ITT: people who got what they deserved
ITT: people who got what they deserved
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Killed his own daughter
Don't bully Nicky, user. It's mean.
Considering how much he hated the jews, ethnic minorities, peasants, and was an overall douche, and tried to bring back autocracy violently, saying he deserved it is really well warrented
he was too much of a brainlet to be evil but he should've gotten killed for his incompetence, same for louis xvi
Accurate for show Stannis, inappropriate for this board.
>oppress people
>riots break out
>violently suppress them
>some Serb kills a monarch
>declare war to defend the Serbs
>basically supporting regicide
>ally with the regicidal French government
>ally with the cucked English """""monarchy""""
>alliances erode your credibility as a monarch
>send army out to war despite your civil unrest
>even worse, try to play at general
>get tons of people killed
>get self killed
>get family killed
Did he ever make a good decision?
>Got self killed
>Got family killed
There's two
>ITT: people who got what they deserved
>hated jews
Why is that bad? Are you an Am*rican?
>hated peasants
Simply not true.
>>oppress people
what are you retards even imply by this statement?
it's more than obvious that he treated the people of Russia as nothing more than an extension of his power and never really cared about their well being, Nickyboo
I feel sad for the three Monarchs of the; United Kingdom, German Empire and Russian Empire. They were all cousins all had to fight in a costly war, one died another fled and the other lived on feeling the guilt of knowing that his dynasty and people will never be the same ever again.
>monarchs live a happy, rich and easy life compared to their millions of underlings
>have massive power fantasies about how the world works in their opinion
>Nicky literally returns the policies and laws of his nation to 19th century levels
>muh godly power
>send millions of people to die in trenches
>Willy gets deported, nicky shot, George continues to "rule"
>meanwhile those millions of people had lived mostly poor lives and endured a living hell of 4 years, IF they survived
>booohooo poor monarchs they sure deserved much better ;_; see how dashing and cool they look in their military uniforms?
wew user step up your gayme
I don't have to step up my game because you can't counter-argue
why should I counter-argue when you missed my point user?
leave Nick alone you bolshevik swine
You sure can provide us with some proper evidence of this
Why did they murder his family? I can kinda understand the need to dispose of the Czar, but to kill his family in cold blood made me loose any sympathy for their cause.
Because Lenin was eternally butthurt about what they did to his brother.
That didn't exactly make it OK, but there's the logic.
They were afraid that the White movement might rally to restore the Romanov family to the throne. Eliminating the whole lot of them (the Romanovs who had no yet fled Russia were effectively exterminated) pretty much solves that problem.
He had a pretty cool beard
Gotta make sure there's no one to take back the throne, even if the Whites won. And what else were they going to do with them?
>tfw you will never get to touch his facial hair
Agreed. USSR were GOAT anyway. Once Stalin took over he managed to tear down the faggotry and gay societies established in the upper class during the Imperial era. Aristocratic degeneracy is just as bad, if not worse, than bourgeois degeneracy. Both are cosmopolitan diseases that need to be torn down.
You can touch mine
you need royal blood to have a monarchy
no royal family, no monarchy
pushing the bullshit claim of your cousin's second sister's husband from fuckshit nowhere is a time honored european tradition
>get killed by bolsheviks
>they get purged by Stalin
Russia is the person who deserves what they get with the exception of the Mongol yoke. No one deserves that.
This. Fuck the monarchy and their bootlickers.
Came here to post it
*blocks your path*
"Hold up there Royalist scum"
*cuts literally every frenchman's head off*
*then gets head cut off by the people he used to guillotine other people with*
Robespierre got what he deserved.
Is this a quintuple suplex?
Nobility of the robe are disgusting. Nobilitie du Epee only.
He treated the people like he treated himself, as subsidiary to the state. That is not nessecarily bad.
>Waaaaah I hate monarchs they're mean it was all their fault
>all they did was oppress, disregard the massive advances in all of their countries
It's like you've never had an authority figure in you life. I bet you hate the Pope too.
you never had a point to begin with outside of crying about monarchies being abolished
not a commie. Just not a retard monarchist
>implying that franz didn't deserve death for being g*rman
Lets be honest
Again, the nobility of Germany and Russia was filled with homosexual degeneracy. They needed to be removed. I'm not too knowledgeable on their British counterparts to know if they're equally as decadent.
>thinking Anne Frank deserved to rot away in a glorified pigsty
>implying she didn't deserve a loving husband who would so gently caress her pregnant belly in the middle of a park full of the smell of roses and the laughter of children on a spring afternoon.
>implying she didn't deserve to be kissed on the cheek as the sun goes down and hubby whispering in her ear that he can't wait until they get home so can stare in awe at her naked swell of a middle full of their child and show her just how much he really does love her
*loads AR-15*
t. /k/ommando with a pregnancy/Jewish girl fetish
Fuck off Jeff Magnum
What kind of gun do you think Jeff owns anyway?
I always assumed given his name he'd be a .44 Mangum fan
ah, Anne Frankenpr0n, only on Veeky Forums.
Implying he ever made a mistake
You wanna see the dirtier pics? I got ones showing some skin.
based on your post it seems you know nothing about the history of monarchical russia besides the Nicholas II era
Literally did nothing wrong.
He dindu nuffin
no I never, I was thinking more about the person
monarchs are people they are not this big and evil automata. How would you like it if you had to kill one of your cousins?
hating people because of the religion they happened to be born with is both dehumanizing and wrong
I feel sadder for the 17 million soldiers who died because of their autism.
nah you guys are just triggered
Where's the mention that his court had the most faggots in all of Europe, possibly even surpassing the German one?
deserved resurrection?
>jew is just a religion, goyim
No, it's a man train
Hating someone on ethnicity is also wrong
Not when said ethnicity is genetically criminal
>genetically criminal
All traitors
Not that user but
>"I shall never, under any circumstances, agree to a representative form of government because I consider it harmful to the people whom God has entrusted to my care."
>"What is all this talk about the people’s confidence? Let the people merit my confidence"
>pushing the bullshit claim of your cousin's second sister's husband from fuckshit nowhere is a time honored european tradition
I am now trying to remember which spanish abortion came the fuck out of nowhere claiming the throne of England or something now.
The first quote would be proof that he did care about the well-being of his people.
Okay, so, I can get people who think that Nicky should have been executed, but bragging about murdering his children is nothing but revolutionary bloodlust and proves that the practitioners of it are barbarians who should be kept from power at all costs.
>You need royal blood to have a monarchy.
The Roman Empire and Napoleon laugh at you.
You don't need royal blood, you just need the support to claim yourself a monarch.
the soldier, not Archimedes
You must be over 18 to post here
He should have listened to Danton.
How did he deserve what he got? I feel like I'm not knowledgeable enough to dispute it, but I thought he was seen as a threat because he was too competent.
>design weapons to kill people
>get killed when those people sack your city
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
He was literally perfect you retard
This. Marxist histography is cancer.
how much of this is true?
Stop bullying George V
>loved to swim in a kayak
>I bet you hate the Pope too
Why should i not hate the Pope?
Like this.
>how much he hated jews, ethnic minorities, peasants
Nothing wrong with that.
It is ?
>pious and good
>loves his people and his country
>has more faith in them than they have in themselves
>is murdered along with his objectively innocent family
>got what he deserved
Fuck you, everyone was killing political enemies. His side just lost, der kommissarbefehl is standard practice. They just had a signed document.
yes and his entire family and all the white russians that didn't flee to America and establish new skete monastery too
reds are good people remember
Still not enough.
>gayest court in Europe
how dumb r u
He helped to get all the orders across and actively ordered the killing of Jews, other ethnic groups and specifically women and children. Hundreds of thausands of Germans (and far more of other ethnicities) were murdered because of people like him.
Also he was a shit general that always supported hitler no matter how retarded his ideas were. Millions of German soldiers and again even more foreign soldiers died because of that.
Just because people were generally more brutal at the time doesn't excuse his actions.
Fuck off.
>Oh my god these cousins sent millions to their deaths, truly nobody suffered more than them
I have zero sympathy for them, they dragged their nation into a horrible war for stupid reasons. Want to know who I do feel bad for? The hordes of soldiers killed and maimed in the war and the families of soldiers who were killed and maimed in the war.
Willy and Nicholas deserved their fate, I would say. Nicky especially. The Soviets restored Russian traditions and brought in industrialization and a functioning economy. If Nicky's debauched court was allowed to continue existing, the country would've stayed in the medieval ages like it was.
Maybe if Britain had a similar uprising, its empire would've been preserved to this day much like Russia still holds 90% of its territory.
> Russia still holds 90% of its territory
75% actually
Still better than Britain, which only holds, what? 5-10%?