Why did Portugal fall?
Why did Portugal fall?
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>comfy country with best football player in the world
Portugal is fine desu
A crazy shitty king that wasnt raised properly and was overzelous, we went to war with Morroco, got a few wins and he got cocky, any other general would have backed out but he went and faced an army 3 times the size of the portuguese army, ofc we lost, he left no children, because he was a fucking idiot, so the next in line was the Spanish king, since our army had just been destroyed in North Africa he just took the throne, we entered an Union with Spain and got dragged into their wars, the Dutch took advantage of our weakness and took the East colonies, and England which could have helped us was now our enemy because of Spain. That was pretty much it.
the Iberian Union also did not help.
no it isn't
go look for a job mr portard
yeah that sums it. it was the beggining of the decline to the empire of Portugal.
Soviet-American cooperation
Classic Catholic incompetence
like most civilizations: because dick-ass Euros
Because they crossed the road
They had a very small population
Germanic and Slavic chimpouts.
Really makes me think
last I checked portugal was still around
albeit in a also ran sort of form
The lease ran out.
Macau isn't Hong Kong that B'awwwed at britain handing them back.
Macau never gave a shit and just threw the dice.
Macau.png makes me sad
How has nobody mentioned this yet?
Basically a gigantic earthquake devasted the country and caused them to be unable to fund and defend the colonies.
They still wouldve rebelled regardless user.
Holy crap. Still, why didn't those retards started to decolonize early?
They could have had a portuguese commonwealth.
Now nobody cares about them.
The investment in it also started late - only after Brazil gets their independence. And they weren't called colonies but ultramarine provinces
>First global empire from Asia to America
>Only famous figure in the late 400 years is a football player
How is that fine ?
You call this fascist propaganda?
messi is portuguese?
1) it isn't about mixing people
2) it wasn't exactly a fascist regime because it involved the Church etc etc
>Luis de Camoes
>Diogo Cao
>Bartholomeu Dias
>Vasco da Gama
>St Anthony of Padua
>Francis of Assis
>Egas Moniz
>Fernando Pessoa
Now you know some Portuguese historical figures. No need to thank me, always happy to help the less informed.
>Luis de Camoes
>Diogo Cao
>Bartholomeu Dias
>Vasco da Gama
>St Anthony of Padua
>Francis of Assis
I said "in the late 400 years", those are largely influential and famous people, that's why it's sad that there was no one else ever since
>Egas Moniz
>Fernando Pessoa
Litteral "Who ?" outside Portugal (Okay maybe not Pessoa)
Famous because he was a dictator but still largely unkown outside Portugal
They didn't fall, they just lost colonies to dutch, spans, etc, and lost out on the colonies, but kept their ground at home, they just declined
pick one and only one
is Magellan considered a portuguese hero?
I mean the guy was a fucking traitor to the crown
Why were the portuguese more willing to integrate than other colonial powers?
because portuguese women wear moustaches so they guys would sex anything
Some hypothesis are
i) small population
ii) strong christianity
iii) the acceptance that we were mixed since the roman conquest
Portuguese people are top of the totem always and the system made it as such. Only until the pressure from natives rebel or not that the state made concessions in an attempt to appease the masses.
>tfw my dad fought in the racewar
>tfw he believes another one is coming
>he thinks this time we will actually end all niggers
true story
more contact with other peoples and cultures from early on
That's not really true.
The capital nonetheless
>he thinks this time we will actually end all niggers
let's hope your dad's right user
He's alright
You'll turn all black?
He's a cool explorer. Also his portuguese genes named the biggest ocean in the world, so that's cool
>Prof. Chibanga, sou PIDE
Overachieved and couldn't hold it all together