Who else saw a 700BTC sell wall for a second?

Some fucking whale flashed his 700btc sell wall on neo at 880k. Thats just fucking ridiculous.

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yeah I saw that lol
>dat wall

I don't feel like doing the math right now but thats over 2M+ easily

I feel nauseous,I thought the whales gave up,but we fell right into their trap

Whales cannot succesfully manipulate a coin with a volume this big

Read up.


who the fuck are these people?

Hedge fund kids?

well I am glad whales are accumulating, so can I.

i dont care what price it reaches, anyone who hasnt taken something back out of this by now deserves their greedy death

they're going to dump on us all at once


>you deserve death if you invest in something

You know who it is

It was probably yunbi. Those cunts are the real whales engaging in massive arbitrage. They're using ANS purchased by clients on their exchange to gamble on bittrex by deliberately delaying execution of ANS withdrawal orders.

There's a reason they flashed that wall. They want to make people afraid. Prepare for a dump yes, but don't fucking sell. We're at a point where that shit could rebound in seconds.

The whales are going to shake off the weak hands and get their Neo cheap. You don't want to be part of that.

>sold 200 ants at 360k waiting for a dip

time to dump

Sold 200 neo for 600k yesterday.
It was supposed to bounce off the ceiling, but no, it broke straight through... Thanks TA, you're shit...

Waiting for the dip to buy back....


Volume is basically 100mil 700btc aint shit

Nigger please.

Someone flashing a sell order worth 700btc long enough is going to cause a fuck load of cancelled buy orders. It takes relatively very little to scare the herd.

I mean it takes long enough to get through 100btc sell wall sometimes never mind 700.


It's a psychological tool. They don't actually intend to follow through, it's to spook the market in whatever way they desire.

I just bought in guys. Given my track record it's going to crash now. Just you wait.

No it won't. Youre pretty set for double gains within a few weeks

no, you will do good, this is long term hold

lets see October, i bet NEO is top 5 coin

45$/NEO by tomorrow

Are there any more conferences coming up? We could see it hit 50$ if there are


lol same, bought at ATH for the first time ever, im fcked..

this isnt conference related this price increasing

this is fundaments, NEO is very good project and grow potential is huge.

And NEO is comfy for itse owners, if you have NEO and NEO wallet, more you have NEOs, more you are creating GAS for free, so its free money NEO owners

>FUDing this hard

When you guys learn, TA for crypto is nothing more than memes. Those guys that swear that it works were just lucky. Crypto is completly random, Neo can go to 200$ tomorrow or can crash to 1$

Crashing already

that's how I feel but I've lost 29% of my investment into crypto so what do I know

Nope, its establishing a new floor

Japan meeting over.
Expect a heavy dip soon and for it to land back around $15.

Yeah this was it. 4 days of news pumped it, now it's dump time.

I wouldn't mind if most of the people posting about NEO right now on Veeky Forums got raped in the ass by a barbed wire bat to death to be honest.

Bought at 8$, think it's going down to 22-23 at least before stabilising so gonna buy back then.

Everyone who thinks that this coin will go below 25 are delusional

Don't be a pussy. Fucking hold. That's all I've ever done in crypto and I've made money. The few times I've tried to day trade, I've been stuck holding bags.

Also, if this is supposedly an ethereum competitor, compare the two prices... Eth $300+... Neo $22. Plus this has some big improvements over eth. The fact that you can develop with any language is a big deal. Eth is just a little further along in their implementation. As/if neo drops new functional pieces, the price will keep jumping. Shit takes time and crypto swings.

I bought in at first ath of 480k. With buying dipsand a few lucky day trades, I got my unit cost down to 250k. 650 units total.

equating the price per token means you know absolutely fucking nothing

Anyone who thinks it's not hasn't been in crypto long enough to know what they're talking about.

Why is that? Not that poster but I want to get educated on neo.

Yeah I know absolutely nothing. Don't listen to me as you post from your laptop in your dorm room

Ethereum has a virtual machine as well, it's baffling to me they don't have a well typed language being teanslatable to Ethereum code yet

The supply is similar.
The CEO of NEO even hangs out with Vitalik

Someone post the legs snapshot

you're right. NEO should be worth more than ETH based on available supply :)

Arent you the dude who bought that from a friend?

What do u guys think are the chances of NEO correcting to $20 on "cashout" Friday!?

> Wishing a horrible death on people discussing a crypto currency on the crypto containment board.

only very few retards will be "cashing out" at this level

was there a cashout last Friday?

That's me.

I don't know but that's the overall market trend on Wallstreet and in crypto ppl are cashing out on Fridays, and neo made a lot of ppl significant gains , I got in at $6, OMG looks like it will moon so I'm taking profit from neo and getting in on next dip

so you basically just want people to sell their NEOs. OMG is shit compared to NEO. stop telling people to buy it

Former Silk road drug dealers

Kekked It's far from shit and has 19 markets compared to NEOs 7. Better team as well.


There was no downtrend last Friday and weekend, sure as hell will be this weekend

oh no. a dip to 750k?? the horror :(

>being advised by Vitalik
>New Blockchain announced yesterday
>Used by a chinese transaction company
>Used by the Thai Ministry of Finance
Moon tickets are running out.

will fall below that

Not telling ppl anything just saying how I'll make money

>tfw bought at 830pricek sats

FUCK I knew it was fucking retarded to buy at this price.

I don't understand, why you would buy so high?

Everytime you buy at an ATH you are making someone else rich.

You better hope people don't cash out this weekend

If everyone cashes out wont OMG dip too?

no it was not retardet, you are good

Hope so, i did the same lol

wtf i love black girls now


Next floor is about 600k


Nice picture taken at the dealership

Sold everything at 28$
See u back on the dip tomorrow


$30 right now. 2 hours later. It increased $1/hour.
Weak hands BTFO.

Won't be surprised if it reaches close to 40$ but belive in dip tmmrw
Ppl cashing out

Can I get a quick rundown?

>tfw took out profit too soon after I tripled my investment
At least I still have 60ants marching

That was me, just testing something.

- Merk

what is it like missing the boat yet again?

is this all your despair can muster?