What to buy

How am I doing biz? General investment/ blockfolio fred

Haven't seen anyone with your last two coins.
Also rate/tips

We're both in big on ETH.
I feel like it's the safest bet, probably gonna keep it as %50 of my portfolio


They're yesterday's pnd and fuckign ANS

Update ANS to NEO, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Buy some UBQ and GUP.


UQB looks liked it already mooned.
Whats your reasoning behind this?

He's trying to sell his bags.

What price did you go in on NEO and OMG?

The moon three months ago was fueled by the quarterly report released May 10. The next report should be coming out very soon.

Picked up the NEO at $6-7 a little while back
Picked up half the OMG around $3.50, the other half around the current price

R8 my blockfolio


This board is for people over 18 years of age.

youre on the right track user. just put in what u can

LBC mainly. UBQ and MCO.

Put half of my assets into tether last night and the other half into OMG (bought at 206k). How fucked am I?

OMG now, yes or no?

So why are you here

My niqqa

who else holding alts through this bloodbath?