Revenge prank

Ok so i hope this is the right place to post this as is some what work related...sry if it's wrong...

So i put in my 2 weeks notice yesterday. Been at a fast food place for the past 6 months...its been ok but one of the main reasons I'm quitting is because this fucking disgusting mexican shithole. I'm not racist but this guy almost makes me be. Imagine the most stereotypical looking dirty mustache mexican and this is him. I pretty much get along with everyone there except for this guy. It's a constant rolling his eyes, bad attitude, aggressive manner with him. One example, we had a mix up in bags in drive-thru so when each customer brought back their food i took the food back to him to show him which sandwiches needed to be remade. He then proceeds to take each item out of the bag and put it in an unused box then back in the bag which is very much against health regulations... So of course i say no...and that i needed him to remake it from scratch and throw the returned stuff in the trash. So of course this fucking dirty shithole doesn't understand or even give a fuck and attempts to reach into the fucking trash can after grunting at me and tries to switch the shit again. At that point i was steeming mad... i could lose my job for serving that shit so i say sternly NO REMAKE and take the returned food to a different trash can. Mother fucker gets mad, grunts at me and rolls his eyes like im retarded and remakes the new shit all dirty, hardly wrapped and with sauce stains all over it and throws it out the shoot. Yea this is what I've been had to deal with for months. The sad part is this fucker can't even speak english so I can't explain why what he's doing is wrong. So before I quit I want to get revenge on this fucker. Pranks or anything to fuck with this guy. He drives a big moving truck to work so i was thinking about screwing with that... I don't want to get caught tho cuz i may have to use the managers as a referral for my next job. Any ideas?

How about you just tell your fucking boss to fire the guy or go over their heads and snitch to the health department.

Sugar in the gas tank for Pedro?

Unfortunately I think he's friends or family with the GM too cuz she's latino too... Honestly I don't work in the back with him and try to avoid him as much as possible so i've only seen him do a few bad things so I'm not sure I'd have enough evidence to report him to a health inspector or w/e

Um what does that do...if it makes his car blow up then no lol...
I was thinking about smearing dog shit or my own all over it

Don't do it. You sound very young / immature. In a few years you will be happy you didn't do shit (literally).
Dude has his reasons for being a dick. He doesn't sound like a guy with a good life or who is happy.
If he did anything illegal, report him. If he annoys you, talk to your manager. If the job isn't worth the hassle then quit. But don't look back, just learn from the situation and be happy next time you don't have to work with an asshole.

That sounds like good advice that I can't take.
I've had to work with this fuck for a long time unable to express myself because of fear of getting in a fist fight and because he doesn't understand english. Someone has to teach this rat dirt face sanchez a lesson. If not me then who? I don't care what happened to him in his life. Unless he's got down syndrome there's no excuse.

Was worth a shot. I was a right dickhead 10 years ago and have to cringe when I think back so I thought I try to be a voice of reason. But to be honest I wouldn't have listened either.
Whatever you end up doing - try to think through possible outcomes and scenarios so you don't get into trouble

Fuck his mom.

Alternatively you could always friend him on fb. Next, be one wildly rich. Enjoy a lavish life. He will see your great success and become even more bitter. Then, die at a ripe age of 109, knowing, on your deathbed, that you showed that beaner spic.


I highly doubt this sanchez hopper even has fb. I need something quick, easy, and immediate

Here's what I did to one of my drug dealers who stole $20 from me:
>found out where he lived by tailing him home from work (at a safe distance where he couldn't tell it was me)
>waited until about 1am when you can reasonably assume most people are asleep
>keyed the fuck out of his car
>slashed one tire before throwing a rock through one of his windows (would've slashed more tires but it's really fucking loud)
He fixed his car up within a week and I did it again. DON'T STEAL FROM ME MYLES, EAT SHIT AND DIE.

I put a lot of planning into this by the way. I knew about how long the whole process would take and knew exactly what my escape route was and even had several plans in case of someone coming outside and seeing me, a car driving by, or whatever. This isnt something you can just do willy nilly. PLAN AHEAD.

This is good. Tho i was just gunna do it real quick while he's at work...then again might be cameras around

Better to position a few nails behind a tire near the sidewall. That way when he backs up his car in the morning, the tire is punctured. Near the sidewall ensures that the tire can't be patched; no ship will do it at least.

OP are you American? Just report him and other co workers to ICE, if they can't speak English, they better have a visa

Start pretending you're gay and flirt him. Mexicans do not have the same tolerance as you Americans with homosexuals and there you can accuse him of homophobia.

that's a good idea actually, I'll use this against the next person to cross me. thanks user :)

Ask to suck his dick, try to hold his cock.

This is real good. I could be a lot more sneaky that way cuz i would have to carry a big knife around

Yes im american and im 80% sure hes illegal. I don't know who to call or what I'd say...and I kind of assumed my state doesn't care about illegals because of how many there there a way to know if they'll enforce it or to make them?

One of the four "myths of anger" is that if someone makes you mad, they should be punished.

Just walk away. Take it from a guy that's done anger management and lived an angry life. Whatever you do to that shitbag won't change him. He will still be a shitbag.

You've already said he doesn't speak English. How do you know he DOESN'T have down syndrome?
For all you know his family is stuck with the Mexican mafia and he can't afford to slow down at work or he might getting fired, or else they die because he can't keep up payments in his shitty drive-thru joint job.

Don't be fucking autistic. If you're that scared of getting into a fist fight, you should be even more scared of the repercussions of potentially ruining the dude's life. If you quit, suddenly some stupid shit that definitely wasn't a coincidence, then he's probably going to link two and two even if he has a single digit IQ. Some faggot like this likely has nothing left to lose if you fuck with him further. He's already working one of the shittiest jobs in a place where he can't talk to the locals, with the food he made being thrown in the rubbish for reasons he can't understand.

Grammatical mistakes and shit, it's late, whatever. Don't be a dickbag to get back at a dickbag if you're not inherently a dickbag. He knows all the dickbag tricks and has been using them for longer than you.

Sry but i hate this guys guts. I don't want to give him any reason to think he's better than me or a reason to fight me. Plz keep on with the ideas tho i really appreciate the help. I had to work almost everyday in fear of getting attacked with him constantly scowling at me and preventing me from doing my job.

stop giving him the power to bother you, fight him like a man, or vandalize his property like a pussy. when will brainlets ever learn?

Plenty of people make me mad...
I don't let it bother me or get over it.
This guy talks down to me like im trash. And I can't tell him to fuck off cause he's literally physically aggressive so i'd end up getting in a fight. Hes the one with anger issues, and if i can spend any amount of time to fuck with his life its 100% worth it. He's a bully who shouldn't even be in the united states. My whole life i've confronted bullies and stood up to them...i suppose if this wasn't work related i would punch that mother fucker. But i don't want shit to go on my work record

Lol i hope his family is with the mexican mafia and they all get shot. The wife especially for choosing to be with a cunt. I was thinking of waiting a month or so before doing it so he doesn't suspect. No one talks down to me like he does. He must pay.

This is a board for investing. You're reverse-investing in your future. If you kill the Mafia's source of income, they'll take your kidney

Good luck senpai you autistic moron

You're saying i fight him like a man because vandalism would be a pussy thing to do and that I'm a "brainlet" well a true brainlet like yourself wouldn't know that kicking someones ass at work doesn't look good for future employers dumbshit.

>You're reverse-investing in your future.
Lol...if the mafias income is based of a $hitty mexichez minimum wage workers income i think my kidney will be safe ;)

You sound like an angsty fucking tween. I posted advice earlier and I regret it, you sound like someone who needs their ass beat. Grow the fuck up and stop caring so much about what other people do.

Not your local gov, call ice, feds'll handle it.