Any TRUE Pagans still out there?

>"I'm a Pagan."
>"Oh, that's nice. You dig the whole oneness with nature thing, or-"
>"I'm assembling an army to reconquer Gaul."

Other urls found in this thread:

Hindus and Zoroastrians are, technically speaking, pagans.

>still being a shirkfag

Pagan, infidel, goyim, gentile


Define pagan

That has to do with race, not religion.


Either way they're just meant as insults to their enemies.

Goyim is sometimes used as an insult but it pretty much just means "nation" originally and "non-jew" in modern usage.

Goyim can become Jews.

It's just a way of saying "non-Jew", not an insult.

Yeah, just like Pagan is a way of saying non-Christian. Or infidel non-Muslim.

I worship my ancestors and I'm fairly certain my religions considered to be paganism.

Christianity itself is merely Semitic paganism.

I'm pretty sure you'll find the right word if you discard reading the English Wikipedia. Asatru for example, which just means Asa Believer.

there are something like 800M Hindus

>american education
Infidel is the name you use if you speak english and want to be rude, regardless of your religion.

>Goyim can become Jews.
Not true.

I think he meant kuffar.

Yeah that, thanks Muslim guy.

Literally anyone can convert.

I know a Jewish convert
I'm fairly /pol/ but please don't shitpost when you don't know the facts

>reform judaism
Doesn't even count. Also you sound like a cuck.

A male can become a Jew if he cuts off his foreskin and impregnates a Jewish girl.

Nope, his children will become jews. Not him.

China and Japan are full of them. There's also those Finnish pagans on the Russian/Finnish border. They sacrificed horses to the god of winter to stop Napoleon.

There are conversions in all forms of Judaism, including the Orthodox.


Pagan just means 'dipshit from the sticks', it's where aussies get the word 'bogan', with the same meaning.

I'm pagan, not in the whole "Belief in the mythical gods" way, but more on a structural level, kind of like how Japanese still identify as "Shintoists" even while being irreligious, that they maintain it as WHO they are.

In the same way, I'm trying to maintain a level of connection with the general pagan ideas of the past. I don't find a lot of modern pagans who actually look to the structure of paganism itself; they like to glorify it instead.

I believe in some unwritten tenets that are common themes among the pagan religions.
>There are three divine dimensions in the universe; the dimension of the soul, the dimension of physics, and the dimension of society.
>Physical laws aren't moral or just; they simply exist as a platform and stage for the souls that inhabit.
>The souls aren't moral or just; they exist as the gods intended, to be inhabitants of the physical realm.
>Society is the moral standard; it follows the souls which comprise it; those souls live according to the physical laws around them
>The root of evil is the falling away of souls from society (and their relationship with nature).

>>"I'm a Pagan."
>>"Oh, that's nice. You dig the whole oneness with nature thing, or-"
>>"I'm assembling an army to reconquer Gaul."

I'm technically a God-King.

So one can MAKE Jews but no be one?

Naw, he's a jew. Even the most rabid of ultra-orthodox will allow converts. You might not feel especially welcome at first, because they will be mad suspicious of why you want to join their shitty lifestyle, but if you read the books and get your bris you're a jew.

I get my sense of "spirituality" from observing the order of the cosmos and natural law. It's almost like it's logos so to speak. I live my life by the natural Rythms of the year I.e solstice and equinoxes. Winter is a time for reflection and death, spring is the time for starting new endeavours and watching nature being reborn. I find solace in the fact that it has been like that for millennia and will probably continue to be so for many more. As above so below etc

I don't LARP or seek out other like minded people and set aside the equinox and solstice as times for self reflection. I also do t tell people my beliefs IRL because it sounds pretentious but I guess I would most likely be considered pagan or possibly Neoplatonist. Fuck knows, it works for me.

Just to clarify some misunderstandings here.
Pagan comes from paganus, the Latin for villager. Rural places were usually assimilated into christianity later than big cities and towns etc.

In German too, Heidnisch (pagan) comes from the word for the moors of the countryside. I personally prefer (Insert culture) polytheism. E.g Hellenic polytheism or Germanic polytheism it's a little more accurate in a sense but it does lose the nature connection of pagan etc and doesn't take into consideration that many gods were personifications of abstract concepts/ancestor worship.

Interdasting. Have you checked out the Unitarian Universalist Church? They'd love to hear about this shit.