What was the true religion of peace in history?

What was the true religion of peace in history?

Islam of course if you disagree your a fuck bigot.

none, the prophets themselves may have been pure but every religion has been exploited by the ambitious to allow them to do terrible things



>Created specifically to fight muslims

Even the fucking Buddhists aren't against fighting Moslems.
It's not wrong to fight for your life.

There can never be a truly peaceful religion as long as there are humans who followed it, as war is in our nature. The only way to do that is probably to exterminate humans and replace them with robots. Then again, if robots are our successors, then surely they would inherit our warlike nature in some ways or another.

Nature is a horrible bitch who only rewards the ruthless.
The Cathars were right, the world was made by Satan.

You need to realize that peace is not something that occurs naturally, nowhere in nature is there peace of any kind, it is something that needs to be defended and enforced with actual physical conviction. A religion with no means of exerting force ought not be considered a "religion of peace" because it lacks the ability to actually enforce peace. Rather, whichever religion best facilitates a reasonable use of force such that peace can be maintained ought to be considered the "religion of peace". I don't exactly know which religion should hold that honour.


As a radical Jainist I verbally castigate myself daily for the millions of bacteria I destroy when I exhale.
I'm even upset about the electrons I inconvenienced just sending this message.


Why don't you just kill yourself? I guess it would result in millions of cells dying, but you'd give vital sustenance to maggots and fungi whose spores and eggs would otherwise die without the presence of your corpse.

I'm not disagreeing with you i'm just saying it doesn't fit the definitions.

They value the peace that exists when not ruled over by the Religion of Peace

That's a tad harsh if you're having a bad day I hope it gets better


Buddhists aren't meant to care about their life, they are meant to let go of it

>le buddhists even hate the muslims lmao

I bet you think all buddhists are like your hippie first world buddhist that you have met.


I was thinking more of Myanmar. Also, if I ever met a Christian calling himself Buddhist, I'd probably not be his friend

Take your pedophile cartoons back to

go back to facebook you fucking normie

Liking anime automatically makes you a turbo-normie

>he said on anime site

Anime makes you a degenerate

The most persecuted religion.