Do we need another global viral pandemic similar to the Black Death in the 14th century in order to end our modern version of Feudalism?
Do we need another global viral pandemic similar to the Black Death in the 14th century in order to end our modern...
What we need is people not being fags who speak in hyperbole; ( men and women ) those of us who speak the Truth.
Then people will band together in a way that has value in rejecting our autistic society.
We need something better.
It's more simple than that. All we need to do is to just stop electing conservative politicians who think that free market capitalism that actually benefits society is more realistic than unicorns.
Remember the Tracer Tong ending in Deus Ex? Something like that needs to happen.
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think that exterminating women in the future would solve anything?
What a fucking joke, you are a filthy sissy and a cuck.
The ideal would be if we developed a time machine to go back in time and make sure women get wiped out from history.
Scratch that, we should change the evolutionary process to ensure that no living being ever evolved from asexual reproduction.
Then and only then will we reach the absolute good.
Also known as the "Escape from LA" ending.
We need something that would wipe out at least 75% of the population across the planet.
>who think that free market capitalism that actually benefits society
It does though. Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than Communism, Monarchy and Fascism combined. Socialism just wants people to live on gibs from the fruits of capitalism, but this only possible if you have a trade and government surplus like Germany or Japan, not the rest of Europe and America.
College safe space millennials are so cute when reality hits them.
I know, you just want to hold them by the neck as you ruthlessly hammer them untill they're sore and can't make a coherent sound anymore, other than the purely bestial lustful grunt.
>pic related
Islam is the answer. Islam recognizes that in some things men are superior to women, in others they are equal, and in some women superior to men. It gives each gender its due wherever that due is relevant and witholds it in contexts where it ceases to be relevant.
How old are you? Do you have a career or degree?
Honestly, they aren't playing their cards right.
Even with a humanities degree that doesn't immediately translate to a career, humanities degrees are actually useful.
A friend of mine has a master's degree in philosophy, and he's the project administrator for a very large private company that doesn't even have anything to do with philosophy at all, but they said they wanted someone with skills beyond the mere corporate entity - someone with people skills etc.
I think a lot of the whining about post-grad humanities students looking for a job, is them failing to prove their competence.
Can you give me certain passages? This sounds interesting, but I know little of Islam.
I want to google it.
>pampered all your life
>shielded and protected from all evil
>never learned to deal with conflicts and problems
>never learned to take one for the team or run with the hierarchy
>suddenly the real world
Yes, you're fucked!
That's every generation of middle and upper class people in the west since 1945
No a World War would work but it's gotta have a draft otherwise the lefty millennial types will just run to Canada.
>allowing the state to coerce you into military service in a war you don't necessarily have any interest or stake in
Absolutely cuck
No shit capitalism has brought the most out of poverty. It brought the most into poverty in the first place.
It's not about superiority or inferiority you goatfucking troglodyte, learn to read.
China vs. India would work just fine.
He is a fucking retard spamming this picture everywhere.
Christianity does this too mate
>millennials still whining about not getting any good jobs with their womyns studies degree
>there wasn't any poverty until the 18th century