Is the pump and dump over? should I sell at a loss? Looks like it's downtrending pretty hard.
Is neo dead?
No brother, keep HODLing, it will go to $500 soon :^)
yes goy, sell to me goy C^:
Yes sell at a loss
See this makes it even worse, we are at the useless bullshit shills stage
Are you fags investing MTL or what? Look at the investors and dev team. Such an obvious moon mission.
you already fell for the shills when you bought at the ATH, dumbass
Sell at a loss then you fucking faggot. Just wait and see, don't come crying on this board when it eventually rebounds.
0.009 is the ATH? no it isnt you fucking autistic nerd
enjoy my bags goy
Yes sell at loss. it's over.coin is dead. was just a minor pump and dump.
told them to ditch neo at 1.1M for MTL, do you think they listened?
No they will baghold until 500K
yo should have sold at 40 son no you can wait until next year
sell at loss, come back a week cry you sold, repeat with new coin
pack it up boys shows over everything is going to 1 satoshi forever including bitcoin
will rech 70-60k sats, sell now buy back in later
Looks exactly like what happened when it reached over 600K
Something like this is completely expected (and it's a weekend)
And look at the floors, not the highs, because almost everyday it's 24 hour low is higher than the previous
Actually fag bag holding is rewarding
my plan was neo for early august then mtl for late august for maximizing gains, I stucked to it, and it is working, already up way more than HODL xd fags.
My first buy on neo was at 140K, so I really don't give a shit about you retards anymore. I'm done giving advice
sure it was buddy
you can check where MTL is heading come the end of august/sept, and you can remember this post and laugh or cry
>sell at a loss
Nigga what
Down to 300k soon
just hold it lol just hold the damn coin
I bought for 2$ and 3$ soo idc about those dips dont be a fucking pussy and hodl
Do not fear
I'm tempted to say sell at a loss just to see you cry when it moons in a few days once it finished consolidating. Impatient idiots like you pisses me off the most.