you meant BUY BUY BUY

Other urls found in this thread:

>still doesnt know how huffpo works



I don't own NEO but this would be some serious hold fuel for me if I was.

>Huffing-paint Post

OP may be correct in this. This is likely in reference to the adage "Buy the rumor, sell the news."

Excellent investment advice generally speaking, and a good rule to follow. The problem is that crypto breaks the rules frequently.

Securing some profits would be a good idea, but an outright sell in a bull-run would be stupid.

Take your profits, hold for the dips a few months later. If it doesn't dip, at least you are still in the markets, and likely have remade what you pulled out. The only remorse people have is "Damn, I should have left it in longer."... which is the primary psychology of losing money in a bull-trap.

Holy shit the biggest crypto! Lmao

No NEOs btfo once again :)


You will get your dick&ass pic

NEO gains are best gains

Bump because this is important.

I own NEO, but just LOOOOOL at that article. But it's good for me, free shilling = more normies = MORE MONEY FOR ME :)

they are shilling their own bags

Why the fuck is shillington post writing articles about NEO?



The huffington post blog articles get like 5k views lol. Someone selectively searched for this

You know your coin is shit when huffpost sings its praises

Did you miss the discussion that happened all week, user? This is THE weekend dip. Buy every coin that is available at ATM's. (((they))) are hoarding the normies for us, because (((they))) see the money involved.

The next step is watching our coins raise in value, while everyone else plays with them. You grew up in the generation that made pokemon cards, Magic the gathering, and yu-gi-oh.

It's all the same meme.

>didn't read the article: the posts

all aboard

Up while every other alt coin is tanking

They're tanking alright - tanking as in refilling the liquidox tanks for another mission.

Scoop up some cheap NEO at 730k sat. 978k sat at time of posting

I'm feeling generous user.

I love you bro. You made my dreams come true!

My god I suck at this. Sold my NEO at 979 because I realized price was definitely too high and would dip later, but then it rose even higher and I was like "fuck this is probably because of the recent shill articles and bought back in at nearly 1mil", which didn't leave me much time to sell at the peak. Now I'm back to bagholding where I was.
How do I get patience and self control?

it's tough. you typically have to have one really awful trade where you lose 80% of your investment because of FOMO. it's like getting into your first car accident before you start driving safely

Join a fellow biz/tard talk about NEO

Live stream in 20 minutes

I guess so. I more or less predicted the entire price movement in the in the past few days but impulse always got in the way of turning a major profit.

I regularly watch my bags shed 10, 20, and up to 50% like the big collapse a few weeks back. Now NEO happened and its up 275%. My tip - dont open blockfolio, and stay off biz during dips. This place is full of panicked retard daytraders with less than 2 weeks experience squarking and shitting everywhere like pidgeons at a slight downtrend. Gains are not real money until you cash out anyway, so keep your bags off exchanges so is less tempting.

Im an ETH holder too, that cut in half, now its coming back big. As long as there is still interest in crypro and the tech, there will be more investment coming in. Nobody can tell the future of this but patience pays in the holding game