How would history change if Americas never existed?

How would history change if Americas never existed?

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All for the better. All for the better.

pretty much this



no Veeky Forums

Colombus would have reached the Indies and Spain would have dominated the world even more.

All of the shit would be invented anyway.

Lets see here....

No potatoes, corn, turkey, jerky, chocolate, coffee, 1/2 the worlds supply of oil, half the worlds supply of gold, tobaccoo, cocaine, bannanas, half the worlds supply of sugar, and the list goes on...

Not to mention the black warrior would have invaded Europe because there was no place to put them all now since no place for large amounts pf slave trade.

Not to mention Europe would have been invaded by muslims because there was no way to fund warfare with no profit from the Americas.

Not to mention the invasion of Communism into Europe with no USA to stop the influence.

turkey is in asia idiot

Literally no. It's a North American bird which was also domesticated in pre-colonial Mexico.

The climate and ocean currents would be fucked up.
What said about plants

WTF I love islam now

Europe would be uninhabitable except for Siberian tribe tier "civilization" because the jet stream wouldn't exist


Not exactly. It would still be warmer than Siberia because the western side of landmasses(in this case Eurasia) is always warmer than the eastern side above the 40th because the winds blow from the west during winters.

Oil could've been under the Ocean where America existed

Nah, he'd have died at sea.

If the Atlantic and Pacific were merged into one continuous ocean, there's no way a fleet of small 15th century ships would have had the supplied to make it across.

The entirety of human history may change
Taking out 2 entire continents will fuck up a lot of shit

Asian history would have been massively different, since whatever ancient nomadic race migrated across the Bering land bridge to the Americas would have had nowhere to go and would have still been camped out in the northeast of the continent.

China in early antiquity would have had a much greater threat of barbarian invasion, either uniting the various kingdoms much sooner or creating so much chaos that a unified China never formed at all.

Are you retarded or trolling?

The founding population of Native Americans was between 50 and 200 people.


Not very logical that europe would travel that far out to sea for oil

Hitler might have had a greater reign over the world, and with no one to stop japan, russia could end up how germany did, fighting on two fronts.

Also, Cars wouldn't exist, steel wouldn't exist, Airplanes wouldn't exist, Television wouldn't exist, Computers wouldn't exist, Submarines wouldn't exist( this is a maybe, Hitler was really smart), etc.

The Jews finally would have been wiped the fuck out, heil Hitler, hail Christ. Justice for the unjust murder of the son of god.

those are all european inventions

You know nothing, cuck

you're wrong about steel but everything else is alright

>if europeans didn't go to america they would never have invented shit

The genes that combined to create those inventors would be different, because their mother and father never would have met, therefore less inventors, therefore yes.

then someone else would have invented them

But there would have been more people in Europe without emigration thus more inventors.

the same inventions may have been invented, just by different people, but those inventions may have come hundreds of years or thousands of years later


Actually oil is formed in specific marine environments and it's extraction on the high seas is extremely risky and difficult.

If anything the opposite would have happened, we wouldn't have discovered oil.

lol user is right

Alternatively, Irish blood may have polluted many creative English and German bloodlines in America and this resulted in them not being able to contribute to civilization whereas if their families stayed inside Europe they would have been safe from Irish influence and contributed more.

the samurai made imageboards, anyone can just steal it and change the language


Moot invented modern imageboards

