How did some fish and snow niggers become so dominant in europe

how did some fish and snow niggers become so dominant in europe

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Because we are elves

They managed to take over the Roman lands and with them the Roman institutions and technology, therefore gaining a great advantage over the rest of Europe, bar the Eastern Roman Empire.

>1 AD
>In Gaul


what's a fish nigger?

Germans were healthier than the city dwellers. Only the early Romans were physically strong, as they were still mostly agrarian in lifestyle. City life makes people weak, the Germans ate better, lived better, and fought better. This is the same discussion with nomads from the steppes.

When were they ever dominant in Europe?
Germany for a couple of years after France had a military coup and surrendered during WW2 I guess?

Germanics =/= Germans

Almost all European Nations west of the Oder river are based on some Germanic Kingdom.

And none of them were dominant in Europe at any point of time.

>England, later UK

>Spain, France, Italy and the British Empire are all germans
>Germany was ever dominant

>what are Visigoths?
>what are Franks?
>what are Langobards?
>what are Anglo-Saxons?
>what are the Habsburgs?
>what happened from 1871-1918?

>every time a g*rman shit out a child in a vague geographical area, every nation that inhabits the land afterwards is considered german


what the fuck is your issue with Germans?

My issue is claiming every successful people are germans.
Its like the Veeky Forums version of a certain other board claiming every civilization was actually white.

Nobody was claiming that apart from that one post nobody replied to and you. He wrote Germanic and he didn't write that all countries in Western Europe remained such.

You don't have to hate on Germans just because some /pol/ idiots upset you.
Besides, I do know these countries I talked about were also inhabited by Celts and Romans, but claiming for example that England isn't largely Germanic (which I think you mix up with Germans) is untrue.

Of course these ethnicities mixed up in the following centuries and most Western European Nations today can't be called solely Germanic/Celt/Latin

So basically Germanic peoples from Scandinavia and Pomerania as well as germany proper spread all over Europe and said
>this our kingdom nao
And were eventually assimilated into the culture?

It's not like the Gallo-Romans or Celtiberians just disappeared, did the Germanics just screw them to make the modern French and Spanish? Or are they genetically not very germanic at all

yes, basically that's what happened. When they invaded the territories of the former Roman Empire they could establish themselves as rulers because the local population didn't rule since the time they were first conquered by Rome. However, the Germanic tribes didn't just raid these regions, they went there with their entire tribe, hence the term Migration Period.
Genetically they eventually mixed with the local population, but culturally their influence was greater (due to the fact that they formed the ruling kings & nobility).
Besides, southern Germany was once populated by celts, too and saw the same thing happening earlier.

Celts are the germans now?

Modern European nations are comprised of Celtic, German, Latin and probably a lot other influences. Some modern peoples have more influence of some ancient group than other modern peoples, but you can't say that x European people is only x ancient people.

You don't know how to read maps do you?

Anglo-Saxons didn't have that much of an impact on the genetic picture of the British Isles, they just spread their language among the native population desu




superior genetics and culture





>t. Varg

this tbqh

Germans were pretty much Europe's case of the Mexicans, motherfuckers bred like rabbits, fought like maniacs and spread all over the damn place. Did they contribute to the destruction of Rome and fuck up Europe with their autism for years to come? Yea but they've also done some pretty neat shit, unfortunately the biggest threat to Germans are the Germans themselves. From what I've read, they always fall *just* short of becoming a Rome tier civilization, its like there's something holding them back every time.

>inb4 da jOoS

Maybe it could be that Germans aren't all that

I'm amazed you visit a history board when you can't even differentiate between Germanics and Germans.


I'm the antithesis of Varg. I'm the Breton Cambro Norman, and usually say that Turkic peoples influenced the migration period in Western Europe.

Welsh are elves, English are humans, and Scots are dwarves. These are facts.

Nope, the great cities that were overrun by the Barbarians are the Dwarf cities.

They are Scandinavo-Slavic

They are Lugians aka Celto-Slavic

They are Sicambrians aka Celic

They are Scandinavians

An inbred dynasty

>>what happened from 1871-1918?
Extermination of the G*rms

>Germanics didn't exist y'know



>His source is wikipedia

Go on and show your sources

You can't even differnetiate between Germanics and Germans so you shoulden't talk down on someone using wikipedia.

>Wikipedia rightfully points out most white pride groups promote hate crimes and genocide while gay pride does not
>Stormcuck gets butthurt enough to make an infographic about it

Because they weren't black.

lol what, Swedes are elves, this is historical fact. I'm not talking about some PC game but of actual people descended from those called elves. Also Vanir or Æsir. Stop your petty cultural appropriation. You are NOT an elf.

>mfw I'm a fat elf

>Germanic (which I think you mix up with Germans)

white is literally a non-term used by mongrel americans

Swedes are Germanic but they aren't Germans you tard

Their language is heavily germanised tough

Not true.

You're a literal imbecile.

>all Germanics are German
>all Slavs are Russians
>all Latins are Spanish


You know our janitors are lazy when people like you have free reign.

not an argument

what about the french

Wow what a retard. You can't read.

Fortunately for you, being a mouthbreathing simpleton is not against any rules.


What the fuck is this image even trying to show? Either way R1b is by far the majority Y haplogroup in England and it's Celtic, not German