Dying Gaul ~ 220 BC
I believe this piece is a turning point in Roman thought, where they began to empathise with the "Barbarian".
Dying Gaul ~ 220 BC
I believe this piece is a turning point in Roman thought, where they began to empathise with the "Barbarian".
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You're 100% completely WRONG. Its a Roman copy of a Greek work, not a view into the psyche of a Roman in 220BC. If the Romans gave a fuck about "Gauls" or "Barbarians" they wouldn't have shit on them every change they got and they wouldn't have thrown Ceasar a parade and made him emperor for slaughtering hundreds of thousands of them.
> be caesar
> think you will fall off earth if you sail to britain
> write about slaughtering gauls
> 2000 years later people still think you did it
> without evidence
it was this kind of genocidal retardation and pandering to the hatred of the masses that caused a civilisation to fall as repeated people tried to follow in his fictional footsteps and got raped by barbarians
>Those shitty spiky hair
Its Germanic alright
> believing shit in the Guardian or any newspaper
Go to bed Gallic-fucking-shit
>any source that I don't personally approve of is just wrong!
you're pathetic
You dumb coon. Read a book and maybe next time you'll make less of an idiot of yourself. I doubt it tho, since you're a fucking moron.
nothing beats roman realism.
can you imagine what they would look like colored with paint and wax like this?
What caused the transition between that style of art and the idealised style used by Augustus and his successors? Was it just to display the emperor as powerful?
I never said I gave a fuck about the gauls
still though, that doesn't change the fact that its a copy of a Greek original
Roman portraiture didn't disappear when the emperors started shitting out idealized propaganda statues. Emperors simply started to adopt greek idealized styles for their public pieces, while busts (which were actually meant as portraits) kept realistic styles until the late 3rd century, when a simpler and angular style took over. The reason for the change is still heavily debated, but given the timing it's likely the 3rd century pestilences simply caused the loss of technical knowledge.
I mean look up a few examples. You can't possibly tell me that Nero's bust is idealized. Or Vespasian's, Galba's, Decius's.
Pic related is late 1st century, hardly an Apollo.
>implying the best period of Roman portraiture isn't the weird super stylised later stuff
>not just shitty copies of patrician greek masterpieces
Thanks for the insight. Could you recommend any reading material that would go in depth about this topic?
Thank you. The way emperors such as Augustus used art to influence public perception has always been a fascinating topic for me, people like you make Veeky Forums a better place t b h.
Fucking damnit I came here to post this
Can I get a quick rundown?