Why're you not buying into this easy gold mine user? Take a few minutes and make an account on the chink exchanges "binance" buy all this GAS up and hodl until you see it on western exchanges. It's not rocket science
Why're you not buying into this easy gold mine user...
Because NEO is vaporware.
Their 1 dev spends his time shilling on twitter instead of developing.
Tell me 1 reason how it is better than ETH or XEM or even STRAT?
I did when it was 1$. And I did buy NEO at 17 cents. U mad user? Almost in lambo land here
how do you find out about that so early man? what did you base your investment on?
On fucking Veeky Forums actually xD
Based investment on the chinese community, used a lot of google translate and shit while researching. I only bought few hundreds $ but it turned to several thousands now.
Also based on the fact that it's not minable and the only way to generate gas is to own neo, so I thought it would be a good idea to get some gas. At this stage there was a fixed fee of 1 neo to transfer anything so I thought it would be damn expensive to even do a transfer if neo would be worth more in the future. But now bittrex reduced the fee to 0.1 so this is not valid anymore
reddit a month ago
Do you think its worth buying into at this price?
Depends on if you plan to hodl for a hot minute or not. I got in 4 hours ago and made decent gains but I don't plan on selling so.
can't you accumulate GAS by owning NEO and putting it in a web wallet? i think that's what i read yessterday. if so, /howto/??
You're retarded if you invest in GAS do your research and I doubt 70% here know how GAS is made, and NEO is overvalued wait until chinks cashout anytime now
Yes user my $300 profit for literally 5 minutes of my life was sooooo dumb. Kys
plox to help
You're retarded cause you didnt buy into GAS 2 days ago and now you are acting all salty and shit
Lmao you're honestly so dumb I don't care about you +2% gains enjoy being a bagholder
go to neo dot org and download one of the wallets, send your ants in and let them get that gas for a youngin
cheers /bizraeli/, see you on the moon.
only send whole numbers in!
can anyone tell me if GAS is divisible? FYI everyone ANS wallets don't support any amounts but whole numbers, you will loose your .5 NEO so just keep on exchange until you can make those fractions wholes
thanks for that man! also, how can i claim GAS from the web wallet? i've made two wallets so far
i'm using the Neon wallet on osx and there is literally a "claim gas" button. and then when you hit the "send" button you can toggle between sending NEO or GAS. never used the web hosted wallet.