post, rate, rage, cry, gloat, etc.
I used all my DGB to buy 1000 more SIGT. Shiiieeeet
post, rate, rage, cry, gloat, etc.
I used all my DGB to buy 1000 more SIGT. Shiiieeeet
My chart claims I have more money for some fucking stupid reason.
I'll be adding $1800 (or $900...) once the BTCe refunding begins.
Posted a screenshot of a screenshot lol
Interested to see where DNT goes
I'm wagecucking, so I'm saving muh battery.
Looking to add NEO and Gas soon
Off-screen is just half a BTC worth of HUSH.
Masterrace reporting in
I could sit on these exact coins and by 2018 its $10,000
Fudders btfo I am 100% confident in my choices
Fuck diversity
Chart added so that you don't bully.
Dark blue is current holdings, light blue is progress discounting further investments.
Red line is what happens if I just kept BTC and ETH.
haha holy shit i think i remember you from another thread user
you really didnt just cash out on the recent rialto pump?
you should have buddy, thats the best it will ever get
That's pretty stupid.
Not stupid, just gambling
MEH, dont know what to do. Advice?
You should buy a few XMR
Theres really no reason not to, with the dark net markets being taken down recently and new ones about to rise up.
XMR will rule the drug world, its worth well over 100$
Why do you say that user? Conservative estimate for the first month is 100btc profit according to team, assuming 20% discount rate, 20% growth rate and 5% after. According to Warren Buffets intrinsic value formula its fair price is $3.50. That's 10x the current price. And I'm not even taking into account single point of access, trading bot, dividends earned when holding and the fact they are limiting the funds and trading pairs they use at first
Are you me?
*they use in the first month
How am I doing?
Trade BTC for IOTA. thank me in 5 years.
Finally back in profit. I bought in June.
will ICN ever more again
Perfect user. I would trade XMR (solid coin ) for iota for maximum long term gains. . 10$ end of year
Give me your worst