Crypto fails

>crypto fails

What's your backup plan?

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>backup plan


>crypto fails
>backup plan
Explain these terms

Crypto is my backup plan

The nearest window

I have a job and intend to have one whether or not crypto fails. It would just be a nice bonus if crypto moons but that's all.

Buy some lottery tickets, I'm sure I'll hit the jackpot.

I would kys myself.
I'm being serious. I'm 100% in crypto.

Failure is not an option

Suicide honestly

I really dont feel like living much unless I can do it on easy mode so I'll opt out if I'm not loaded by 30

he's actually cute

suicide only the 9th post


A normal job.

If you're reading this FBI, CIA, IRS

I will kill myself if crypto fails

I'm not paying you anymore

Stay mad, Kikes :^)

>backup plan

something where i do not harm anyone but go into jail for a long time and don't need to care about anything. here, in germany, questioning the holocaust would do it.

kill myself im not joking

ive been dumping gains into a 3d printing business. launched last week and have been getting steady sales. its lit.

A friend asked me the same question. Same answer and I wasn't joking.

They're trying to reduce the world population anyway. You'll be doing them a favor.

OT: Enjoy life as I always have.


Guess I'll stick to my cuck-career of selling implantable medical devices and fucking my smoking hot wife regularly while looking forward to a very comfortable retirement in 20 years.

crypto IS my backup plan...I already have a normie job.

I have a normie job which pays reasonably well

If that goes tits up I would probably just sell everything I own and go travel/live on the other side of the world

Or kms

re-read the first few posts. It's all pointing towards sudoku.

Well I'm working on major crypto exchange.

That would suck then, wouldn't it.

Im afraid of death so I wont kill myself

Ill just continue living in my grandparents basement here until they die and just give me the house

probs would try pic related

.44 to the cranium honestly

Ironically with a revolver I bought with crypto money

What do you print?


Probably join the military or kill myself


Fuck, that's pretty cool honestly

Dude, printing might become obsolete, unless you're thinking of the whole printing a house, thing. There's some new shit where stuff's made in some kind of liquid like some terminator shit.

Give my regards to The Beast, you soulless peice of shit.

The qrl

Your smoking hot wife ages like shit. Bad investment. Enjoy waiting another 20 years faggot

Crypto IS my backup plan.

If I'm not rich by 30 I will literally hang myself.

Or take out the biggest loan I can get, fuck as many hookers and do as many drugs as I can and then end it all.

Or just become some kind of hermit.

Being a soulless wagecuck until 70 is a worse fate than struggling in poverty.


I have an emergency fund for buying kneecaps.


You guys did only spend what you could lose right??

live fast die young i dont care about your old man stocks "advice"

pistol in mouth

>he didn't go all in on his best chance for financial independence


all-in risky alt-coins


FOREX trading



Back to the drawing board, looking for next best opportunity

finish my degree and maybe create some kind of content and ask for donations

Flooding the west with third world immigrants isn't reducing any populations in a hurry.

kms, no joke, this works or im done. I wont be a wageslave

Maybe it's a Calhoun-esque strategy. Let overpopulation reach its apex (animalistic immigrants are really good at reproducing uncontrollably) and watch as populations dwindle back to near zero. Vid related.

The $100k+ I have in the bank.

My grandparents are loaded, so after the estate sale I'll move to thailand and live ok. shit i'll probably do that if I make out with crypto too.

break da law

9mm jhp straight thru the ear canal and into the cerebellum. quick and easy

50% NEO, 50% TSLA

Don't let me down Elon

Become an hero.

You're a moron thanks for letting Bank of America earn interest on your peasant savings

crypto has always just been something i've been holding onto and nothing else.

I've got a ft job and normal investments (no penny stock garbage)

crypto is only 5-10% of my portfolio, if it fails I'll just go back to regular investing I guess

See you on the other side

Probably be a wagecuck and fuck hookers.

If cryptocurrency fails completely Ill be forced back into the wageslave lifestyle. I always thought Id be a wageslave but for now cryptocurrency lets me be free.

at this point though im not sure id be ok with that. Id hate for my life story to be "got lucky once, then everything came crashing down and I spent the next 50 years at a shitty job." might even prefer suicide if it comes between that or get a job again.


>BTC fails

>all smart folks suicide
>global disaster.

3d Animation

>smart folks
>went all in on a non proven bubble fad that will eventually burst

gamedev and steam
was gonna work on it today, but been fOMO watching prices all day
crypto is the worst thing to ever happen to me

Keep working 9-5 for Schlomo wagie, while Eth, Avalon and Bitcoin (my backup plan) let me retire at 30.

crypto is my backup i´m mainly on real state, but if it fail i would replace it with online bets with some low risk strategy and trade binary options, maybe if everything gets fucked up i will like to be a backpacker instead of killing myself

I'm not going all into crypto. I'm probably going to take most of that and put it into some kind of mutual fund or IRA, but it's not going into crypto.

Enjoy loosing your money retard lmfao.

Got a Msc. in Business Administration from one of the world's top 10 BS, so I'm not really that worried.


>Crypto is my backup plan
same here

plus 1k of gold

Is anyone else's cryto holds worth more than 19$?

Where will you live user, we can have breakfast together.

Very interesting watch, pic somewhat related

I will continue with my day job regardless or not of if I make enough money to retire in cryoto. I only have around 100ETH though so I don't see that happening, even in 5 years. Might be able to trade myself up a bit higher.

I actually enjoy my job though so it's OK. You don't need much money to be successful or even powerful. My job is in the public sector so pays very badly but in the uppper levels of management is high power with people eventually moving to politics and government.

Money isn't the be all end all. It's just nice. I want a nice home to raise a big family in.

Keep working as a sysadmin for now and continue my studies

I put 20% of my wages in an index tracker fund that tracks the FTSE 250 which is fairly stable over a 20 year period and the rest in crypto, ive been told you shouldn't think of the profits and losses over days or months but instead think of the gains over 5 years or more, but coin which you can see being around in 5 years and play the long game

>Physics undergrad
>Applied math undergrad
if crypto fails I can get a decent job in the tech industry or maybe finance
(i'll probably go into either even if crypto doesn't crash)

There is no backup plan. I kill myself to try again in the next life by going all in on something else.

So many weak individuals in this thread. You don't deserve to make it and you should kill yourselves already.

My backup plan is forex and commodities trading. As that's what I used to do. Or running a business. God some of you are pussies lol

buy the dip

rob small businesses

>Linguistics background
>MSc in Data Science

I think I'll be OK


This is also how i fund my crypto investments.

>What's your backup plan?
Nothing. I've been waiting for it to fail for years now.

The only fail here is nocoiners.

only real answer