Alexander the """"""" great """""""

Why didn't he conquer India?
Did he fear the poo warrior?

Solders get tired with long journey, also ethnic-mix politics in army discouraged, if you had played sometime Heroes of Might and Magic series you will easy understand this.

>Conquer Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, Iraq, Persia, Bactria.
>Stop to rest a while.

He got to Bactria then turned around

So Alexander the Great was a shark? That would explain some things..

He hit his nose on the ground when Bucephalus died under him after Hydaspes and he never recovered.

it smelled bad.

His soldiers literally walked from Greece to India and wanted to go back home
Thats the reason
He really wanted to fuck up India but his soldiers refused to go

This basically.

Even if Alexander Great conquered India, He would don't stop. Alexander Great wanted own whole world.

Greeks are lazy, no surprise here

He wasn't Greek he was Macedonian

I more so meant his troops, rather than him
Also weren't macedonians basically greeks anyway really

he conquered a good chunk of India but his soldiers were being little bitches so he was forced to go home

Macedonians got independence from Greece because they were to lazy to see that it was gaining indipendence

Macedonians aren't lazy

Other Greeks are

No but he knew going anymore east would disturb the Lion that was the proto-Turk tribal confederations that were actually warrior compared to the weak push.over Perscucks and their semite subjects.

t. John Green

Macedonians feared the Indian warrior

an ancient Hindu warrior is tremendous

He saw the error of his ways

Most of India Eastward was unified under one empire he would be heavely out numbered and on supply's


His army got tired

That happened after Alexander died

Imagine if he went all the way to Japan though. No ching or desu culture.

He forgot that he left Carthage intact. Always finish up undone business first, y'know.

He conquered Bactria and beyond. The most eastern point he reached was the Hyphasis, which is about on the modern border between Pakistan and India.

No, shut up already.

>Have to do 10 month long history project in junior year
>Can do anything in history that happened before 1990
>Was watching Fate Zero at the time
>Thought alexander was the biggest bro
>Decide to do it on him
>We're supposed to turn in a batch of Notecards and show her what we have typed so far
>Do none of it
>April of Junior year the project is becoming due
>Write 6 pages in my 3 periods before
>Write furiously about my bro Iskandar
>Hoping I can some how get a D-
>Turn in paper teacher says theres no way to pass the project considering i did no notecards
>Distraught, realize what a piece of shit I am for not doing this simple project all the way through
>2 weeks letter get my rubrick back
>Teacher said she felt my passion in the paper
>Said she wished she learned more about Alexander in her history classes
>Her personal favorite paper in the class
>Got a C on it
>name of the paper was Iskandar the Unconquerable
>My bro Iskandar saved my grade


He drank himself to death

>good at war
Dumb roach.

Fucking retard