These things are not as reliable as they make it out to be
>peigon wants to take a shit
>peigon poops into aqueduct
>next thing you know, half the population of Rome is drinking peigon shit
These things are not as reliable as they make it out to be
>peigon wants to take a shit
>peigon poops into aqueduct
>next thing you know, half the population of Rome is drinking peigon shit
Other urls found in this thread:
It was covered. The water ran in a channel.
The Pont du Gard still has its covering in fact.
> drink shit water in lead cups
> go mad an die of cholera as bonus
romans anytime
They're closed at the top, retard
Some parts are open though
With the quantity of water running through one of these, I wouldn't be surprised if you could take a dump in the water upstream and the bacteria count per liter would still be safe to drink at the city.
Why is Veeky Forums so retarded
There is a difference between a small BOAT (without sails) and a SHIP.
This might be more unhygenic. A dead body could get stuck in there and no one would realise.
This is an issue that hasn't be resolved presently either. Vigilance and maintenance seem to be the only answer.
In the right weather conditions you can paddle from Island to Island in a dugout canoe
Who the fuck is
Oh and btw a lot of roman soldiers got sick of metal induced poisoning because they didn't know that the metals the made their flasks & bottles with reacted with water/wine/whatever
Corsica and Sardinia are like 10 km apart, Corsica is just 90 km away from the nearest landmass
Why the fuck did they hult all those stupid arches?
They could've just gone with menhirs, as an architecture major these bridges are atrocious, they're only hyped because they're old
90 ks is a lot, unironically you can't do that with prehistoric technology
You should look up the FDA's acceptable limits on rat shit in your food.
What if I told you everything you've ever drank has been pooped in to dinner degree?
They were roofed.
More like why is Veeky Forums so easy to bait. I still remember retarded Veeky Forumsfags falling for "United States of Soviet Russia" and "Persia is in Europe, retard". The latter got about 11 (you)s IIRC.
New topic since this is over
How fucking dirty were Roman cities?
So how's your first semester as an undergrad at community treating you?
>peigon wants to take a shit
>peigon poops in a water main
>whole neighbourhood drinking peigon's shit
I don't see your point.
Nigger people fucking SWIM from Sardinia to Corsica on a 4h marathon. It's just like 16km, you can see one island from the other.
Are you nuts?
You can't see 14 km ahead try looking ut of your window, it's not fucking 14 km more like meters or hundreds of meters at best
>How fucking dirty were Roman cities?
Dirtier than present day cities, less dirty than cities 500-1900.
Low quality b8
Hey guys Stevie Wonder here; I can inform you that I can't see shit beyond a meter or two
Pigeons can shit into springs, wells and rivers too. You know that, right?
you can do france->UK in one fucking day with a basic one-person catamaran with two sails i have been doing boat all my life
and it's like 200km on a sea harder than the mediterranean, in fact it's one of the most dangerous seas in the world yet celts did it in ancient times
recently a 15yo girl did it on a fucking OPTIMIST, pic related, that being the shittiest boat for beginners, there's one sail two pieces of wood and a bucket, don't tell me it's technologically complicated
in 15 hours only too, that was a 110kilometers run
today catamarans can go as fast as 120kmh, in optimal conditions you could do sardinia sicily in less than an hour
of course in reality it's more like 30kmh but that just makes it 3 hours to sardinia
in ancient times let's say they went at 10kmh it's just 9 hours
if you have no sail and row in a canoe i doubt you are slower than 5kmh which is like 16 hours barely
even if you are somehow at 1 kmh it's just 90 hours, not "months"
in fact people regularly compete at traversing the channel by fucking SWIMMING there, a russian guy did the 35km calais-dover swim in fucking 7 hours only
no he's right you can see the english coast from lower normandy, 200km away, on a sunny day
The stone has been pillaged.
Is it possible to embed google maps on Veeky Forums? Well here's the link because I can't seem to be able to do it: goo [period] gl/maps/WWvexwAiTPs
This is the view from Punta Falcone, Sardinia. The landmass in the distance is fucking Corsica, you bloody moron you.
>writing this much text of a copypasta bait post
Yeah, but they're using modern wood and modern technology to make them, people didn't have that and had to resort to shitty machinery, which would break in minutes if sailing for more than 3km.
people had giant well-crafted galleys in antiquity already, way before the age of discovery
I'd love to have sailed with one of those as a kid, instead we went wind sailing despite having 0 experience while the pedo scout master and his "friend" molested one of the boys
That's already a disproven myth, you can stop lying now.
Wow Romans thought about everything Hows that possible it would take years perhaps decades to swin from sardina to corsica
windsurfing rather
>he cant into the self supporting arch
I refuse to believe an architect can be this retarded
meant for
I dont think you can see coast to coast 200km. Not unless you're standing on a skyscraper.
>Anything that debunks my argument is a myth
Veeky Forums everyone
>Veeky Forums everyone
Get fucked. A dumbarse troll is hardly representative of Veeky Forums as a whole. It's not like he's serious, he's just a moron.
Extremely decent for its size
Horrible by any modern standards.
well mathematically your link is correct t b h so i don't know maybe it's a legend everyone in normandy has repeated forever and we have been collectively deluding ourselves for millenias
i thought i saw it as recently as last week but maybe it's just imagination indeed
possibly it's because the english coast is made of giant white cliffs though ? because i could swear i saw the coast in the distance
so can everyone usually
It looks good. This was before shitty modernism was invented. Buildings was built to be worth looking at.
You see about 40km. But if you are standing at 10 meters and looking at a object slightly higher than you, you suddenly have 80km sight.
So at sea level, you realistically have 90-120km of sight, against coastal hilltops.
So if the sea is a mere 200km, you can sail using land on one side, and by the time its gone, you can see the other side.
And thats before you add in sheenigans like water mirages.
>no he's right you can see the english coast from lower normandy, 200km away, on a sunny day
You can see Dover from Calais, which is like 35km. You certainly can't see Bournemouth from Cherbourg, which is just like 120km. Nevermind Crozon to Lizard, which is actually around 200km.
It's impossible. Take a pic next time you're there.
You can't see 40km though. You can see 6nm.
Literally you can't see that far unless you're on top of a mountain or very tall building.
well i was in deauville and i wasn't looking at le havre
maybe is right and it's just mirage
>make thead about Roman Aqueducts
>topic suddenly changes to distance you can travel
Veeky Forums everyone!
I think he's making fun of civ