Success Guilt

Anyone else suffer from success guilt? How do you deal with it? I don't display my wealth a lot, however I did recently buy a nice car. Ever since then I've felt an intense guilt especially when I notice people admiring the car and then seeing me and my age. It's especially bad when the person just looks defeated.

Why would you feel bad about succeeding?

>Anyone else suffer from success guilt?
>I don't display my wealth a lot
>since then I've felt an intense guilt especially

its not guilt its that : most ppl are inherently dirty leftists, that is they would rather beat u dead and destroy everything u have, just so they dont feel like losers.
its not guilt, its that ure subconciousness inherently know this law of human nature.


Because anytime you're better that other people IN ANYTHING it can make you feel bad

>most ppl are inherently dirty leftists, that is they would rather beat u dead and destroy everything u have, just so they dont feel like losers.

Absolutely correct.

>make a ton of money in my teens, houses/cars
>feel guilty and lucky
>lose it all mid 20s, become house poor
>make it back + some before i turn 30
>no longer feel guilt

Lose it all and you'll never feel guilty for having money again.

op is a poor liberal who pretends he would donate all his money if he was rich

>most ppl are inherently dirty leftists, that is they would rather beat u dead and destroy everything u have, just so they dont feel like losers.
its not guilt, its that ure subconciousness inherently know this law of human nature.


What car did you buy OP

How much have u made user?

Good point about losing it. I've never experienced any real hardship and I think that's the source of my guilt.

Just an Audi S3. Nothing crazy.

Not that much. Everything I have made is through my career and side work related to my career (comp sci)

here op i can help you relieve some of that guilt if you want to help a poorfag


I am a real poorfag, but I live a better life than the family from my native country. Believe me when I say that you shouldn't feel bad for that. What really feels bad is to see kids on the street that have to steal in order to buy drugs, people who would be happy with a simple pair of socks. That kind of things.

Don't think too much about it, user. If you want to share your money, be sure to do it with people that treated you well while you used to be poor (or at least they didn't knew about your money). Those who shared all they had with you, even though that would mean to not eat three times a day.

Obviously, I am an egoistic guy, and any cent dropped here is welcome (currently trading with 50€):
BTC: 12TvHpDdQMz6mfWFgzJPsBphj1tR7RtyQY

what's your business about

Nice. I have a Golf R which is pretty much the same drivetrain. Get a downpipe and a software tune and shit on lots of much more expensive cars.

you probably just feel quilty for buying a shit car in an instant

Same for me. I think it is because I've never been poor. I've always been at least mid-upper middle class. I think it's part of why you or I are not poor.
We feel guilty, therefore don't spend, therefore save and then have even more money.

You're not guilty of leading a better lifestyle than other people. Fact is, life is unfair and some are born with disadvantages. But to think that you shouldn't reap your benefits because it would feel like "cheating" is just stupid. Think about it Op, a person may be born with a broken leg and he won't be able to walk for his entire life. Now to think that you should yourself use a wheelchair even though you're perfectly healthy just to make the other person not feel shitty is stupid. Because at the end of the day, we have to deal with the cards we're dealt and not drool over others. Envy is a basic human trait but so is being intelligent and hardworking.

Personally, I feel we all want to feel shitty about something. If your problem gets solved, you start feeling shitty about newer things and if you look back you'd realise you were feeling shitty for no reason compared to whats making you feel shitty at that moment.

That was my ted fucking talk to make you feel temporarily better about your insecurities and fucked up conscience because you probably stepped over someone's shit in the past and hid it deep in your mind.

here is my btc wallet, your donation is appreciated and would literally help me kickstart my shit because I'm in a bad place rn.

Sometimes. I liked the attention I got in my lambo at first, but now it's a little different. I guess you could call it guild. Everyone talks to me, honks at me, takes pictures of it while parked/driving down the road. I feel more guilt toward friends and family than strangers.

If I make it I will feel no guilt because I have been poor my entire life.

I had a pretty bad nervous breakdown type thing when I first went over seven numbers during the beginning of the insane BTC pumps at the beginning of year.

Was stupid as fuck and got a DUI and smashed up my car. But that didn't mean anything, it was only like 15 grand to get out of.

But yeah, I'm now up to around 4-5 million right now. I've had to really get my life together this year because I never expected to be wealthy. To be the only one out of everyone I've ever known to succeed is a complete mind fuck.

Just curious. What's the reaction of your family, and those who know about your financial success? Do they treat you different now?

I'm a quiet introvert who has always been rather anti-social. So before people didn't even really notice me, now people give me a lot of attention and want things from me. It's annoying. I totally understand Howard Hughes now.

>I totally understand Howard Hughes now.
Not trying to be edgy, but I think that you will need to make a few more millions before that.

Jeez OP you sound like a faggot, I'm a poorfag myself whos still trying to get rich but people like you who "feel guilty" about other people not having as much as you are just cringe worthy. As long as you didn't kill anyone for your wealth why should you be sorry? Poor people are poor because the majority of them are stupid, lazy entitled assholes. Bill gates once said if you're born poor it's not your fault, but if you die poor it is your fault. I dunno go throw away money to some poorfag charity if you wanna feel better about yourself and stop feeling sorry for poorfags.

It's ok, mate. I can understand that OP is the kind of guy with a over-developed sensibility. Some people is like this (me included), but OP is also going through that existential crisis that you reach when the foundations of your very own priorities change.

do you really get people that "just look defeated" in an audi? where I live they are a dime a dozen

Fuck em

Anybody with an IQ above 105 can get rich or at least well-off in a few years


To whoever sent me 25€ to my address ( ), thank you. Really. That is like 50% of my trading amount, and it will help me to reach my goals. I will invest it wisely, and maybe in a future I'll be able to support my parents a bit better.

> How do you deal with it?
By buying high and selling low desu.

>That pic

Wow, really made me think. We need to increase the minimum wage, give out free healthcare and stop women from working to cut off a large large part of the workforce to force companies to compete for labor as opposed to labor competing for companies.