I've been reading Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It's very inspiring. His philosophy is very appealing to me. However, I'm a Christian. Can someone accept a good portion of Nietzsche's philosophy and still be Christian?
Can one be virtuous for the sake of virtue and still believe in God? Can someone be loving and merciful and still aspire to be the superman?
Jace Davis
Nietzsche's emphasis on heroic self-overcoming is obviously absent in the gospels. Nietzsche prized the classical ideal of inner strength and greatness of soul, souls so great they overcome even their own moral injunctions against evil
Nietzsche celebrates becoming, while Christ is the path to transcending it. But honestly? Christ is the Self, the "unknown lord" Zarathustra talks about early in the work, and Nietzsche himself admired Christ, just not his followers.
As Evola says, Nietzsche is about "living more", and Christ is about what is "more than life"
Just different paths, different "flavors"of essentially one thing: the human being going beyond himself, and really isn't Christ being able to endure the sufferings that he did, the injustice of his fate, the supreme example of amor fati?
Colton Turner
Nietzsche's philosophy is built around the rejection of a paternal deity in favor of accepting responsibility for one's own life and self-discovery.
If God exists than man is in a state of subservience to a higher force which his spiritual growth can solely be derived from. This blatantly undercuts the philosophy of the Ubermensch.
Daniel Harris
No, the superhuman is he who builds his own ideas rather than accepting the ones built already.
Joshua Brooks
Nietzsche's whole philosophy can essentially be boiled down to a teenager moving through the Trickster architypical stage -- radical skepticism of all the values and morals and teachings held traditionally by the family/culture.
This need only be a stage in every person's life, a testing by fire of the values handed down to every person so that the individual chooses to adopt the value through his own volition, rather than by default, which is all Nietzsche's Superman really does.
If you have seriously and truthfully to yourself examined your morals and values, and find them in conformity with an already established system, then Nietzsche would not have you destroy that system, simply for the sake of destroying it.
Jacob Foster
Yet another one who wants to be the Ubermensch. No you can´t. Nietzsche´s plan for it was like kill all the weak, then let the best people (in his opinion not yours) breed so that the homo superior can finally live and rule the world. A christfag would never kill or just let die a retarded person because
>Thou shalt not kill.
Hunter Sanders
You clearly don't know what you are talking about. The superhuman are to elevate humanity, since they would be the best of the best.
Elijah Perez
>going into nietzschean self-examination with the express goal of coming back out a christfag
You're not becoming an ubermensch, you're just stamping "Nietzsche approved!" onto your pathetic slave ideology because you can't handle the thought of losing it.
Joshua Turner
Nietzsche only clashes with Christianity in the mind of Dirty Dualists and general brainlets. t. Letzter Mensch
Angel Thomas
t. someone who hasn't read the antichrist
Elijah Wood
I have, I simply understood it. You did not.
Angel Rodriguez
>my personal understanding of nietzsche's writings which are in direct opposition to how everyone else understands him are correct k
James Nguyen
>everybody is right t. Letzter Mensch
Lincoln Perez
I didn't say everyone else was right. It just seems more likely that you are wrong considering that you are some random person on Veeky Forums with an opinion on one of the most widely discussed philosophers that is not widely shared at all
Christian Powell
>more likely You are absolutely swimming.
Jack Ross
its becoming more and more likely the longer you withhold any of your explanation for why you hold your exclusively personal understanding of his writings
Carson Taylor
Gabriel King
we've just ascended probability. it is now 100 percent certain that you are wrong
Evan Ross
Neitszche's message was to live life meaningfully and to the full, to make a difference, to be ruled only by one's own will.
John Brown
Ascendant, as opposed to decadent?
Jaxson Peterson
I hate posting here so you are gonna appreciate this shit. I read this guy for 6 years now, all books up and down.
The whole concept of being christian aka caring about sinning, repenting, begging on your knees, is essentially what Nietzsche does not want for us.
Remember the part with the donkey? If you are not willing to bear the weight to your certain end, while sill demanding for your own benefits, you cannot comprehend the way he took with his works. If you a r e willing, you cannot comprehend the way of christianity.
They are essentially different.
Justin Johnson
You didn´t read him, at least not all of him.
>Sag zum Schwachen er soll zugrunde gehen, damit der Übermensch leben kann. >Say to the weak that they should perish, so the homo superior can live.
It´s also possible that you have read a shitty translation of him.
Camden Turner
Logan Martin
Christianity is inconsistent in itself. Actually any belief demands arrest of reason. So you shouldn't have a problem to ad whatever you feel like. Couple of prayers later you'll be allright.
Blake Howard
> I read this guy for 6 years now, all books up and down.
That´s just it, he wanted that philologists read his books, not just one book but all of them. I recommend reading the stuff that came up after his death too, and if you can in german, because translation is sometimes shitty.
Justin Hughes
>Can one be virtuous for the sake of virtue and still believe in God? What else would God want you to be virtuous for? >Can someone be loving and merciful and still aspire to be the superman? The strong have nothing to fear so they have no reason not to be loving and merciful.
Eli Kelly
>I'm not saying A, I'm just heaviliy implying it and using said implication as a functional argument Holy shit imagine being this much of a little bitch.
Juan Phillips
Most fedora tier comment I've read in a while
Jackson Peterson
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>caring what Nietzsche wants You were doomed from the start. How? Starting from the point, 'one must do as Nietzsche wanted with his groundworks' is absolutely an affront to Nietzsche.