While I believe in NEO I don't think it can maintain this steep climb.
When do you NEObros think this will dip?
>only have 11
>not enough
>need more
While I believe in NEO I don't think it can maintain this steep climb.
When do you NEObros think this will dip?
>only have 11
>not enough
>need more
Other urls found in this thread:
It just keeps going up dip after dip
Volume keeps increasing
Will it overtake LTC soon?
It's going up.
Why I believe you're retarded
Da Hongfei was just live on youtube 20 minutes ago and said that they went to Japan because they were invited by Nomura Securities one of the largest investment banks in japan.
He also announced that 2 Japanese exchanges will be adding Neo.
This shit isn't done yet and will blow up again in the next 24 hours after the ama and more news comes out.
Probably climb until tomorrow or Saturday. It'll drop sometime during the weekend though but for now you might as well buy in and set some stop losses up
you're generous to them user
Its literally about to moon again
1million sats at time of this posting. screencap
Thank you for your wisdom, crypto sage.
Where is DNT going? If it is near a dip as well I might be better off moving those gains into NEO?
No idea about dnt, but to add to neo and japan they are also meeting with the FSA to get their certificate for corporate governance code allowing Japanese icos and banks to utilize the blockchain
Where is this price going? Is buying at 35$ not insane?
I just bought more at the dip, expecting some good action in the next 24 hours after the meetings happen and info spills in the AMA and it spreads everywhere on social media.
My personal bet is ~$50 at peak
Not to be rude but can you screencap the buy? There have been false shills like no other lately and I haven't seen much personal proof.
ita still gonna go up but 35 is really high. time to jump on the nexy moon coin like omg
you in it at all or are you just gonna meme at me, cutie?
the gains are real
The news isn't done though so I'm not selling at least til it is then i'll rebuy back in at a decent price after fucking with another coin for a day or 2
that thumbnail is so small I thought i forgot to upload the pic
>if it climbs too high, it must come down substantially to offset it
I'm expecting it to go flat for a while inbetween periods of growth with the occasional big dip. See btc/usd 1 year chart.
i got like 1k coins bought when it was 3 and its still at 6
when is the initial inflow of news going to halt?
>The news isn't done though
But it is. All they're doing now is meetups, no actual conferences
Assuming it reaches a market cap similar to eth it's going to somewhere between $500 - $800. If it manages widespread commercial adoption they should be worth much more than eth since they are more like shares. 100 billion is possible for successful tech companies putting neo well over $3000.
are u going to buy more?
They will have a bunch of news to talk about when it comes to meeting with Nomura and the FSA to get their corporate governance certificate for Japan. It will come out in the ama and spread to social media. There will be 1 more pump before a correction/dip.
I would bet my balls on it
missed the most recent dip to .01. anything close before the next mission?
I buy at every half decent/big dip whenever I have disposable income. I am going long term triple digits though
only if btc drops, otherwise i just hodl
on that fuckin subject where is btc going? 600 dollar rise in less than a week, that's sum shit, mang.
new blood from news hype
what news
I feel like I'm going to sleep through a fat dip that'll cost me shekels, what price is it going to?
They're going to buy more and drive the price higher. He's being generous to all of us
Could dip, but not quite yet. New money and a bull market is making for easy gainz
is .01 the new floor? should I set a buy order and wake up tomorrow to gains?
You should go all in at .01, this going to $90 by Friday.
should I be touching OMG at all in the meantime?
>mfw people speculate NEO being worth this much
how can anyone know that lol
NEO up to 3000 usd?
Let's make it 30000 usd
Conservatively it's going to what half of what ETH's cap is. which is 14b.
easily $280/NEO
>neo moons
>want to buy more
>wait for dip
>busy wage cucking at work, miss the dip
>price is higher than before
you'd be stupid not to put some cash in there. Lots of room to grow over the next day, week, month
will there be another dip? or will it not really matter if i buy in at $36 or $30usd
Just about to buy $300 more, new floor for now seems established and the japan news is spreading.
there might be dips, but its almost positively going to hit triple digits this year
you can wait and wait but who the fuck knows if there will be a dip. what you do know is if you buy and hold for a small amount of time you will make gains
What was it about Microsoft getting behind this or was it a stupid troll?
this is better real news right now.
Damn I have 4 eth holed up in cuckbase till tueday, was able to max out my 200 CC limit to get .6 eth.
Holy shit, Nomura is huge.
If they find potential in this, I feel like this is a done deal.
it is expanding too fast, it'll dip back around 20, probably like 22 and then be up to 40 in no time
coinbase is fucking my eth send right now. 35 confirmations nothing yet in bittrex.
I need more asapppp
took 2 hours for them to generate an address for me baka
You just memed my might, user.
Thank you.
Post neo address. I'll take the hit of the transfer fee
Don't even worry about it fellow user, I'm hodling 1500 and it would be greedy of me. Can't bring on bad juju in this time of moon
Would now be a good time to get into crypto? I never got into it in the bast since it was pretty much the wild west for a while with the hacking. Which is the best place to use for a wallet and exchange or even to learn a full understanding?
I have an okay understanding, or any links y'all can recommend?
call in sick next time you know for sure something like this is going to happen.
i have a feeling it's going to crash hard
I know right. You no neo faggots lost. Get over it. Go find a different moon mission, because you ain't getting on this one.
And a gentleman. My my. You impress me user
>not day trading from your job
stay poor senpai
Those piece of shit subhuman gooks over at Binance literally do not want to release my bitcoin. Its only 0.01 but still, wtf.
Start with coinbase to buy some bitcoins. When you get some, get an account with bittrex so you can lose most of them at the exchange. After you do that, you'll be ready to try again and make some money.
>using bittrex
Quality contribution user
No crying till the ending.
>mfw i am day trading NEO
>successful trading is an intelligence test
>seeing patterns
>TA is real
Also, don't expect any of this to be instant. For instance, with verifying my CC, having to call my bank to unblock my CC, bittrex ETH wallet broken for 2 hours, and a load of other horseshit as I tried to go through other exchanges.
It will take time :)
I am still waiting on 1.5k in eth to arrive on tuesday, I bought it when it was 230ish ffs.
mfw i sold neo back when it was antshares because i wasn't making much money on it and called it anusshares
Dont use coinbase, they are going to be Mt. Gox 2.0
Sign up for Gemini NOW because verification takes like 2 weeks.
For BTC wallet just use electrum wallet
For exchanges:
>USD to BTC = Gemini
>BTC to altcoins = Bittrex
Dont go to poloniex, they have been slowly pruning shit from their website, most of their wallets are """""""under maintenance""""""""", and they are slow as fuck
What wallet would you recommend for altcoin?
More on coinbase being mt.gox?!
You will not survive newfriend
Now the Ants became NEO and came into your anus.
dubs beat my trips
Can't buy neo on bitfinex. Why not bittrex?
Patterns? do share with a brainlet