Alternative ways to make money

>Alternative ways to make money

Fuck Jihan in the ass.

sucking dicks behind macdonalds

Giving handjobs to niggers in exchange for watermelon

Rob a bank, its pretty easy since staff are trained to just hand over the money. As long as you don't carry a weapon or make any threats, the police won't even be that bothered about catching you.

why is Veeky Forums so fucking gay ?

get a job

So what do you propose, just walk in a bank and say "please give me a million in cash"?

I used to play the steam market(with their abusive fees and stuff) to make money. To turn it into real money I just sold steam games to my friends.
Basically spent one hour every day to get like 50$ a month on an investment of ~30$

take Jihan dick in the ass

>50$ a month on an investment of ~30$

you dont even have to say anything. you can just hand them a piece of paper with that written out and they will comply. all tellers are trained to do so.

>50$ a month

i wipe my ass on $50/mo

go door to door and threaten to shit on ppl's porch if they don't give you money

Order MDMA in bulk from the Deep Web for like

Sticking a sharpie in your pooper.

They can't give you a million, but they will give you anything in their drawer if you ask them.

grow weed

You're astoundingly retarded

Sell a kidney or two
Borrow money from the mob and run for it
Star in a darknet snuff-film

I unironically did this with 4-aco-dmt but stored it incorrectly (in the heat) and it lost a lot of potency. Now I don't know what to price it at because it's significantly weaker.

blackmail, kidnapping children, poisining food products, kill harmless people out of the sudden, it all is good business.
but the problem is the money. the police will catch you when you want to get the money.
this is where monero kicks in.

I've seen videos of security cameras where people just walk into the bank and rob over 100k dollars and just leave unnoticed.
They don't even hide from security or anything, they just walk straight to where the money is stored. They just avoid having people look at them as they take the money.

Dress up as a Girl and start Webcaming


cia pls go

Tips for doing so? Im Contemplating that currently. Was thinking outdoor 8/9 week cycle autoflowers for a quick buck, though i dont want to be a nigger and have a criminal record

>blackmail, kidnapping children, poisining food products, kill harmless people out of the sudden, it all is good business.

Why don't you cia niggers just fuck off?

You could have been a cuckslave and gotten $1000 a month for the amount of wasted time you were already wasting

I was also thinking about growing but idk what to do about the smell. My friend grows 2 small plants and it makes his entire house smell dank af.

ayyy kek

Help me out Veeky Forums my credit line just got bumped and I'm wondering if I can use it to make money somehow.

In my country it's hard to find min wage(~220u$) jobs(which are full time jobs)

Honestly user I'm not even bullshitting you. I have 5 rigs of 1080 tis 30 cards in total and I make 120$ a day mining zcash and get paid in bitcoin. I'm also using all my profits from mining to trade alt coins. Free residual income that I turn into x4 x5 on alts.

Copper can be melted in a simple bonfire. Iron cannot.
Won't say no more.

how much money could you get a day with 2k starting and how much do you pay for electricity?

I've made 45$ on swagbucks last month, found an exploit that gives me 5$ each 30 mins but I need to change my IP each time for it to work so it's a big hassle.

>rent an office space
>run fake clinic
>offer free screenings for people
>"screen" then for disease
>tell them they have a really rare but deadly disease
>"you will die in 6 months if untreated"
>"with your insurance, it's going to be $20,000 out of pocket"
>they pay you 20 grand because they don't want to die
>for the "treatment" inject them with salt water
>OR: give them anesthetic, wake them up an hour later and say the surgery was a success

If you do this 5 times a month, you will make over a million dollars profit in a year.


Sell plasma

sucking dicks in front of mcdonalds

sucking dicks inside of mcdonalds

>Veeky Forums