Who's worse: the "I wish I was born in the 50s" or the "I wish I was born in Rome/middles ages/ Renaissance" kids
Who's worse: the "I wish I was born in the 50s" or the "I wish I was born in Rome/middles ages/ Renaissance" kids
Redditors like you who melt down the moment any body looks at any era of the past favorably.
>born in the 50s
But it would be better to be born in the 30s so you can live through the 50s.
>Not being born in the 40s so you don't die in a pointless war
50s was shit. Being a prude was de rigeur, completely not optional.
I wish I was born in the 60s
Commie dreamer
>Being a prude was de rigeur, completely not optional
Only if you cared about normalfag opinions.
There were plenty of degenerate sex junkies and drug addicts in the 50's, they were called Beatniks.
If Kerouac had lived just a few years longer he would have been the founding father of the Alt-Right movement, after seeing all the degeneracy of the 60s and 70s which worked to suffocate the human spirit he loved.
>degenerate sex junkies
Is this how virgins define people who have sex with more than one person out of wedlock, not in the missionary position with the expressed purpose of procreating?
You know Kerouac was a "sex junkie and drug addict," as well as a hard drinker and bi-sexual, right?
>missionary position with the expressed purpose of procreating
Way too lewd for this worksafe board.
MY bad. Probably will get b& and v&
>getting butthurt about being called a degenerate on Veeky Forums
spot the unvirgin
50s you're less prone to being wiped out by plague
>Korea and Vietnam.
Being a soldier today is proably 10x easier and safe than it was 40 years ago.
I wish I was born in the 70's hipsters.
I was born in the 70s.
They didnt have hipsters in the 70s.
Theres two kinds of hipsters. 70s hipsters and mid 2000s hipsters.
Don't act like Veeky Forums is a beacon of purity. We're degenerates in entirely different ways
I wish I was born in the 2050s desu.
I know I'm a degenerate, I'm just not enough of a fairy to post some butthurt response because I was called one.
What a sexy man.
lol manlet
unless you were born in the 90s. you have some form of mild lead poisoning from all the leaded gasoline, and lead in everything else.
processed food in the 50s has chemicals in it that would make a modern dow corning or monsanto blush.
herbicides and pesticides sprayed everywhere. with no regard for what it came in contact with.
open air nuclear bomb tests. seriously John Wayne and everyone else filming movies with him in the desert, died from cancer because of fallout.
cars don't work half the time. cars are so unsafe that a minor crash can kill you.
>cars don't work half the time. cars are so unsafe that a minor crash can kill you.
on the other hand, cars were much more simpler to work on, so you didn't have to pay some kike at the motor dealership a grand every time the computer running everything fucked up so that he could run some diagnostic on it.
plus, they looked cooler.
>he thinks jews work at garages
Strictly white collar crime friendarino
>tfw you will never be in the Companion cavalry and ride next to Alexander
>tfw you will never enjoy the pleasures of the cities you conquer
>tfw you will never die young but in the glory of battle with your reliable horse and have lived more in those 10 years then most people do in their entire lifetimes
if someone is passionate enough to imagine themselves living in a different time who are you to judge
50s definitely
Man imagine their nice trimmed beavers. Hot stuff.
>unironically using the term alt-right
back in the 50s they had a full hairy bush mate. It being normal to sort out your pussy hair is very much something that happened in the last 20 years.
Oops that was meant for
What triggers you so much about people having sentiments for the past? On a history board of all places.
I recall reading that shaving was very common before modern times, then fell out of favor for a while and then came back recently
Probably depends on time and place. I'm not aware getting rid of body hair has ever been normal in Western culture, although I could be wrong. I know the Turks used to get their harem girls shaved.
Liking an era where women, the LGBTQ+ community, and minorities were oppressed is quite problematic.
Cool story reddit.
I remember the time and place being medieval europe but I probably read it like 10 years ago somewhere
The 1950s kids because it's all about insecurity over competing for jobs with women and ethnic minorities, and a desire for a wife they can control.
stop bullying ;_;
Nazi Germany fans.
The government forces businesses not to hire us and colleges not to enroll us because we are not "diverse" enough, you don't have to be "insecure" to see that this is utterly wrong and oppose it on moral grounds.
>implying theres something wrong with this
>hiring less competent people is righteous
>wanting a moral population is bad
Whites are still hired though lol.
Where's my fucking job
>what are quotas, affirmative action scholarships, "women/queers/niggers in X" clubs etc
>le armchair psychology
Yeah, no.
Be born in the Roman Empire so I can die with purpose.
>you will never repress your sexual urges for months at a time only to explode with the force of a thousand suns once you tap some poonani.
Anyone who wishes to change something they have no control over is equally bad.
The Rome kiddies are just ignorant dumbasses. The 50s people are almost invariably dumb /pol/acks. I'd rather have the dumbasses than the /pol/acks, at least those can be taught.
the 50's are still portrayed as idyllic in lots of modern media. I don't think its a sentiment unique to /pol/.
2bh I wish I could spend a week in the middle ages, just to scope things out
As a medieval-early modern fag, definitely the latter.
FUCK we're dumbasses
Fuck off. Women were never oppressed. Men adore women as long as they are not turned cynical be rejection. And not just in a sexual lustfull way. Women are literally divine to men. If you remember being a young boy (pre puberty) and feeling attraction to a girl you know exactly what I am talking about.
Because THEY WERE. Same as the belle epoque.