Why are (other than the jews) women blamed for everything bad that happens?
Why are (other than the jews) women blamed for everything bad that happens?
Because, in most western countries, women are to blame.
Bitter virgins lashing out. They cant compete or live in the real world so they look back to earlier times and fantasize about their life being better there somehow.
They aren't.
Both the woman and the Jew embody the feminine spirit in its purest essence. Dissembling, tedious, avid of rigidity and hierarchical order, full-up with maudlin, incapable of comprehending virtue or self-sacrifice for its own sake. They are the anti-man. The most anti-human specimens of humanity
Veeky Forums isn't real life, ignore the bitter virgin robots.
t. angry /pol/ virgin
What is that strap holding on to? He has no chin
Woman is a trophy that wants to rule.
Because women and men have different evolutionary histories. Women are valued while men are not, so when stronger men come in and invade, women can simply defect to the other side and be perfectly fine.
Women in these situations are considered traitors by their kingroups, which leads to the common presumption of women being deceitful.
Where do you live?
Here in the west in the current year you'd be hard pressed to find anything that society will admit is a "woman's fault".
Women get passes in modern western society that men can only dream of.
Because getting checked by mother nature, through the medium of a woman that rejects your lets-just-be-friends-tier genes, tends to upset most men and make them feel insecure on a (sub)conscious level.
They aren't. Veeky Forums isn't a good representation of modern society in general.
Every woman is a cunt. Even your mother. Even my mother.
Bye reddit
Sort yourself out
I never understood the feigned upset over "niccccce"
Are you or are you not in support of classic gender roles and realistic fairness?
Men and women are clearly different and holding them to the same standard isn't right
Men go out and work and fuck bitches and die for their country
Women raise the babies and organize parties and provide emotional support
men are big and scary and have a tendency to rape and hit people
women are demure and pretty and having a hot teacher sleep with you is pretty slick
> muh neckbeard can't get laid
Shit nigga, you're so nimble.
For a similar reason that money is considered "the root of all evil"
Pussy is one of men's prime goals in life. He puts getting pussy almost over everything else. Its forever on his mind and he will abandon rationality and morality to get it.
Contrary to popular belief, its not all good. Having sex with children often confuses them, leading them down dark paths later in life. There's a reason its illegal. Children, even "lucky boys" that score with smoking hot teachers, aren't emotionally equipped to handle sex.
Book of Genesis.
>women weren't considered evil before some kike wrote about it
This, fuck women, id rather have an extra rib, worst deal ever
You've got that right. You don't need be an embittered virgin, angry MGTOW/MRA/PUA/etc. to see how fucked up social/legal double standards are. For so many people, equality only applies whenever it's convenient and ignored whenever it isn't. It's evil.
I'd say deuterotemy and or numbers really, those deal more with the specifics of what to do with women. Such as
>you rape a woman you get her as waifu
>you pay less for women slaves
>giving wives to your bros when you die
Arguably all of these could be benificial to a bronze age society, but its no wonder Jesus and his followers nullified most of mosaic law.
Because women are responsible for societal decay and fall. Did you think every society on earth just irrationally hated women for some reason?
But muh /ss/ fetish. I had fantasies about getting fucked by an older woman by the time I was 15. Men can handle engaging in promiscuity better because they don't have emotional involvement in the first palace when they are thinking with their dicks.
I do have to admit: you guys have a really eloquent way of describing straw men. If your visions of women and jews were products of flesh and blood rather than hot gas I might be prompted to take action.
Obviously. Women are equal to men and women in every way. It's not like we're different species, or different sexes of different species operate differently.
>Having sex with children often confuses them
The kid in your picture would have acted the exact same way if the woman was 15. The problem wasn't that she was older and smarter, but that the whole affair was a secret.
back to bi/pol/ar with you where you can be with all of your redpilled buddies and talk about the problems of women and jews and what to do about it as you all sit and stew in your diapers soggy with shit
>everyone else said it so it must be true!
This is their reasoning for both of their silly hate fantasies. Why are they such limp-wristed conformists?
>no source
>meme picture
Why are you so mad tho
Because Conformism is Cooperation, and ant conformism is defection.
Do I need to explain Game Theory to you?
It's a /pol/ack who came here to troll.
Because men like to shift the blame for their own autism and don't like to admit mistakes.
Yeah whatever, enjoy being trapped in mindless witch hunts while i approach topics objectively, turbopleb
It was at the moment that I knew the gloves were off, that they meant business. I gazed upon the post, in it, a double quotation. The profuse perspiration of my epidermal layer caused my clothing to cling to it. Paralyzed, I stood there. Why, you may wonder? Because I knew it was all up, my whole farce. I knew the warrior of objectivity had finally come for me.
I'm sorry I made a mess but you know I'm right.
~tips fedora~
I'm not the person you had replied to originally, I only wanted to type something sillily absurd. I don't know, I gave myself a good giggle, at the very least.
it was pretty good though desu
Then you may want to objectively approach evolutionary game theory and how cooperativeness affects fitness
Okay dude cooperation being necessary for survival does not equate to blindly following groups of people simply because they are groups.
Have you never had a classroom full of people wrongly accuse you of laying a fart?
> Says that cooperation is important
> Doesn't want to cooperate with 50% of population
So... This is a power of the evolutionary game theory...
We're talking about why women are commonly seen by societies as being deceitful. Women are seen as deceitful, because they are more likely to defect away from kingroups, because outgroup members will breed with them anyway. Think of French Women during the Nazi Occupation.
The social systems that have evolved all around the world are in response to evolutionary behavior. Those groups have strict rules for women to ensure that they cooperate.
Monogamy and prized virginity is a tool imposed by kingroups to make sure that males have reasonable assurance that they have a stake in the next generation. People did not develop those behaviors arbitrarily, they developed naturally.
You're not thinking of humans in naturalistic terms
> outgroup members will breed with them anyway
Not even guaranteed, see Jewish women during the Nazi Occupation and it isn't like men can't become traitors for their own reasons.
Because women are natural libtards.
Kill yourself white knight.
Ah the human female is incapable of having standards.
Yes, but I bet a Jewish Woman would be able to defect and survive at a rate higher than a jewish man by offering a Nazi Officer reproductive opportunity. However, this would be defection on part of the Nazi officer, and could cause him to be punished.
Here, the Nazi is not defecting because of the rules his kingroup put down that punish defection.
Men can be defectors too, but evolutionarily they often have less to gain than they do from being cooperators, as well as fewer opportunities to defect in large numbers. In complex societies, like the 20th century European one, there are greater opportunities for male defection.
In simpler ones, like Medieval European ones, men have less opportunity to defect. You can't just lay down your arms and say I want to be a Viking too during a raid.
After they colonize you and say you can work for them, sure, a man can defect.