I am fucking sick of crypto, there should be an independent board dedicated to it. It is suffocating the board, and limiting the thoughtspace of threads about business and finance.
Let's make some noise, cryptofags get their own cancer ridden board and we get rid of them, win-win.
You come up with a name.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the crypto board OP

How do you think this board came about in the first place?

I am FUCKIN sick of crypto!! rreditt army here to help

well it needs to get the fuck back to what it used to be.



no you fucking monkey, i don't mind crypto, but i'm just sick of seeing nothing but crypto. it was never this bad, i can't find more than 2 threads discussing anything other than crypto, and the ones that don't are usually about daydreaming lambo wannabe owners.

here are your (you)s btw, but since you're kind to bump the thread i don't mind

Right?! There should be an independent board dedicated to it !! DOWN WITH CRYPTO!!

I tend to agree. I like the crypto shit, and still I would like to have a place to go that is about the other 99% of business.

No it doesn't, this is the easiest way there is to make money right now, focus on stacking the easy capital then worry about blowing it all on your billion dollar idea

This has always been a crypto board.

You've always been the caretaker.

crypto is only going up my friend

Please refer to:

Have a nice day, no coiner.


>real business


>This has always been a crypto board.
unless you've been here for 3-4 months it hasn't. There were crypto threads poping up every now and then, but they would all be contained under one general, so that shows you the way crypto has gone through

>Please refer to:
>Have a nice day, no coiner.
>No it doesn't, this is the easiest way there is to make money right now, focus on stacking the easy capital then worry about blowing it all on your billion dollar idea

it's faggots like these that i cannot stand, unless the first guy is a troll, what the fuck would you have to lose?

I used to enjoy lurking Veeky Forums on the countless money making, and financing threads, about macro and micro economies, and the discussions that would entail.

what do you have to fucking lose? you can shitpost to your heart's content. WTF ELSE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT???

This board was created to contain crypto...


old Veeky Forums was shit. you should go somewhere where the posters don't decide the content.

You are only angry because you are not making mad money with crypto. Who hurt you user?

why wasn't it called cryptocurrency then? and why wasn't crypto the main topic of discussion for a long time?

Amen the old biz is gone, it was all affiliate marketing and drop-shipping threads complimented with occasional AGE/NET WORTH DURDURDUR shit. At least now people talk about real shit that makes money

It was started as a crypto containment board, retard. That only fell out of favor when the markets went bearish.

There's nothing stopping you from discussing other business opportunities except the fact that NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THAT LOW ROI SHIT WHEN CRYPTO IS BOOMING.

Couldn't agree more

fuck off to reddit. posters decide the content here. if you post shit nobody is interested in discussing that's your problem.


lol, nobody's discussing other topics because everyone s too busy trying to maximize their gains on their portfolio. Everyone is shilling like crazy

it doesn't matter what biz was created for. because it diverged into being something greater than crypto, and now it's a crypto shitshow.

It doesn't matter what you want Veeky Forums to be. New boards are created because of user demand for them, but there is no demand for business discussion right now. There's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing it and there's already examples like those Robin Hood threads. Instead all you can do is post threads bitching every single day.

picture related: (You)

is good idea tho


>oh gosh dang it, he told me.

seriously anybody that still uses the reddit meme should be ashamed

>It doesn't matter what you want Veeky Forums to be. New boards are created because of user demand for them, but there is no demand for business discussion right now.

I suppose there is validity to this argument.

>There's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing it

yes there is, you cryptofags are hoarding all of the fucking space, newcomers on biz see crypto and either leave, or the get drawn to the cryptpcancer on biz

Instead all you can do is post threads bitching every single day.

this is literally my first thread on the subject.

It's possible to invest in crypto and still be utterly annoyed by the sheer volume of shitpost and shill threads.

I, too, am sick of crypto. Anything interesting is shouted down by crypto.

Nice, just bought 100k

Fuck you wagecuckfag, go back playing with pennies while the real boys here make millions every hour with crypto.

Crypto is for NEET losers. It's not surprising that it's the only topic being discussed on Veeky Forums.

ik the feel but you have to put up with it
face it you dont want to make or participate in real business threads because desu you probs dont know shit about it
you just want to read and feel smart
if a crypto board was made a load of normies would find out about crypto and turn that board to shit
biz would be so fucking slow it wouldn't be worth the bandwidth and would probs get shut down
face it op biz is and always will be a crypto board


I remember when there were only 2 or 3 crypto threads max.

Are you guys new to Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums was originally created to get crypto threads off of /g/. Back when it was created, there were only a handful of viable cryptos. So there was more room for discussion of conventional, old-world, low-risk financial instruments. Since then, however, the altcoin market has exploded and increased manifold.

This was, is, and always will be a crypto board, primarily, but it's more obvious now than it was a few years ago.

>It was started as a crypto containment board
Where did the crypto discussions used to take place? ?

read the post above yours lol

this has been a crypto board since 2011

spooky image, pls delete

Just keep Veeky Forums the crypto board, and let hiroshimoot create a new board for non-crypto business. It could be called "dropshipping & kneepads" or something.