How to get this barber to buy the domain name I bought for his website

So theres a local barber in my city who is extremely popular but he doesn't have his own website. All he does is optimise social media so I thought fuck it let me buy all the domain names relating to his name and business because I think it would be a good idea for him to have his own website - and I could make a quick profit off of it by selling it to him.

I sent him an instagram message which was well thought out explaining that I have built websites, like his business and thought it would be a good idea if he bought the domain name.

He's read the message but not replied to me yet. He's just came back from partying in Ibiza, he is a bit of a guido but yeah... any advise?

Tell him that the websites will improve his reputation and increase the number of potential customers as it will be seen as professional.
Also tell him that this is an investment,not just social outreach

tell him that otherwisethese urls will be used for reflinking to gay pr0n sites

Why did you buy the domain first? He's not going to pay you any significant amount of money for it and now it just looks like you're blackmailing him. You could have just offered to build the site for him and then bought the domain. The only way you'd make a decent amount of money from this is by charging for the web design, not the URL. But why would he accept now he's being held to ransom?

I bet you thought you were really smart doing this. A real shark for buying that domain name. But it's just dumb and bad business. The most likely outcome is that you'll just lose the $10 domain registration fee or whatever.

Congratulations OP

Goddamn, any way I can turn this situation round?

The only reason a barber needs a website is to show opening and closing hours and a phone number. Make sure he doesn't realize this.

Lol don't worry m8, he'll probably just ignore it. Take this as a lesson learned and don't be so aggressive in future. I know people like Trump make out like business is all about fucking people over but just think how you'd feel if you owned a business and someone bought the domain and tried to sell your own business URL to you. You wouldn't be happy and you certainly wouldn't want to partner with them.

The secret to negotiation is making the other person feel like they've won.

Yeah. Forward the domain to 2 girls 1 cup and call it a day. Never contact the guy again.

Thing is he is in close contact with my social circle so I can see him etc. maybe if I speak to him in person and say I really like building websites can I help build yours that would flip it round... also what price would you say is acceptable to sell it at? I've bought the domains for no more than £100 but I was looking to sell it to him for £1500

>he's never read the art of the deal
What a fag

£1500? That's so cheeky m8 I would be so angry if someone tried to con me like that. £1500 for domain + web design, maybe (if it's high enough quality). You can't just register a domain name for £10 and then do no work and mark the price up £1490. This is not how the world works lol

Lol you obviously haven't either

Liberals feel like they've won when Trump builds a huge fence that they would never have agreed to if he hadn't started by demanding a 100 ft high wall

I would understand if you bought or something before Google and made millions. But this isn't that kind of situation. You're dealing with a sole trader who clearly isn't that bothered about web presence outside of social media. Do you really think he's going to pay £1500 for a domain? You can't have bought every variation anyway, why wouldn't he just buy a close match for £10??

This is so misguided m8 honestly. I get that you're trying to take some initiative and that's good but you're way off the mark in so many respects.

Put a brick through his window with a note linking his domain.

>he is in close contact with my social circle so I can see him etc.
Oh gosh sorry to keep ripping on you OP but if someone I knew did that to me I would seriously want to kick his head in. What were you thinking?

Nice! Just bought 100k domains

it's not that deep. All I said is I would like to help build your website with the domain xx let me know if you're interested.

simple. He's illiterate so he probably didn't even understand my well written DM

What the fuck would a barber need a website for in the first place?

Man, you are a dumbass. He's going to look at this as a con or a threat, which it basically is. You do realize that right? Jesus, you are stupid or maybe just very naive.

best you can do is just be straight up, offer him to buy the domain names at cost and ask if he's interested in a web site. Just say you was tryin to support local businesses and ask him what his budget would be and what he's comfortable to pay for a website....

You keep saying "well written." Post a picture of the message so we can see what went wrong.

in b4 Elliot Rodger tier message

>I'm the perfect web developer gentleman. Please buy my website. Why don't you want my website?

Thanks bro I guess I should've worded it more like this but this was the general gist of the message... reckon I should message him again in a few weeks or meet him in person to ask or just forget it.

fucking lmao