Why are Anglos so conservative?

Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom have had right wing governments and have consistently voted right for years with Canada being the sole exception

UK's conservatives would be considered leftists in the US.

So what? Relative to their scheme they still vote right wing anyways.

>New Zealand
>right wing governments for years
Are you delusional? Our governments have been either centre or centre left in recent times, and historically, well, do the terms "welfare state" and "trade unionist" ring any bells?

Britain is totally weighed down by a culture of welfare abuse at the very bottom and, no government seems willing to change it. Whenever anyone attempts to place even the most minor of constraints onto it, the left explodes with rage.

-t. Uneducated idiot in 2006.

>wants to dismantle welfare state

pick 1. the word you're looking for is "reactionary"

He's not wrong, Theresa May is Hillary Clinton.

No, not really

>right wing
Yeah mate, fuck the commies!
>*lets 1 million Chinese settle permanently and opens up the property market to foreign investment*
Ayy I'mma stop those boats aren't I based!?
>*meanwhile the planes are importing Sudanese future deep-space engineers and neurosurgeons by the tens-of-thousands*
Our culture's fuckin' sick!
>*Waleed Aly becomes most professionally respected man in Australian television*

And this still isn't as bad as the UK. This place has at least been taking in foreigners from the start. London was given over to Turks and Pakistanis without a fight and that was always British. What kind of right wing conservative would tolerate that? Even what passed for a far left socialist a few decades ago wouldn't approve. Orwell would die of shock and shame if he could see England today.

Liberal and Labour are the same, it's just different flavours of pink.

In regards to the UK, the conservatives of Edmund Burke come about from fear of the French revolution and the anarchy that followed. Basically for them gradual change is better for a nation than rapid change as it creates a stable government (which British people are obsessed with see FPTP) hence why we still have a monarchy and so on where as France is on their 5th republic.
I assume that other Anglo nations took these ideas from England when they founded their countries much like other cultural ideas.
In modern times though Conservatives are just the name of the party and their political values are far different and I would argue that the modern UK is not conservative but moderate (New Labour winning, Jeremy Corbyn being un electable despite going up against May who is like Clinton but somehow shitter) with the most centre of the two main parties winning.

Our refugee policy would be considered literally Hitler in Europe, our points based immigration policy is UKIPs policy.
Just shows how fucked Europe is that they haven't even managed this, yet.

This, but I disagree that the Tories are more centirst than Labour, their both centre right and left respectivly as of now. If any thing the probably drift farther right/left depening on how muy the Conservative rely on the DUP and how influential Corebyn's base gets.

London hasn't been english since the 18th century.

No one outside of Smellbourne respects Aly.

Most people in Melbourne hate Aly, that's why I specified 'professionally' respected. The Australian people despise him but the industry loves him.

Oh I'm not arguing one is more centrist than the other, I'm arguing that the most centrist party usually wins, the UK hates radical parties almost as much as they hate useless parties.
Labour did REALLY good under new labour because they were centrist but I think Corbyn will get slaughters in the next election if the conservatives get their shit together and have a likable middle ground candidate despite it going to be Bojo (who will get shat on for brexit) and therefore Labour actually having a chance despite being more radical left.

>right wing
good one. we're dead in the water. lefty infestation is too far gone

This thread is a good example of why, essentially the right infected racial fighting into politics, which meant that non elite classes would, instead of demanding their fair share of the wealth, would put their "race" ahead of those concerns.

Now I know that someone is going to say "the right infected racial politics, don't you mean the left??!". Firstly. the classical liberals and the left are generally asking for equality for everyone, and are against racism for obvious reasons. Saying "I don't think that someone should be treated as second class because of their ethnic ancestory or skin colour" is not infecting racial politics, it's simply justice.

What the right do is play off people against each other, pretending that it's a zero sum game. And the loud liberals sometimes called SJWs are part of this too. Most leftists would see them as part of the right too, or at the very least centrist authoritarians, because by making class just another facet of "intersectionality" or at worst ignoring class all together, they are essentailly doing the right's job for them and keeping wealth in the hands of the rich, while asking for a few token faces to get access to the table.

In short, the answer is propaganda


Of course in the USA many believe the democrats to be the "left party" when of course they are simply part of the neoliberal machine.

There's a reason why Obama's campaign manager was working for The UK conservatives this election. He would NEVER work for Corbyn's labour, who are rejecting neoliberalism and making the neolibs increasingly worried.