What went wrong?

What went wrong?

I thought France was cool

They lost Brazil to the portugese

instead of a transiberian railroad they should have built a transiberian canal


Not having glasnost from the start, and implementing perestroika

Having such a nationalistic culture that they care more about being tough on the world stage over being economically developed.

Also bothering keeping up on the arms race instead of just getting just enough nukes to deter invasion

Nothing went wrong, Russia is the largest and most powerful country in the world life is good, I am very jealous of russia


Keep Medieval Traditions when being closer to Europe

The former KGB and other high ups in the former USSR took advantage off the collapse to establish themselves as an oligarchic shadow government that crushes reformers (or anyone who even admits things are shitty) with violence and state propaganda, and is unwilling to make the necessary reforms to properly join the first world themselves.

>Literal frozen shithole over-run by savages
>managed to rise to become a superpower
>still a major power even today

Yeah, things sure went "wrong" for them!

And it's still always been a shitty place to live.

An AIDS-ridden hobo swinging a pistol around is powerful too. Doesn't mean he's having a good life.

We didn't full the Soviet government.
Govcapitalism is worse than anything.

full removed*
Also communism is a pure cancer for culture and people.

He wanted to know what went wrong though.

mongols didn't kill all of them

Decades of communism that they are only now beginning to recover from.

Russia before communism was a feudal shithole
Russia under communism was a space ecploring superpower
Russia after communism is a bydlo shitfest

I have a feeling that down the road there is going to be a decommunization of Russia. The CPRF isn't that popular among the youth of Russia. Russians aren't retarded, they know that the USSR brought back along with communism would fuck Russia over again. Blame the legacy of communism, the economic plunder in the 1990s and the painful transition from communism to free market capitalism as the problem. And corruption is another factor as well.

I really doubt it could have been any better except for the devastating transition from Communism to oligarchy. Russia has oil and timber and a metric gigaton of fuck all, empty non-arable space and the few people out there live in the Stone age

>space exploring superpower
yeah like India

India is advancing extremely rapidly desu. They just have a lot of catching up to do.


This was really good year.


>Wewuz wewuz Romans
>every leader just happens to be a violent despot
>west looks down on you
>east looks down on you
>lot of territory but most of it is jackshit in fertile land
>all your manufacturing goods are subpar
>politics are corrupt as hell

seriously Russia is god's joke to humanity


8 December of year 1991. Belavezha.
Some of CPSU party leaders, did look enough USA's lifestyle of capitalists, and did greedy, and wanted be capitalists themselves, and did it

Every reformist was killed by Jews.

Alexander II, the "Liberator", who freed the serfs and was planning a constitution for Russia, was killed by members of the heavily Jewish "Narodnaya Volya".

Pyotr Stolypin, the conservative minister who was implementing land reform policies to increase productivity and create a rural middle-class, was assassinated by Jewish Bolshevik Dmitry Bogrov.

shit genetics

In all 194 ethnics(nation) of Russian nation(multination) same time? It can't be.

why do people spout this shit? after 1890, Russia because industrializing rapidly. Russia was set to overtake the German Empire in industry in the 1920s if ww1 didn't happen.

there's huge amounts of people on the internet nowadays who try to propagate their cancerous ideologies. crediting socialism for industrializing the ussr and china is one of their favorite memes, but it was due in both countries regardless





underrated post

The real answer is NATO and the Harvard bandits.



Unironically this
People have high and mighty emotions about taking down governments and systems all the while a good old AIDS-ridden hobo with a gun can stop them in their tracks

High centralization of power, the core of Russian problems is that everything depends on one guy who can be the genius or retard depending on a dice roll.

And most of the time was the latter, naturally