Would he have won the war if it was a True Realistic like George said it was?

Would he have won the war if it was a True Realistic like George said it was?

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>tfw GoT will be used as history books in future history classes



It was a joke

>Would he have won the war if it was a True Realistic like George said it was?
No, because Westeros need Daenerys Stormborn she is clearly more compassionate and understanding of her subjects than Stannis. Her liberation of the slaves is pretty admirable, and unlike Stannis, she can make compromises with people. It's quite impressive that she was able to take three prominent cities in Slaver's Bay despite being a foreign teenager. Like Stannis, she can also dispense harsh justice to wrongdoers such as her crucifixion of the Grand Masters and has a notion of right and wrong.

He's a brilliant tactician but shit at diplomacy,intrigue and most importantly strategy. The Lannisters kept dominating the world because they didn't rely entirely on tactics and one single small army, they had alliances all over the place, important people in their pocket. Unlike the Starks they knew what the goal of the war was, and unlike Stannis they knew how to get there.

No he shouldn't have even started. Renly would have BTFO him and everyone else and gay peace would reign (after Stannis and Cersei's kids are killed)

Except she's batshit insane, due to GRRM being incapable of writing a female character that isn't.

By Targ standards she's not that bad
Besides Jon Snu is GRRM's pick for endgame ruler so this is all moot

Sansa isn't crazy

>Sansa isn't crazy
She pretty much is

he's dead jim

Gilly's alright despite being the second most inbred person in the story
and Missandei might actually be the smartest woman
Every othe non crazy woman is either a warrior woman or dead.

Come to think of it there aren't to many characters left male or female who aren't insane or have gone through some PTSD inducing situation.

Melisandra isn't insane or having ptsd.

I mean she's not insane but she also isn't sane also.

Without any proof of Joffrey's illegitimacy or popular/lordly support, no he wouldn't have won.

It's by design. GRRM is very anti war and he lives for writing stories that subvert people's expectations. Dany is the perfect embodiment of the road to hell being paved with good intentions, and no no villain ever sees themselves as the bad guy. She'll end up being revealed as the villain and everyone who was expecting her to be the hero (because she thinks she is) will be shocked; her violent insanity will also be seen for what it is.

If GRRM goes through with it, it'll be one of the greatest plot twists in modern fiction, and it'll seriously fuck with the normie's heads.

Wont happen he's getting too many feminist dollars for le epic woman leader trope.

If by some miracle he does the series will completely ignore it and make her the great queen anyway. Hell if dnd end it any other way Clarke might even walk with how big her ego got.

Maybe he'll end up wussing out in the end, but it's pretty easy to see how GRRM hasn't exactly made her out to be a virtuous character. She's a powerhungry conqueror who has committed mass acts of violence, rules through threat of force, and wants to wage war an entire continent because she feels entitled to it.

This is an author who was a conscientious objector in Vietnam and was known for writing stories with anti-war themes before HBO decided to produce an adaptation of his book series. That's not a character he would write as a protagonist.

Fucking this. A woman needs tl be put in charge. Men had destroyed the land for far too long

She's literally just Alexander the Great with tits.

eh? The Starks and baratheons (especially baratheons) had alliances alot too.

I thought renly was just going to take the kids as hostages and maybe kill cersei and possibly Joff depending on the siuation (though I imagine Joff would probably end up being too problematic to let live).

>unlike Stannis, she can make compromises with people
>*kills everyone above 12 years old*

what does this have to do with Veeky Forums

All Stannis needs to do is Give the Florents Reach. They have a better claim than the Tyrells

>Giving the Florents anything ever
This is why Stannis lost Blackwater, this is why the Blackfyres failed, Florents are always on the losing side, they're the kiss of death

And yet they stayed loyal to Stannis

That isn't a good thing

I meant more in terms of what Robert did earlier to secure his throne, to compare him with the Lannisters in terms of understanding importance of alliances. I guess Renly was the one following in that though while stannis was making his own (politically illiterate) way. Starks also saw the importance of alliances , they just got btfo cause muh honor.