>tfw feminism ruined society
Tfw feminism ruined society
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Of course it did. 40 years ago companies only hired capable people, mostly men. If you couldn't do the job you were out of one.
Now they have to hire people based on gender, race ete regardless of their capabilities. Those people have to be paid. That money doesn't fall out of the sky, it is taken from the original worker who is hired based on merit.
More like globalism and the decoupling of the dollar from the gold standard, with a sprinkling of neo-marxism taking root in the west.
Or you can continue pretending that doubling the workforce lead to the downfall of the economy.
Two incomes totaling ~$68K? LOL
this issue is hitting people making around 20k a year, not people making more than 30k. Those people are doing fine.
Only as strong as your weakest link etc etc
>destroying the traditional family model for some extra shekels
This is an asinine take, wealth inequality has increased (separate from the debatably moral concern), any decent economist will tell you that. Lower real income didn't occur because of feminism, it's because of neo liberalism and globalism giving hicks the good succ.
I can't even imagine how much of an inbred you have to be to be this booty blasted about feminism, that you think that's why people make less money than they did in the past.
Butthurt feminist detected
Women suppress wages simply because they are much less aggressive negotiators and just settle for whatever they are given.
Know how i know youre a fag?
Also in modern family wife fucks with her boss. All their children from her boss.
in modern world only pussy have value
just modern slavery
Probably due to feminist killing off the family model. Now politicians are only concerned for the individual rather than the family. Rise in divorce, single mothers and decline in birth you can't blame on a penis this time.
it becouse in USA college ejcated people is middle calss
but in russia college ejcated people is poor class
t. roastie
Women in the workforce ruined the west, the irony is that they are more miserable than ever:
Your place is at home under your father/husband authority, not under your boss.
>"traditional family model"
>an invention of the industrial revolution that was less than a century old when the sexual revolution started
>attacking someone's character instead of engaging their argument
this is how I know you don't actually believe what you spout
>feminism ruined society
You mean inflation.
Feminism is simply a consequence of a declining society that loses its values.
White men everywhere being paid less to do double the work, gotta cover for those diversity hires... or else...
what is your job?
what a dumb image, the best leaders Rome ever had were created by good times
pretty sure feminism falls under the liberalism category so your basically saying hes wrong because hes right...
Software developer. Yes, I've actually had to work harder to make up for the following - a female nigger, a team of offsite Pajeets and a "self-taught" faggot. Female PMs are always a disaster.
Fun fact, Rome's decline also looks at lot at our current time.
-Gap between rich and poor
-Empire too large
-loss of patriotism
A wise man once said, "time is a flat circle".
things happen in cycles.
you could also add Deep State to that comparison since Rome had military/corporate elite who would routinely kill off emperors. They also fought too many wars on multiple fronts and failed to secure borders.
-excessively, costly wars
-excessive welfare state
-bread and circuses
-weak borders
also true of West Europe which is why the Euro is going to tank this year and lots of smart Eurocucks are moving their fiat into crypto as we poast.
I'd say that our time looks more like the late republic with the denigration of republican traditions.
I was deeply disturbed by republicans refusing to allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee, and then when it looked like Clinton was going to win the election they started saying "well the supreme court is fine with just 8 judges" implying they weren't going to have a hearing for her nominee either. This kind of thinking, that preventing a win for the other party is more important than the democratic institutions is exactly what destroyed Rome's republic.
Though I am a bit wary of comparisons between our time and Rome's decline because "[contemporary issue I am against] is what caused the fall of Rome" is a slogan that's been used by politicians, rebels, and monarchs for well over 1000 years. I am curious as to why you put feminism there though, because of the myriad reasons for Rome's decline that's one I've never seen argued before.
You know the term bread and circuses was first coined during the reign of Augustus, so quite far from its decline. What really sapped finances was corruption, and the emperor having to subsidize his bodyguards and the military to an obscene degree or else he would be murdered by them.
Is it really that bad? Perhaps you should try becoming freelance then.
I left those 3 companies, but yeah... there are serious problems. Whenever I was part of the hiring process I'd push for the candidates who seemed smarter than the team, I want to work with developers smarter than I am, but women and leftists care more about personality, "good fit", etc. We were administering personality tests to devs and, to the women, those seemed to matter as much as the coding test. The US is probably doomed.
Note, I took this from TRP forum and its not my own source, nevertheless you might find it interesting.
"The Fate of Empires" by Sir John Glub rexresearch.com
TL;DR Rome and the Arab Empire both had sorts of feminist movements in their later days, and this probably contributed to their downfall.
An increase in the influence of women in public life has often been associated with national decline. The later Romans complained that, although Rome ruled the world, women ruled Rome. In the tenth century, a similar tendency was observable in the Arab Empire, the women demanding admission to the professions hitherto monopolised by men. ‘What,’ wrote the contemporary historian, Ibn Bessam, ‘have the professions of clerk, tax-collector or preacher to do with women? These occupations have always been limited to men alone.’ Many women practised law, while others obtained posts as university professors. There was an agitation for the appointment of female judges, which, however, does not appear to have succeeded. Soon after this period, government and public order collapsed, and foreign invaders overran the country. The resulting increase in confusion and violence made it unsafe for women to move unescorted in the streets, with the result that this feminist movement collapsed.
TL;DR The Arabian empire had strikingly similar social conditions to current Western culture just before its downfall - including women taking on formerly masculine roles, and a loss of sexual morality.
When I first read these contemporary descriptions of tenth-century Baghdad, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I told myself that this must be a joke! The descriptions might have been taken out of The Times today. The resemblance of all the details was especially breathtaking—the break-up of the empire, the abandonment of sexual morality, the ‘pop’ singers with their guitars, the entry of women into the professions, the five-day week. I would not venture to attempt an explanation! There are so many mysteries about human life which are far beyond our comprehension.
Outsourcing, immigration, and women in the workforce all had equal roles in depressing wages by exploding the labor market. Anyone who tries to ignore one of these because they don't want to hurt feelings is a moron. America's golden age had a lot to do with its limited workforce and the lack of alternative markets for consumers here and abroad to turn to. Capitalism isn't as fair when you have masses with a slave mentality. Of course doubling the workforce hurt things, those women didn't add as much demand to the market with their new wages as they supplied with work. And now they're exclusively in service jobs while money flows out to tangible producers overseas. All it did was divide up wages, forcing people to work harder for the same outcome.
I'll take a look at that next time I'm in the library, but just at first glance I think those conclusions in the second post are overly simplistic. I'd say the mongols laying their capital to waste, salting the fields, destroying aqueducts, murdering as many men as possible, and taking as many women as sex slaves as they could carry throughout the entire fertile crescent to the point where it still has not recovered today had far more to do with the decline of the Arab empire than allowing female clerks.
>America's golden age
when was that, the 1950s when there were 3 recessions in a single decade?
>>tfw feminism ruined society
This idiotic simplification means you know nothing about anything
What is preventing you from going to a library? Why can't you learn anything? Why is your main sources of information the internet / confirmation bias?
You're a moron, shitting up my board. GTFO
I think they look at it more as a symptom then a cause.