How do we get girls into cryptocurrency?
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like always
we will now invest in stuff / create stuff
and bitches will use this in 3+ years as is is most normal thing in the world, only that they never participated in it in the first place
>getting emotionally unstable people into a fast moving market with huge dips and spikes.
If they ever join, they won't last a week, and the strong hands are going to get doubly rich.
That image is story of my life.
>be friend with someone
>another friend appears
>he becomes friend with my friend and invites another firend
>suddenly I become all alone and forgotten
Shit has happened to me more than once. Worst thing is when they try to start conversation with you pretending they care about you, only to keep checking their phone while talking and giving half-assed lines. Fuck normalfags.
make a crypto that panders to women
the ultimate pump and dump for the pumped and dumped
like a makeup coin or something, tell them it will solve le wage gap and then milk them for all theyre worth
Pump n dump coins work because they appeal to greed and the desire to get rich quick / escape from their misery fast.
Doesn't work well for women as if they really wanna get rich, they just marry some wealthy guy. Literally that easy.
You were supposed to be making friends with the new people too.
We don't, girls ruin everything.
Get them in here
normie apps
why is this accepted in society? unless both are being socially retarded people at the same time and both with their heads into the phone, this is fucking rude.
women used to fall for makeup sales gigs and investment clubs, a fool and their money are easily parted and women are practically retarded.
obviously they see men getting into crypto and will want to ruin it
a crypto that panders to women will rake in money, its gonna need to be the easiest to operate coin ever, clear guides and videos to help get into it are needed.
if we want to get womyn into crypto, we have to go 100% shill mode and start actually scamming people. I would suggest we make sure all green and brown bros know the basics of what makes a good digital currency, before we really start getting dirty.
A feminist empowering crypto that will free women from the male dominated banking system
dev team needs to be women, jews, non whites, and if theres any males they need to be gay.
lets do this.
Okay, wait a minute. Y'know how there's more male traders than female traders but female traders perform better because they don't let their ego decide their trades?
What if we bring in the females and they get the doubly bags, mmh?
Unless Veeky Forums suddenly finds it cools and starts trading with its brain.
>pump and dump
These don't even exist. Name 5 coins that pumped and then died permanently.
You just partly described BNT.
>These don't even exist.
>but female traders perform better because they don't let their ego decide their trades?
Uhh, yeah no. Males have consistently been better traders
Nigger coin, AmericanCoin, Alphacoin, Onecoin, Realcoin.
On average female traders perform better, largely contributed to better risk management. Just read the research.
Majority for both females and males still loses money though.
How many times their original price did they go?
Girl, are you lazy? You got all the info you need to check that.
If you want a serious answer.
Tell them they shouldnt invest in crypto because theyre women, they'll come stampeding
we dont. havent they ruined enough of society already
They will kick us out of crypto, if we do that.
Tried convincing my friend to buy bitcoin on july 28th right before the boom, but his girlfriend shut him down because "her friend lost money investing in bonds" one time. Women will never make it in investing.
He's right. OP this is the answer to your question. Thread over.
Go to Bleutrade or Yoshit and just look at the bottom half of coins there for fuck's sake. They all fit your description.
>"her friend lost money investing in bonds"
kek what kind of stupid fucking retail investor is out there throwing his money into junk bonds?
>letting your girlfriend dictate your finances
I'm married and my wife knows that if I want to use our savings to buy ETH, I do it. This is also mostly because I work in finance so I've convinced her I'm some kind of guru investor and thus I should control our money. And to an extent, that's kind of true. And I give her finance tips all the time and explain ways to make money and jewish tricks that people fall for so she doesn't question it.
imagine the marketcap anons
females are shit with money so they would moon literally everything
on the other hand there would be a lot more whoring to recoup the losses
They would also panic sell much quicker, it won't all be roses.
>be dumb and buy a currency without knowing how it works
>get punished
oh wow
Why would women get into trading crypto and potentially lose money? It's much simpler to just marry a guy, let him get rich trading crypto and divorce him. Use your head, OP.
We're already here, ya knob.
lbry-like instagram where they can whore out their selfies for cyber shekels
Poswallet coin, made me lose tons of money desu
Pic related, I got my gf into crypto with Doge.