New logo and image coming out this week. Confirmed that an entitely new website and marketing brand is coming in the later weeks. An entire foundation is going to be set up and they are indeed finalists for the Citi competition whose results are in September.
If you're not going BALLS DEEP in Digibyte you're literally a retard
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't polish a turd
I love these digiretards
New logo. Wow. Kid you are NOT going to make it.
>new logo
user.. just.. i cringe every time i look at your threads.. this is the most depressing shit ever
>implying that ANS didn't just do the same thing
You remember what happened with Antshares to Neo?
Digibyte is going to 30 cents idiots
Can't stop, won't stop the marines you fools.
We don't know when the next pump will be- but what we do know is, it'll make the last high look like a children's go kart competition.
beautyful words sir
Citibyte coming...
kek is here, hodl boys and girls
fucking hell you guys are really tricking me into buying this absolute worthless garbage
i might actually do it. but is it honestly worth checking my phone every 10 minutes for the next month?
no just buy 1000, set an alarm and never think about it again
buy some and check your phone after 2years
just buy some, and every 15 minutes question why you haven't killed yourself yet
I remember buying in at 328 sats way back in mid May. Weird to see it almost back at that number.
Omg they're releasing a new logo!?!?!? LET ME JUST CALL MY BANK AND PUT EVERYTHING I HAVE INTO IT
>tfw people actually do this
>me they actually win
The Marines will have their day
some part of knows you guys a right. i'm going to be pink wojaking 2 years from now about this i bet
but honestly. why would it go up? what sets dgb apart? please just sell it to me, i need any excuse
I suppose one thing you can say for the dev team, is that they're still active, despite the crash. Plenty of other coins have had their devs abandon ship over less than this. They had their chance to cash out and disappear, they didn't take it
>comparing NEO to this worthless shitcoin
i can smell the desperation on you digicuck, absolutely pathetic
If you aren't balls deep in Monaco MCO,you are literally poverty loving fag
1000 dgb = $15 bucks
that's nothing worth pink wojacking over
I'm a small-hand in Digiland with only 5000 in my possession.
1) It's super fucking fast. Really fast. Transactions across exchanges in a few minutes, max.
2) Already on big exchanges (might not seem like a big deal, but look @ other coins and the challenges they face getting listed. This points at possible price mobility and the ability of big money to flow in / out easily.)
3) Gaming integration
4) Document signing / validitation
5) SegWit already implemented
Basically, my understanding of DGB is that they're attempting to create an extremely robust and FAST block-chain for future applications. The poor coin got memed early on pretty hard and that's what you see here.
Long-term (think extra-long term for block-chain technologies), businesses are going to want something cheap, fast, and flexible... which is exactly what DGB is.
Here's their GIT:
what's this for?
>It's super fucking fast
this is very true. saved my ass a couple of times when I needed to transfer funds between exchanges asap before a coin mooned.
seems unlikely that the price will drop further, so might as well buy some to hold for awhile.
Bagholder Canadian plumber here. Bought 100k @ 50,000sats. Will hold til death
bagholder here, down 80% on this shitcoin. might as well buymoar, right?
You mean you'll have your dick in your hand until you're asked to leave?
That doesn't even make sense
Digibyte is literally unstoppable
>scaling on a trade deep that's underwater.
>Sharpiebyte bagholders
you should start a thread once your shitcoin starts an upward trend, 100 sats give or take
until then make sure to average down your buy so you're able to sell at the lowest forthcoming "peak"
The best thing that could happen to this shitcoin is it gets a 2x or 3x pump because its so fucking cheap. The digimarines will keep holding though thinking it will go up while their money goes down the toilet along with whatever value DGB still has left.
It's really amazing
months and months of people saying "haha yeah sure it's down 90% from it's ATH but I'm still positive! DGB isn't so bad!
God It would be amazing if it went under 100 which would put virtually every bagholder in the red except for the ten people who managed to buy it before then.
"this week" can u tell what day u fucktard
Does Digibytes support smart contracts?
Does Digibytes implements bizantine fault tolerance?
Does Digibytes have quantum resistance?
Does Digibytes dev have partnership with Microsoft and Alibaba and the chinese goverment?
Does Digibytes even reached more than 1$?
Sell all of your fucking bags and if you are lucky you will have enough to buy one NEO.
Trust me, in 1 month you would recover anything you might have loss that digishit
>a shit coin for a shit bank
Citi is trash
i was with you until
dear lord user just give it up already
are you the same user that posted multiple threads today like "OMKGOMGOMGOMG BUY BUY BUY NEO NEO NEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" every time there's like a 2% increase
DGB was my first real loss in crypto.
Never again.
I've not created a single thread today nor in the last days, NEO just has lots of fans and thats because its has an actual working product behind it.
By the way, did I tell you that NEO is quantum resitant and also implements bizantine fault tolerance, making it a superior replacement to Etherium, which is inferior technology created by a skeleton fag?
we are the digimarines
Whatever happened to that autistic digibro that kept getting pissed about these DGB FUD threads? Did he kill himself?
we are the JUSTmarines
we are the digimarines
of course, if you ignore reality
i bought 2million dgb at 2200sats, how long will it take to double up my budget?
if you aren't balls deep in BTS right now you are retarded.
>they're dead
>mfw the posw chart spammer was right
To be fair DGB is not the shittiest shitcoin and it does have a couple of good stuff in it, but that sharpie in the pooper just killed all the serious convo about the coin for good. I am aware of the positives of the coin and even I can't talk about it with a straight face for more than 10 seconds. I'm sorry Digicucks, better luck next time.
literally the fastest coin out there. moved some from crytopia to bittrex and it took less than a minute. also only cost me like 2 dgb. super cheep
Even at 370 many people are still massively up on DGB since it traded in the 30 range for a long time. DGB price can fall a lot more.
we are the digimarines
holding 800k
Please stop me from necking myself
>tfw you didn't fall for the digi meme
I think that the counter for Digi on Crypto Compare just bottomed out.. Nocoiner here, but Ive been eyeing this... ....sure whatever, "Coin"
Whats up?
2 years, check phone. Down to 1 sat as everybody expects. Can't sell it on any exchange for whatever sheckles it's worth because nobody is buying.
But you will but Digi... A literal no use shitcoin. While neo is rocketing to the moon almost as fast as Digi is plummeting.
You must be a big bagholder
This dumb thing will reach a dollar at some point. Just waiting for it to go back down to rock bottom to buy up some more.
>tfw you bought in at the 80-100 satoshi range