i hear he is the origin of the whole "Wewuzery" of Ancient Egypt
Redpill me on Marcus Garvey
He was /our guy/
Did he just think Fascism was a country that had a military and youth organizations?
well he was a nigger
so and we all know the intelligent levels of these creatures
Less things are more amusing than Whites being triggered by the fact that Western civilization was found by Semites and Negros.
yeah those negroes that didn't even have a concept of the wheel until the 19th century
africa in it's entire history has never produced any great mathematics, science or philosophy
>Greeks and Romans were semites and negros
>He doesn't know Greeks copied Egyptians and Sumerians
Oh, hun...
It did, but it was all northern Africa, not nigger Africa.
Sumerians were long gone by the time Greeks energed you fucking brainlet.
Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian, Mesopotamian high castes were all Africans.
>He doesn't know about the Kingdom of Kush
Oh, hun...
>He doesn't know the greeks were uncivilized tribes people until they got conquered by Egyptians and Sumerians
Oh, hun...
Kingdom of Kush didn't produce anything
the Egyptian influence on Greece is overrated and Sumeria was long gone dumb nigger
plus Greece surpassed both civilizations in mathematics, it was Euclid's Elements that produced the FIRST ever axiomatic deductive system with mathematical proofs
You have to go back
I don't know why brainlets assume all ancient civilizations were contemporaries. There's a bigger time gap between Sumeria and classical Greece than between classical Greece and today.
>He doesn't know greek mythology is as much ripped off Sumerian and Egyptian myhtology as roman mythology is a rip off of greek mythology plus he doesn't know Egyptians literally colonized greece and that ancient greeks saw Egypt as their mother civilization
Oh, hun
>he doesn't know that this white man single handily surpasses the entire scientific legacy of black Africa
Oh, hun...
>If there was a lot of time between the peaks it means these civilizations have nothing to do with each other
Oh, hun...
what does that have to do with mathematics
and no greek philosophy is quite different than egyptian mythology conceptually
Oh sweetie, did you learn that from your African American Studies chemistry professor?
>He doesn't know that this white man was standing on the shoulders of semite and negroid giants
Oh, hun...
their are African american chemistry professors?
He's a nigger shitposter from /pol/ why are you taking the bait
you mean science is build over time.......I had no idea
i guess that means Niggers deserve credit for Einstein's General Relativity since they were the first to carve numbers in bones....
hey Einstein used numbers...
that's not how it works
>He doesn't understand greek mathematicians only continued the work that Egyptians began
Oh, hun...
Ummm no...Egyptian mathematics had no concept of mathematical proofs or an axiomatic deductive system
that was all Greece
Name one black scientist or mathematician on the same level as Newton
I'll wait?
>He thinks Euclid could have done shit if he hadn't all the knowledge that was stored in the Library of Alexandria
Oh, hun...
>he doesn't realize that the Library of Alexandria was created under Ptolemaic (Greek) Egypt and ran by Greeks
Oh Hun
>He doesn't know about Ahmes
Oh, hun...
Ahmes mathematics were no where near as influential as Newton
they were no where near as influential as Euclid's or Archimedes
>It is so because I'm a triggered white male that can't get laid
Oh, hun...
Gauss, Euler are two white mathematicians superior to Ahmes
>being a triggered white male is still better than being a nigger that is part of a race that has absolutely no great accomplishments in the entire span of human civilization
Oh hun
>so and we all know the intelligent levels of these creatures
>the intelligent levels
Nigga, I'm white and you are a disgrace. If you're going to insult someone, try not to make yourself look retarded in the process. It reflects poorly on us.
>reflects intelligence
Well we don't all have the time/care to proof-read our posts Mr. Libcuck!
well.....their is absolutely no intelligence in what he said in that quote
>"lets make a city state just like the famous one in Egypt named Thebes and call it Thebes"
If anything you are understating and downplaying how much foreign influence Egypt and Mesopotamia and Near East civilizations like Sumeria and Babylon had on Greece. Where do you think advances in mathematics, astrology, astronomy, and sciences originated in the first place?
so what happened then? How come you live like animals now with all your great knowledge or civilization?
again like I mentioned
Greek mathematics via Euclid were the first to produce an axiomatic deductive system with mathematical proofs
Egypt and Sumerian civilizations did not have that, their mathematics tended to focus on practical things
lol what kind of logic is this
The U.S military names its attack helicopter after Apache indians, does that mean Native Americans are the greatest influence on the U.S Military?
>Sumeria and Babylon
At least say Phoenicia if you don't want to appear like a retard.
Marcus Garvey totally was Wewuz
"If others laugh at you, return the laughter to them; if they mimic you, return the compliment with equal force. They have no more right to dishonor, disrespect and disregard your feeling and manhood than you have in dealing with them. Honor them when they honor you; disrespect and disregard them when they vilely treat you. Their arrogance is but skin deep and an assumption that has no foundation in morals or in law. They have sprung from the same family tree of obscurity as we have; their history is as rude in its primitiveness as ours; their ancestors ran wild and naked, lived in caves and in the branches of trees, like monkeys, as ours; they made human sacrifices, ate the flesh of their own dead and the raw meat of the wild beast for centuries even as they accuse us of doing; their cannibalism was more prolonged than ours; when we were embracing the arts and sciences on the banks of the Nile their ancestors were still drinking human blood and eating out of the skulls of their conquered dead; when our civilization had reached the noonday of progress they were still running naked and sleeping in holes and caves with rats, bats and other insects and animals. After we had already unfathomed the mysteries of the stars and reduced the heavenly constellations to minute and regular calculus they were still backwoodsmen, living in ignorance and blatant darkness."
I know the internet memes and all that.
But are there people that really believe that the ancient Egyptians were black?
Newton was really black.
You guys know you're being trolled right?
Niggers are lower on the IQ scale.
>he knows what type of posting this is
Oh, hun...
>"lets make a city state just like the famous one in Egypt named Thebes and call it Thebes"
Except Ancient Egyptian Thebes was called Niwt-'Imn, and the name of Egyptian "Thebes" it was likely derived from the name of the Karnak Temple complex in Thebes which the Egyptians called "Ta-pe", which the Greeks rendered and Hellenized it as "Thebes" later in the Archaic age. Mycenaean Boeotian Thebes was documented as "Tʰēgʷai̮s", and Thebes had been continuous settlement in it since the Neolithic and there's zero evidence that it was planned out and 'founded' by a group of people, but built gradually over centuries. By 2400-2200 BC, it was one of the few mainland Helladic cities that were fortified--far before the Karnak Temple was built.
Learn2history, nigger.
I dunno, I've heard they produced some pretty dank nugs...
Oh shit nigga, WorldStar need to have a word wit yo ignerinn white ass.
Dank nigs?
I thought it was Diop you "invented" a test to test the niggerdom of the "kangz".
Are you saying Greek Thebes came before Egyptian Thebes?
Do you need a prescription in this Kingdom of Kush?
Egyptian Thebes weren't called Thebes to begin with, Egyptians called it Waset. Only Greeks named it Thebes.
Lol nope
>total lack of punctuation
>and sentence structure
>l*ddit spacing
>misuse of words
>"don't have time/care to proof-read."
>Implying a proof-read could have helped that steaming pile of post
>Hurr you made fun of me so you must belong to (group I dislike)
>Even though your post essentially defends racism
But you'll notice it only defends/supports thoughtful and lucid, scholarly racism. Not the inbred variety.
In America absolutely
Why is this We Wuz shit posted everday.
I feel like Veeky Forums just tries to troll.
No. But I am saying the guy I was responding to was retarded for thinking that Greek Thebes was founded by, or named after Egyptian Thebes, when Egyptian Thebes' name is:
a) not what the Egyptians called it, but the city's temple which was it's main attraction
b) said temple was constructed over 1000 years after Thebes was an established polity
>this was the guy who died of a heart attack after reading a premature eulogy for himself
No. But I am saying the guy I was responding to was retarded for thinking that Greek Thebes was founded by, or named after Egyptian Thebes, when Egyptian Thebes' name is:
a) not what the Egyptians called it, but the city's temple which was it's main attraction
b) said temple was constructed over 1000 years after Thebes was an established polity
its not racism to admit that whites are superior to blacks based on empirical evidence