>he invested in GOLD
>he invested in a shiny metal that has more use in electronics than sitting around in user's little cuck safe
He invested in GOLD
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck, remember when buttcoin was just barely at the spot price of gold now look at it.
I'm going laugh at you NEET losers when Bitcoin crashes.
so what, it crashes all the time
I hope it crashes, then I can buy more.
I remember posting the exact same four years ago.
I could be a millionaire now.
Is Goldman Sachs full of NEET losers?
No coiners forever BTFO
>says increasing nervous nocoiner for the 80000th time in the last 6 years.
>tfw was too poor to by bitcoins in the past
>still too poor now
i put $200 into buttcoin last month as a joke. it's almost doubled. should i put all of my savings in? could do like $10k. i don't wanna work anymore.
hi guys i want to buy a bitcoin
when can i expect a dip
have 4k ready to go
I just hit $300,000 in BTC. W-what am I supposed to do with all this money?
Crypto is a new economy. You're a complete fucking idiot if you don't think this can get WAY bigger.
You can't retire until you have at least $5million, you gotta keep working and finding good coins lad
We are the fiatmarines
Not while it keeps getting compared to USD it won't. If its truly its own thing it would exist and be used in places that aren't illegal marketplaces or meme companies
serious question:
how does one cash out a large sum of crypto currency, you know, to buy real life shit ?
you sell it on an exchange or locally through localbitcoins
find someone willing to take it
people are buying houses with bitcoin right now in usa
>BTC crashes to $2800
>moons to $4500
I'd be okay with that
We are the fiatmarines
Where would someone find one of these exchanges?
How many of you nogolders actually have all the bitcoins you keep talking about?
Bitcoin is worth like $1 at most.
It'll crash any day now guise
Don't put in what you can't afford to lose
We are the fiat marines
Collecting coins is for children.
It does get accepted at various legal places tho u dumb dumb
And even if not there's places that sell gift cards for those places and accept bitcoin
Gold is a secure agains monetary/financial fuck ups, which we're close to
Oddly enought, most people don't know about its role and it's still doing well, even when it has culturaly died. There is no hype, it doestn't require user growth.
Bitcoin is not growing in value because of any event in the real world, its early for that, it rises cuz hype on prize discovery.
Peter get off the interneeeet
The last time I heard this was 5 years ago, cope harder nocoiner.
fiat+forex+stocks+new type economy=cryptocurrency
i saw user here post that you can't bring those (fiat+forex+stocks+new type economy
) to mars except internet and crypto