First time working for a small business

>first time working for a small business
>there for two years
>bosses want to blame me for them being unable to offer a service, they're so upset about it that they've posted my job online and are taking interviews
>confront them about job listing
>I told them dozens of times that in order for me to provide said service I need education/training for it since there's like 4 major brands in this industry and they all do proprietary everything otherwise the alternative amounts to expensive trial and error
>give them all the info they need for it, including how to be partners with these other companies so we can service their product lines, get parts, training, etc
>bring this up
>all you did is give me prices! I can't do anything with that!
>their solution is to unironically tell me to look at videos on youtube for the training
>"look we can't pay for training if we don't have customers that need this service and we don't know what kind of product lines we want to service because you're not able to service any!"
>indignantly explain how it makes no sense for the guy at the bottom of the totem pole to find the direction of the company and if they think I'm the wrong person for the job then they should tell me so
>response is to grumble about how my manager can't make that decision unilaterally
>next day, I've already checked out and I'm not even concerned about it
>they have an interview with someone for my position
>obviously goes poorly, they bring up all my concerns and demand twice my pay
>later on boss tells me that they want to keep things how they are, but wants a meeting next week w/ owners and me to "make things more formal"

Are all small businesses like this bullshit?

Sounds awful user.

OP, you can either put on your two weeks and leave this dumpster fire, you could stay and ride the ship all the way down. You also should probably review your employment contract. They may be doing things that breach the contract. You also could try to cause as much damage as possible to the company on your way out.

Lol. Sounds like you have them by the balls. If they treat you like shit it's time you demand 2x pay or ironically can't be bothered to work there anymore. Start looking for a new job just in case and begin waging subtle war against them. Steal as much data as you can and tell them you're unable to work for measley pay and will be looking to move on to a better position somewhere else.

I'm also the combined network and system administrator and have access to thei internet sales accounts as an admin. Getting data isn't an issue.

My main concern is that I now want to be laid off or fired (either works as if I get fired I can tell unemployment, truthfully, that my position is no longer there and it was replaced by something else) and yesterday I came to the horrifying reality that I actually saved my job by arguing and telling them they're full of shit.

As for getting back, I've been heavily debating whether or not I should contact one of the silent partners about a "side company" that the bosses have (family run businesses: never again.) thanks for any advice you can give me, Veeky Forums

And this is why I gave up on wage cuckold jobs.
When companies did bullshit to me, I cold quitted without remorse and I can afford it all the time.

Yes family run business are the worst. It's full of filthy nepotism. Get out of there

Quit, become a consultant and start a side business.

You could charge them your yearly salary for 2 months of work.

>and then I lived happily ever after
What? You just stopped working? Are you a neet now?

everyone is a neet here on Veeky Forums man.

From my experience small business are run by one guy or several family members and they control everything without middle management, so they grow and reach a point where the whole culture has to change in order to keep the growth going, but they often dont, they keep trying to helipcopter manage the whole thing with no sight on the bigger picture at all

Why do companies think that they can grow without any kind of training?

>Are all small businesses like this bullshit?

>shitty benefits
>shitty environment
>shitty equipment
>zero support structure
literally no reason not to work at a big faceless corporation

that's small business in general. bunch of cheap assholes who don't know what they're doing


Also you can't trust anyone in a small business cause they can throw you under the bus.

have you heard about our lord and savior satoshi nakamoto?

>You also could try to cause as much damage as possible to the company
>and begin waging subtle war against them. Steal as much data as you can
The fuck kind of petty immature behaviour is this? If you don't like it, talk to your boss about it or just leave, no need to behave like a literal child throwing a tantrum.

You also could try to cause as much damage as possible to the company on your way out.

That's the absolute most retarded fucking thing i have ever heard.
Having torpedoed your own company is not something you want on your resume.

>go to meme startup pitch night or some shit
>guy there says he's looking for sales people
>I go up to him later and ask about the job
>says it pays $100 commission per sale
>we exchange info and set up a job interview time
>have dinner with these clowns that are hundreds of thousands in debt with very little revenue
>they are trying to do 50 things at once and not picking their battles
>whatever, they agree to hire me
>say they will contact me in a week
>2 weeks with no response
>I should probably email them
>fuck it
>never hear from them again

The guy just got too exited in the "startup night" atmosphere and started offering a job that they weren't even ready to take on. What a clusterfuck.

OP deal with their bullshit for now. Behind their back look for another, better position elsewhere. I'm talking apply everywhere for your position every night.

I already determined that no matter what they said when I confronted them that I would immediately start looking for a new job: they fucking posted my job while I was using up my vacation time so I could go to a funeral out of state for a family member.

This so much. I'm in exactly this scenario right now. Big chief at the top, family members in important management positions and the rest of management a bunch of retarded wannabe's who validate whatever bullshit the big chief spouts while suppressing anyone down the chain who has the whiff of a rational thought on where the company should be heading.

obviously since you're the smartest guy around you can easily take over the company by leading it int he direction you want and become rich. or you can be a manchild and fuck with them until you get fired. or be true neutral and leave for another company that has its shit together.

>night audit job at hotel
>shit goes smooth for about a month
>suddenly the police get called once a night
>it's always fake 911 calls
>just to see how I handle the situation
>one night 911 calls me back
>i don't know how the fuck that works
>go check on room # whatever we think the guy died
>I ask why they aren't sending an ambulance
>guy was fine it was just a test
>eventually have to train another night auditor
>911 call during training
>door is locked, emergency card won't work, physical keys won't work
>guy I'm training says "You should be strong enough to break down that door if you want to keep this job"
>guy in the room was fine, it was just a test
>weeks later
>calls to front desk over and over again
>put him on hold because of guests checking in
>finally get to answer
>Do you have a fan?
>I really, really need a fan
>we don't have fans
>but I need a fan I am having cold sweats
>run him through the mill, sorry sir we don't have any to give out I wish I could help you, there's an AC in your room
>911 call
>same guy who was asking for fan
>he was "having a heart attack and I didn't help him"

What the fuck? What kind of 'tests' are those where they call 911?

>first time working for a small business
>there for two years
>bosses want to blame me for them being unable to offer a service, they're so upset about it that they've posted my job online and are taking interviews
>confront them about job listing
>I told them dozens of times that in order for me to provide said service I need education/training for it

Thought this was going to be a larp about a masseuse giving happy endings. I'm disappointed.

There is a reason why 80% of them go under in the first year

I think they were trying to get me to become violent because I fit the columbine kid demographic. I'm honestly glad I don't have to work there anymore. Want to hear another one?

>try to send night audit to business owner
>click "attach"
>night audit isn't in the folder
>I assume the file dates went from bottom to top, instead of top to bottom
>so I scroll
>scroll scroll scroll
>suddenly nude thumbnails of a lady I work with
>2 dudes dicks and pictures of her vagina
>I completely freeze
>it's around 2 AM so I leave the manager a text message
>she replies the next morning "I'll take care of it"
>return to work the next night
>lady from the photos is ass up, face flat on the counter
>she says she is SO SORRY that happened and promises she'll never make another mistake again
>rest of the females at work treat me like complete shit for "ratting her out"
>manager treats me like shit for demanding her hours be cut around mine so I at least don't have to work with her
>this pertained to me being fired after the "heart attack"

you're damn right about the family members thing, that kind of shit should be illegal. My sister is currently trying to help me get a job where she works, but fuck an actual ant & uncle being boss over 3 or 4 cousins that just know everything about the business, and keep it secret to themselves

That's insane.

There's a shipper at my work that gets paid more than I do purely because he's family - he only has GED.