Rumors of a "Bancor jew"
Kek that nose.
we are the hacker known as Veeky Forums. we do not forgive, but we do forget.
these kikes are here watching right now
u shooped that nose
My sources say BNT is unstoppable. Like literally it can't stop no matter what. Any truth to this anons?
It's going up little by little user
>BNT hasn't mooned yet and /pol/niggers are already this triggered
Can't make this shit up
pls post bancor meme where the kike whore is driving with kike pepe in a lambo, with a nazi pink wojak behind them
>One such Twitter meme showed Benartzi with a Holocaust-style yellow star on her chest, fleeing a sinking ship of investor funds with a fancy car and a distorted map of “greater Israel” in tow.
Can't wait for BNT to take over so all these /pol/fags get BTFO
jidf shills go away nobody wants your kikecoin
lmao, why is the description even funnier than the picture itself?
got you senpai
OMG I laughed soooo hard at that description! How do these people even find this part of the internet?
/pol/tards ignore the most important information on this.
Founders Fund.
more like jewbots screeching "HURRR GO BACK TO POL" when goyum dont want anything to do with them
the only thing we do is say that Bancor is literally unstoppable, share our predictions and post our bags together with pics of our waifu Galia. It is /pol/niggers that come in and scream "hurr durr report the Bancor shills hurr durr", or spam photos of pajeets, or start calling it kikecoin while using debunked FUD etc. etc. etc.
thank senpai
>hurrr evberyding u say bad boutda chosen ones id debunked
haha classic
Don't call it moon, call it shoah
>>hurrr evberyding u say bad boutda chosen ones id debunked
lmao here you go again with da joos. I don't give a shit where they are form, Bancor is cool as fuck and will definitely be worth a shitload of money very soon. Take your politics and your retarded conspiracies somewhere else.
Also yes, all that FUD was debunked, whether you like it or not.
The day of the Long Tail is coming. when will the fomo be to great? $10? $1000?.
dont bet against zee jewz
how much opportunity cost did you lose by holding bancor while everything else mooned this month?
You can't move from California to Tel Aviv and then complain about anti-semitic stereotypes. You've basically done everything in your power to be as jewy as possible.
Lmao alts dropping everywhere but bancor continues it's steady rise
Nobanc tears so salty
What's the saying? Life imitates art.
Life imitates Veeky Forums memes in this case. Funny.
Roll with Jews you can't lose.