Are clubs/bars the biggest scam of all time?
>3€ for a shot is on cheap side
Are clubs/bars the biggest scam of all time?
>3€ for a shot is on cheap side
You're paying for the experience/socializing as well. Same way a casino should be viewed really. These are not places you go for a bargain/to make money.
The biggest. South Beach Miami, $30 cover on a week night and $15 gin and tonic
I can't imagine them making any real money, honestly. Maybe the top 10% only. Many clubs let people in for free, especially women during the opening hours and most people drink at home before they go out. You then have to account for the DJs, all the employees, bouncers etc.
if you drink, you're a retard. learn to have fun without scrambling your brain. saves you money, doesn't lower your life-span, you get to enjoy more of the night, no hang-over and you look more attractive.
they only need a certain amount of people before each head is a net profit.
Imma read.
>loud shit music blasting forcing you to yell the whole time
>not bringing your own cans and illegally refill them in the bathroom
holy fuck thats insane, and i thought drinks in australia were inflated as fuck
fuckin ay. ive got bad tinnitus so i cant hear anything no matter how hard i try
used to do this with a hip flask and fill it up with rum
the bar staff were getting suspicious since i was ordering cans of coke all night
The biggest most craziest clubs (picture related) can have a +$100 cover if it's an A lister DJ or performer. Want a table with bottle service? $1500 for a single bottle of Grey Goose and some mixers.
It's amazing to say you've gone. But holy fuck do not go every weekend.
tables are another scam, a tremendous waste of money. only betas go for them
1500 for a table where you just sit on your phone while your overpriced alcohol gets stolen by bottle rats, you'd have to be insane to go for it, or insanely desperate for female attention
100% this.
We usually just send our female friends to the tables and they come back with a bottle of vodka, we have a good cheap party, laugh about the table cucks and end balls deep in those sluts.
You can't buy alpha, feels good.
OP here. So yesterday i went out and bought 8 shots. 20 fucking euros. Ok i understand they need to make money , pay employees etc
But what boggles my mind is how thr fuck there are so many people in clubs not even flinching before spending 100€ on a bottle and some coke. Theyre all young and most likely not that rich so how the fuck do they not give a fuck??
>Theyre all young and most likely not that rich so how the fuck do they not give a fuck??
they're retards
afterwards they probably whine about college loans and vote bernie sanders
>tfw shots have been banned in my state for the last few years
>tfw the city i live in banned them 10 fucking years ago
every so often we'll come across a bar that does them, and they charge $6 a shot rofl. not worth it
the cover charge is really fuckin high but i can understand if a performer is playing, you're pretty much buying tickets to the show, really pricy tickets that is ha
>Want a table with bottle service? $1500 for a single bottle of Grey Goose and some mixers
wow, i cant even fathom that. holy cunt. who the fuck pays for this shit? do you know how many bitbeans you could buy for that much? how much is a bottle of grey goose from a liquor store normally?
>Theyre all young and most likely not that rich so how the fuck do they not give a fuck??
They are the 99%. They spend all their money on hedonistic bullshit sold to them by rich people. Then they complain about the wealth gap.
Normies are dumb.
t. alcohol-intolerant beta
shouldn't you be busy finding a toilet to puke in, kiddo
> But what boggles my mind is how thr fuck there are so many people in clubs not even flinching before spending 100€ on a bottle and some coke. Theyre all young and most likely not that rich so how the fuck do they not give a fuck??
The entire music industry is based on this. Touring musician for 10 years. I'm not a musician, I'm an alcohol sales person.
Extra 4th wall breakage is that I can't drink (allergy) -- I get weird disproving looks constantly from the bro-tender who wants me to aide him in his quest for mind-numbness. If you set up a DIY event you basically have to have a keg.
>3€ a shot
You think thats bad? I live in DC and it is $11 a shot
>the bar staff were getting suspicious since i was ordering cans of coke all night
Wait how do they get it? They just ask some betas for a free bottle?
>Wait how do they get it? They just ask some betas for a free bottle?
duh, a pussy gets you a lot of free shit
I don't have this problem since I have no friends with who to go to clubs with.
I'm a part-time bartender, work the busy nights to pay for my college. For some reason my bosses trust me and tell me a lot about profits and how much we make/spend. It's honestly barelly profitable. Most nights we'll either make a tiny bit or lose a tiny bit.
It's also a dive bar though (we take out the tables and get a DJ twice a week), and that makes us much more. Prices are the same, people drink more, we need less staff and there's a lot less to clean (so we can go home earlier, haha)
There's no way some dude would just give a chick a free bottle by virtue of having a pussy... people aren't really this sad, right? :(
*audible muffled laughter*
What are the fixed/variable costs? Surely having 400 people come in and pay a £20 cover charge (fairly normal for London clubs) is basically free money, then charging huge amounts for drinks...what are the costs?
>Employee wages
What else will make it so hard to be profitable?
I'll take roleplaying for 100 Alex.
Rent in London is huge, and don't forget that the larger clubs require a lot more than 10 employees
Dude a fukking 1000$ bottle. A dick is probably sucked in the process, come on
you're only busy 2 nights per week, but you have fixed costs every day.
rent is the main one, especially if you want your bar to be busy
tried to get into club on tuesday night in London, was £4k min spend for a table lol
Fuck of Mohammed
if i was arab i could have actually afforded to go in
haha its ~70 AUD here
these excise taxes are unbelievable. gotta pay for our universal healthcare somehow :^)
What's the fucking point of going into a club unless you are good looking?
Clubs are a fucking scam. The only people that get profit there are Chads that get hot girls, the rest of us are fucked.
Going out to drink with so called friends then end up not fucking any of the hotties it's the definition of a scam.
Then again, life within itself is a scam unless you are good looking.
To my understanding clubs can charge whatever amount they want for drinks since the demand is high. Basically where i live retail stores dont sell alcohol after 10pm so no matter how high the price is people will still buy because there is no other option.
Or is the price so high because of how much it costs to run a club?
And i see people saying there is no point going to a club if you are not hot, no point if you wont get laid etc etc
I have a gf. I go to a club because i want to listen to loud music, dance to a point where i cant breathe and just enjoy the loudness, people and music.
Am i not understanding something here?
Being good looking is a meme. 6.2 blue eye d white male here . Only people you ever get attention from is gay dudes. Girls want $.
I went to the clubs once with two girls and we got free entrance and drinks everywhere because we had more girls than men. Women don't even have to spend any money at the bars, they just hop bars
Your description infers that you're tall, not that you look good. Maybe you're just ugly?
Model on the side. No problem with looks. Trust me.
Having money is a meme. Sure you might sucker a few brainless whores into a one nighter but if you don't have balls you'll always be left on the hook. I lived with a blonde Danish 9/10, she had these faggots paying all her bills and she wouldn't even fuck them. It was pathetic.
the entire point of clubs is to funnel sexual marketplaces and then ramp up the natural anxiety by introducing loud music, a lot of people in tight spaces and intermittent strong lights among patches of darkness.
So they create the problem, then sell you the solution: alcohol. Overpriced and watered down alcohol, so you buy more.
The actual reason people go to clubs is to get laid. If you said "socializing" and sincerely meant it as that and not a euphemism, kill yourself because you're fucking stupid.
Now on the topic of getting laid. For the vast majority of men, this is a scam ....not only will they not facilitate the opportunities, most men are simply incapable of realizing any such opportunities - they are for all intents and purposes, invisible to women.
For a smaller group of men, they have the ability to realize opportunities, that is to say, they are on womens radar, but the skewed ratios that any decent club maintains means this is an uphill battle among other guys fighting over the same scraps. If you are retarded (read:under 25) you probably arent aware or are too socially incompetent to realize that women and men meet sexually outside of clubs, and that context is the one these men should actually target for it will be significantly easier and less stressful.
Finally, there is the elite group of men, for whom clubs provide an ideal environment: drunk women funneled into an environment that maximizes sexual anxiety. These men are usually (read:always, outside of deranged PUA fantasies) very good looking, and usually are well known to the club's workers. For these mens, clubs are not a scam.
tl;dr if you're not good looking, don't bother.
Had a side piece out of NY that was semi famous in the fashion world. She dated an ugly rich shoe designer. You do have a point he did buy her a condo in FL (that I fucked her in lol). You are correct money isn't everything. But so aren't looks. Could be because I'm not very social either.
fuck off incel faggot
as long as you aren't completely hideous, getting laid in clubs is easy. everyone is drunk and on drugs
i see two women in that whole picture.
Just be yourself.
And have a thick wallet and/or dick.
On point post
Youre ugly.
I agree.
But some of us also love music, can't listen to a loud thudding sound system at home without a knock on the door from the local authorities.
>tfw own and maintain a club in a major city.
>buy swill in bulk and sell it for 20x price
Build it and they will come, herding Normies is the true secret to money.
You are a cunt
LOL. Yeah disliking alcohol, which literally lowers testosterone, is "beta" somehow. You and your frat bros are real alphas I'm sure.
clubs are just another outlet for chad to accumulate women, and for women to get dominated by an alpha
these 'venues' extort weak, naive beta men by offering them the illusion its free game and as long as you show up you've got a chance at pussy
>mfw hear people talking about how 'wasted' they got at the club and how many hours worth of paychecks they spent
Basically this. Yeah.. but political affiliation doesnt matter at all. Its just a mindset. Really the key to getting rich is get money and save money. Realize where your funds are being squandered and fix it.
>>tfw shots have been banned in my state for the last few years
>>tfw the city i live in banned them 10 fucking years ago
What the fuck? I didn't know this was a thing in the USA desu.
Is it possible to have a bar that doubles as something else? So during the weekdays that's something else brings in money, but on the weekends the bar itself is more profitable? Sort of like it transforms from something to a bar/club
>Model on the side.
Well maybe you only look good on the side, not on the front. Try standing sideways when you talk to a girl.
Because bars, clubs and worst of all restaurants have terrible margins. Say a club sells a drink for 3€, they problaly bought it for 0,5€, they need licenses, rent, wages and maintenance. Restaurants are much worse because there is a lot more wages, work and supplies needed to cook food than to crack open beers.
9 at least
I just like that I can die for my country, vote for our president, own land and create life by fucking a woman.
But I can't go to a gay bar in NYC because Im too young and irresponsible.