Bancor (BNT) breaking ?

whyt u niggers think about bancor (BNT) ?

seems like breaking out in 2-4 hours.

what uthink about it in general ?

Stay away from this fed reserve coin. You've been warned. Literally any other coin in the top 20 is better.

Kike scam. There are about 40-50 better coins to invest in that are going to give you much better ROI.

Bancor is literally stoppable

>increasingly nervous nobanc cucks

Shitcoin, raised 100+ million, non-stop losses for investors, lost a shitload of money with a price floor that got exploited and is now gone, 40 lines of code, working with a literal scam company from Israel that can't even sell its products to Israeli residents, shilled hard and obnoxiously on Veeky Forums, has three (3) backdoors (destroy any person's balance, add coins at will, change smart contract contents).

All that's left is Pajeet shilling his bags.

Literally all wrong.

sure Pajeet

thanks for telling me 10 hours after i posted, right 5 mins after my position filled in and i bought 55 of those coins.

yet the pattern looks like breaking upwards.

not much activity there tho.

i dont care whether the fed gives me my win on this finally.

check the initial coin offering valuation. it's insane

muh infos pls. speaketh, good sir !

keep your mossadcoin off our wholesome and humble all white forum

>muh infos pls. speaketh, good sir !

Token changers, Stox deploying the contract and buying BNT, requent weekly blog posts, more partnerships, new functionalities implemented. All coming very soon. It is literally a no-brainer

With jews you win.

Will be a top 5 coin next year.


said no one ever

nigger I'm balls deep into 4 coins that are mooning right now. And by mooning I mean 100% to 200%. I'm making shit ton of money, infinitely more than if I was holding BNT bags and all that without having to make some kikes richer in the process. Isn't life great?

>tfw not enjoying perfect 14yo big tits on the daily
cant wake up

>LARPing to cover your ass
Why are nobancs so pathetic and insecure? What does anyone's portfolio even have to do with Bancor being literally unstoppable? Smart people invest in BNT, retards like you scream "da joos" and stay poor.

ICO price: 3.864$
Current price: 2.916$

Smart people invest in BNT and smart projects partner with them.


I can get why a bancuck like you would think this is LARPing. this kind of profit is so outside of your realm of comprehension with your stagnant shit coin.

Is there any upcoming news/rumours atm?

>implying I have not earned millions with crypto
Keep projecting /pol/NEET


No idea how I skipped that post. Thanks mate.

Sage and report all bancor advertising threads. They are posted by the developer.

Fuck off to your safe space

Go back to Tumblr

Wtf is double coincidence of wants? Bancor is still searching for its own price floor lol

The Bancor spam is really annoying. fuck off schlomos.

>increasingly nervous nobanc cucks
will you stream your suicide after bancor moons?

I only have 175 BNTs
feels bad desu

4k bnt here
want to hold 2-3 years at least

will we make it user?

Still less than .01 Eth. Sad.

Basically BNT is going to take over the Cryptosphere when the time is right and they can't be stopped because it's already happening. I pity those who enter Crypto after BNT accomplishes what it aims- because then we're looking at old money like the stocks. Best of luck. However BNT will moon as a result- its the only way.

"We will keep the price above 0.01 eth."

That promise was broken faster than you can say "scam".

>"We will keep the price above 0.01 eth."
that wasn't the promise. The promise was that they would have a wall, so the weak hands that believed the cap was too high could get the exacty number of eth they invested and stop crying like bitch niggers. That wall lasted long enough for literally any weak hand to be shaken out. Not only is that not a scam, but it's literally more than any other project has done to protect early investors.

>mfw Bancor is mooning together with BTC

help me pls
I wanted to know how and if it is possible to earn money by some method or working for someone? (I do not have much knowledge but I feel like learning)

It's literally the only erc20 that actually does something

Sup bancore fags. Make sure you buy 0x project as well.

>ill buy inferior copy cat

>not buying both
Lol, silly nobanc.

If you keep repeating it long enough maybe you'll be able to convince yourself it wasn't a bad investment

>bnt literally one of the few coins going up together with btc
You know it's coming, the most unstoppable moon of our lifetime

Which direction is up?

>Holdings: $0
Filthy nobanc

no bnt here

same direction as my dick in ur ass ahah

>posting a graph that literally proves me right
Are nobancs the most retarded posters on Veeky Forums?

Lol you guys are just calling it a shitcoin cause you are trolls and have bags. I'm up like 45% on bancor and steadily climbing. Dont be butt hurt when it hits the moon mission in the next few weeks LOL

I love you

Well that didn't work out as expected...

I really don't fucking understand this coin

I only hold a little bit of bancor because when the jew overlords take over our planet I'm going to prove them I never doubted their dominance.
Also because galia is a cutie.