Don't miss the DNT rocket. More districts are coming soon get onboard while you still can.
Don't miss the DNT rocket. More districts are coming soon get onboard while you still can
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Veeky Forums will be buying this at $0.10
>inb4 D0x Marines when retards buy ATH
>buying a coin that is already up 45%
said everyone ever about the early days of any moon mission
Nah just wait till it's 80% then buy like a good goy, if you're using percentage for an indicator you are overwhelmingly small minded and should avoid trading all together, let the big boys buy low and dump on you plebs like clockwork.
you don't seriously think this shitcoin will go up 80% today? fuck I'm dealing with literal retards here
I got on board at 570 sats
40% + 30% = 80%
Highly likely given two of my most successful indicators, sentiment and looming fundamentals.
reminder that the success or failure of district0x literally has no tangible impact on DNT tokens.
Anyone who buys DNT token literally has no idea what the fuck they are buying.
Reminder crypto markets are largely irrational, so shut the fuck up and buy low and sell high.
delete this op
we are the d0xmarines
what does this shitcoin do, whats its use/future use?
I can't believe I got on my first mission lol. Thanks biz, dumped 1 BTC into this shitcoin. Hope it doubles or triples (it will)
It goes up in value what is this your first week to crypto?
Everyone look at this guy and laugh for asking stupid questions.
Nobody here knows. They're just speculating its price might go higher for no reason, then it dumps back down and end up crying for wasting their money on a gamble.
Probably about the easiest $6600 you're about to make in your life, don't let pajeet FUD you out of your future lambo.
I bet you're a no coiner or only have pennies in coins, because you sound like a bitch. The technology is weak sauce compared to the surrounding sentiment/hype, you base your indicators off pleb stocks and that's why you scratch your head when shitcoins pump regardless of your investment standard.
Market irrationality motherfucker, stop playing Warren Buffet in Cryptoland sperglord.
Same, moon bro. Saw someone on a r/cryptocurrency thread mention this token a few days ago. Researched it and liked what i saw. Very bullish on it now. May turn it into a long hodl
God bless you user, we're gonna make it.
The team is very professional, to the point where their professionalism is jeopardizing chances of Bittrex, but none the less, we're gonna make it Veeky Forums bros.
omfg i cant handle this shit. Every coin thats a real shit coin has marines, im out.
>spotted the weak minded pleb
out out out
what's the district0x discord?
curious about this as well. its also 1100 sats now, that seems a bit hot. too late to get in?
it hit 50k sats when it was listed on bittrex. if you get in now, it's a guaranteed 5x.
We are the ddos marines
>mfw I'm the one who started shilling this days ago
>mfw only today Veeky Forums is totally shilling it
>mfw there people who think its a bit too high right now
>mfw I can come and show them that Iconomi invested 3,000 ETH into District0x:
All you have to do is trust Veeky Forums anons. It's not that hard.
they have only slack. go to their site
Got 100k of these sex tokens, gonna buy me so much coke and whores feels good man.
Should I buy this in ETH or BTC on ? Pls answer asap
Dogecoin would be better
Shit this is big. Wall street is in it. We are out of the smart money stage and entering the institutional stage.
which exchange is this on
etherdelta and liqui
this, the price will plummet in the night as the buyers go to sleep