wars, Russell Freedman.
Dear Mother,
Thank you for the biscuits you sent last month, i shared them with my squad with some cheese that Fitzgerald's family sent him. Everyday i feel the cold and the wet creep further towards my core, i'm now thankful for the regular patrols so that i am able to circulate my blood. the snows have stopped for which i am thankful, but they have been replaced by rain which chills through my coat and shirt, particularly when the rain blows.
On my morning patrol i can see a burnt out farm house not 300 yards away from our lines, it's like old Mr.Jenkins' with a mill attached to the stable. When i get home i have resolved to ask Rosie to marry me, i have always loved her and this war has taught me that if you have something in life that makes you happy you should hold onto it and never let it go, i hope to write you again soon, but the shelling has picked up lately which usually means that a push is coming, i ask you to pray for our safe deliverance for i don't think god can hear us here.
your loving son.
Last pic
>cloth red "shoot me" caps
Fucking frogs
>sits in communications trench behind the lines
>gets rotated out after a week and sent to Paris for R&R
>gets sent back
>helps dig out the trench
>gets more healthy food than in civilian life
>makes some mates
>100 years later a bunch of retards watch a video in black and white with a cow mooing telling me I was shelled 24/7 and sleeping in mud
The French weren't retarded racists like Americans?
The French have always been cucks. Nothing to see here. Move along.
>Those horizon blue overcoats
I want one so bad. Any good reproductions out there?
I found this one:
Not sure if its any good. What do you guys think?
They were really fast on the uptake in terms of giving soldiers metal helmets, which makes me wonder why they spent the whole war with the blue uniforms.
That is a funny-ass joke nigga.
>may be if I shoot my self in the foot the'll let me go home.
Me in the middle
Uuuuuuh. Should they be lying out in the open like that?
The open as opposed to where exactly?
Dried-ass levantine land isn't exactly easy to dig a foxhole with, especially when you're going to be shot if you stand too high.
>the whole shell is coming at the huns
what did he mean by this?
Your's hasn't fallen off yet? Lucky.
Probably a training drill
I jus want to go home
What do you mean a german shot you in the foot? We're fighting in trenches. Were you dangling your foot over the trench or something? Wrap that shit up and get back to the front line before I have you gunned down for desertion.
>Brusilov came up with some retarded plan
>Will have to breakthrough a well defended position
>I try and argue that a more defensive approach would be better
>He unironically believes that we will annihilate them if we go all-or-nothing
>Thinks his dumb plan will get us over 70km deeper into enemy territory (which would fuck up our communications anyway)
>Have to prepare the artillery and men for a suicide charge
I'm having second thoughts about this Brusilov guy, must be the Polish blood in him. Anyone else think this is a bad idea?
Get out of my trench, bongs.
Lads, I think I see a sni-
Just spent the last twelve hours marching north from Beersheba to capture some "strategic terrain" for command. I don't know how the Aussies do it, it's over 30 degrees in here during winter and barely any water. Must be nice in those trenches, where you don't have to march all day and it's nice and cold, eh? Have a drink for me, lads.