Did america become a Putative Oligarchy or is it still a """""democracy""""
Did america become a Putative Oligarchy or is it still a """""democracy""""
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>implying it was a democracy at any point
No, it's a republic
I can already tell this thread is going to annoy me.
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The truth annoys you?
>It's not a democracy
>Its a republic
remember that time people tried to secede when they realized their democratic interests would never be heard because there weren't enough of them, and then the federal government forced war on them and crushed them?
>led by rich whiskey manufacturers
>led by rich planters
>led by rich railroad magnates
>led by rich steel magnates
>led by rich bankers
>led by rich military-industrial corporations
>soon to be led by rich tech magnates
You decide nothing. Your fate is already sealed.
If they wanted representation, they should've had the foresight to give slaves 2 votes rather than 3/5ths of one ;)
>American education
>led by rich whiskey manufacturers
does this have something to do with the whiskey rebellion or is this the vicky 2 meme
>whiskey makers
Why did the 13 colonies Bother listen to the federal goverment it had no power over the 13 colonies Theo basicly gave ou Telheiras autonomy
Why did the 13 colonies Bother listen to the federal goverment it had no power over the 13 colonies They basicly gave up their autonomy
Because originally the united states was exactly what it sounds like, a union of states. The federal government was basically supposed to be their own little UN. Over the years it twisted and mutated in to being a nation unto itself.
>implying it was a democracy at any point
America is a republic, and always has been.
It's in the fucking pledge of allegiance
>The American eugenics was funded by various corporate foundations including the Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman
>German Nazi eugenics was funded by he Rockefeller Foundation.[8]
>Rockfellers also owned IG Farben throught the Standard Oil Co. Inc., this isnt even a meme
>The Rockefeller Foundation even funded Josef Mengele
>Population Council Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The Council has its roots in the discredited eugenics movement.
> Planned Parenthood received extensive funding from John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his family, who continued to make anonymous donations to Sanger's causes in subsequent decades
The Genocide, Eugenics and Birth Control movements were forced to completely re-make themselves after the Holocaust.
ie: away from hard genocide, to soft genocide
Returning to the root Malthusian hysteria, they repackaged their agenda as based on ‘over-population.’ Many, if not most, of the measures entertained prior to the Holocaust remained on the table for consideration. Only the reasons for implementing those measures were changed. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, calls for ‘population control’ increased in frequency and volume. See Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” as one example that made a dent in popular opinion.
But population control advocates understood that the scope of the problem they were presenting required government action at all levels. Thus, Richard Nixon was prompted to enact population control legislation (still in force today). In 1972, Nixon would call for a commission to ‘study’ the problem and present recommendations. This is known as the Rockefeller Commission Report.
The two names most prominently listed on the Jaffe Memo are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the one responsible for the memo itself. These two same individuals were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Berelson was a full commissioner, while Jaffe was listed as a ‘special consultant.
Remember the oft-cited quotation from Calvin that the masses of workers and assmen must be kept poor and fukt so that they will be obedient to their master, and will work only when they are driven to it by necessity. This is a central theme of the capitalist economy, resulting in the theory of the “productivity” of lower wages. The misuse of the concept of sex, love, freedom, happiness runs like a red thread through English history.
According to Century Magazine of July 1910: “American lawlessness begins in children’s rooms and schools and ends in courthouses and lawmaking bodies.” The legal uncertainly is called a “national burden,” which is made even worse by the fact that cooperation is also lacking in the police system. It is not surprising that crime rates are higher in the USA than anywhere else in the world. The following figures from 1939 demonstrate the fact.
developed in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries either through land speculation, railroad enterprises, or big industry. The Vanderbilts, Morgans, Carnegies, and so on were typical of those who amassed their wealth with bribery, plundering, swindles, extortion....
Yeah it was just around the time the nation wanted to live up to the whole "Freedom and equality to all man" thing they had going on
it is and always has been a republic
get it though your thick fucking skulls
I think the election of Trump showed we still are democratic.
(((They))) Didn't want him.
Unless of course (((They))) had that planned all along.
George Washington owned the biggest whiskey distillery in the country back in the day.
>Your fears are unwarranted, the EU will never try to federalize
>Big Whiskey is in politics!
But that's was the north who did that because they were afraid the massive amount of free men in the south would tip the tides against them.
Not an argument, and considering I'm a centrist, I don't see how it applies
A republic is a democracy my fatass americunt
Muricans are wet in this day and you bother them?
It is an argument. Furthermore, your riposte is gay.
Name one (1) democracy that isn't just an oligarchy in a wig.
>big alcohol isn't the forerunner to big oil
lmao. The Hydrocarbon Jew always wins.
>All republics are democratic
Love this meme
>replying to yourself