What did he mean by this>?
What did he mean by this>?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're going to be a future Billionaire.
i wish it was mine. the fucker bought 12000 bitcoins for 2/each way back when.
who is this and why does he believe so strongly in the flippening?
a whale on r/btc
>bcc goes down 10%
>he loses 58.000$
does anybody know how longer i'll be able to withdraw 1337 btc per day with my legacy account without giving them my id?
yung retard
i really dont think this guy cares about 58k as much as we would
then he doesnt deserve to be rich.
You really think he cares..?
see this
>bcc goes up 10%
>makes $58,000
Of course that's only if he closes the trade
>flippening happens
>his relatively minor gamble becomes yet another 10x profit, netting him a clean five mil or whatever
>you're still posting epic reaction memes! xD! on Veeky Forums
enjoy .08
I hope BCC drops to 1 sat, so the guy can enjoy his holding bags for the rest of his life.
hmm, give me some bucks and i will buy some BCC. it will crash immediately and never recover.
not even kidding, this is what all coins do i buy.
here, this is my BCC-address:
no matter how much you send, it will destroy this coin.
again, i doubt he will fucking care when hes got thousands of btc
link to his post?
+ keeping that on an exchange... cool
aug 17
plx som bcc
bcc is the new BTC doe doe are u that new btc is going to die mark my words you neets can stay in ur alts and btc bcc will rise