I fell for the meme and now I do actually have enough from cryptos to buy an Aventador.
I don't know what to do next.
I fell for the meme and now I do actually have enough from cryptos to buy an Aventador.
I don't know what to do next.
Buy the Aventador and tell us how it is.
get laid. thats what the car is for after all.
I am unfortunately not a normie and do not have a drivers license
>gets to lamboland
>can't drive
thanks for the laugh user, if you can't buy a lambo, you should help a poorfag out
give it to someone in exchange for sex.
Forget about your lambo.
Double your money.
I am already pretty autistic and see an escort that doesn't judge me once a week.
I feel like I should go learn but I am nearing 30 and if I buy a sports vehicle, I'll end up like Paul Walker.
Blowjobs from 20$ Hookers for the next 20 years. Every day 365 Days a year. Maybe even multiple times per day.
OP when you say you actually have enough does this mean liquidating your entire stack or can you actually afford this kind of sports vehicle?
are ya'll bullshitting on Veeky Forums? more detail. how much did you initially invest? when did you buy and sell?
well uh, you could probably buy a boat instead
I know for close to a fact that there are anons on here who could buy multiple lambos with their internet meme money
>having a drivers license is normie!!11!11!1
>has sex with an escort
You are a massive beta and a (failed) normie, stop compensating
Top kek
I think the moon meme is the worst one on this board mainly because sometimes someone will post something of relevance that if you don't have a nice chunk of starting capital that you will never see huge gains.
With the rise of ICOs, grabbing 20-50% profits is extremely easy of 10-100 ETH buys, as long as the ICO you pick isn't some scamcoin.
pre-historic BTC bros who risked money 2 years ago. no one is making millions with NEET money from the past 6 months
lol this is why I love Veeky Forums
never said she had sex. desu , would be funnytho
this I put 20-30k into bitcoin 2-4 years ago and have a half mill
If I didn't spend money over the past 2 years I'd have more but you can't life like a poorfag forever
OP how do you find reliable escorts?
I've been a LTC/BTC bag holder since the Quark and MT Gox days.
My initial buy in was about 20k USD spread over the week where BTC went up to 1200 off Coinbase. I was pretty upset and devastated when everything collapsed. I even held a huge amount of LTC bags during the pump when it rose to almost .05 ratio with BTC cause of that Jew bastard that pumped Quark.
Besides that I've been doing weekly reoccuring buys of BTC ever since and ETH/LTC when Coinbase did finally add them.
I used BTCE almost exclusively for trading and conversion cause I didn't want to IRS to take my money. I did sell my coins on Coinbase and gave Uncle Sam his fair share. All at long term investment percentages.
Besides that I've been buying into ICOs and dumping them at good percentages. I don't really look for 10x gains. It seems greedy and foolish.
we'll always have Paris
NEET money could have been enough 6 months ago without an enormous amount of luck required, the closer we get to here though it's been harder and harder to catch a flight. Still a long road ahead, anybodys game
I live on the West Coast so there is a board I use that is kinda low brow TNABoard. I also use The Erotic Review and P411.
I also forgot to mention some of the classier and extremely attractive girls who provide really good GFE services require almost all the time references or an employment reference. This is the hard part.
Leave it in user, who knows where it might take you, if it collapses you're only out one pointless vehicle you don't even know if you want
Any tips for right now Senpai
cool thread
thanks for the info
I'm in PA and I look like a neet, also don't have any game or patience with roasties so escorts is what I'd prefer
You enjoy it for a week or two then yo realise you have no friends, sell it and then spend the rest of your life or until your money runs out being the same neet or aspiring neet as you've always been, maybe with a few nice material possisions extra
I research ICOs that are up and coming and if the team looks solid, their credentials look good, and they are actually trying to create a product, I would purchase their tokens when it goes up for sale.
I am not advocating ETH mainly cause I do not believe in Vitalik, but the economy created by ICOs allows for quick entries and quick exits.
4 chan in a nutshell. but seriously you should make further investments.
i don't even plan on getting a car when i get to the moon. i just want to travel the world with nothing but a backpack and not have to worry about money.
If you only have enough for a lambo
Unironically you haven't made it and you aren't even close
I'm not pulling out of the game until im set forever
5 mil is the minimum, but i will probably continue until atleast 10 mil.
Invest in a comfy life. Save so when your mom dies you can afford a chauffeur and in home chef; just make sure she's leaving you the house in the will.
After you get your lambo you can check out these quints
Daily reminder that your moms and i had sex
Lambos mean nothing if your room is dirty. Clean your room!
Even if you'd got them, they'd be hexes not quints
Proof or LARPing. Also buy driving lessons.
>mfw driving instructor sitting in the passenger seat of a lambo
now that i wanna see
Don't get a lambo. Cars are terrible purchases for the most part, especially
A car with tons of upkeep.
>I don't know what to do next.
...giving money to your fellow Veeky Forumsbros, of course. I just need an MX-5 RF, the poor's Lamborghini. only 30000€ and funnier to drive.
Nice Emma, btw.
plenty of sandniggers that already have that vehicle.
No quality woman wants to sleep with you if you have some shit Italian douche mobile.
To get the pussy, you must have the correct $ + character + looks ratio, otherwise you are FUCKED.
>you must have the correct $ + character + looks ratio
And no kidding, a little bit of personality can offset a downer on any of those. If you have 0% social skills, get some more money to buy quality escorts.
user, are you willing to wait ~19 years? I'm getting rich slowly because I'm too scared to gamble big. On the other hand, I'm almost guaranteed to hit $1MM in my 40ties. Then I'll do that just for you.
...do you think Veeky Forums will be around by then?
Don't actually buy a lambo. Get depressed because you have the money and nothing worth spending it on. Then, continue profiting and hoarding money that's worthless to you until you die.
Dont fall for the sports car meme and hire me to make your tendies after you stuff mom's body in the chest freezer dad used to keep his deer meat in.
i hope no one unironically wants a lambo. my only goal is to quit working