How exactly were the Nazis not 100% right about life being a struggle of existence between races and ethnicities...

How exactly were the Nazis not 100% right about life being a struggle of existence between races and ethnicities? Population really is everything in the long run.

A slightly higher standard of living is meaningless if your native population can't even replenish yourself and ends up getting outbred by """"immigrants"""".

>muh overpopulation,muh Asia muh africa

True to a very exaggerated extant but, Hate to break it to you but millions of niggers and chinks are moving to your countries every year and not vice versa

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>How exactly were the Nazis not 100% right about life being a struggle of existence between races and ethnicities?
He was right. Nazism proved to be a shitty inferior ideology defeated by both the Communists and Democratic West.

Culture is more important than ethnicity. The trouble I have with immigration isn't that other races are coming in, it's that they're taking their (generally inferior) cultural attitudes with them and shitting up a good thing.

And the west is being defeated by Islam

Life is actually a struggle between the self and the layers of control that try to chain the self.

There's only one race, user: the human race :^)

If the enemies of the Nazis had also been Nazis they would have exterminated every German.
Hitler would have loved that actually since he thought the loss was not his fault but the Germans.

>national struggle

An english taxi driver has more in common with a german taxi driver, than he has with an english banker.
A dannish fisherman has more in common with an italian fisherman, than he has with a dannish real estate tycoon.
A russian teacher has more in common with a greek teacher than he has with a russian oligarch.

National struggle is dwarfed by class struggle. This is why it was shoved aside in the 20th century.

That line of thinking is as idiotic and outdated as Nazism if not even more so.
Your beloved Stalin and Mao had more in common with Hitler and Mussolini than they had with workers of any type.

The west is not being defeated by Islam, it is only damaged by it.
The west is being defeated by having to pay welfare, most of the "refugees" aren't even islamic they are african migrants .
Britain seems to be rebelling against Islam right now

>Your beloved Stalin and Mao had more in common with Hitler and Mussolini than they had with workers of any type.

Absolutely true, they were ruling class, and I am not. Its class struggle again.

race is a social construct
what does it matter to you if a woman of your "race" decides voluntarely to have children with a man of another "race"?

A woman of my race will have more of my genes, and more of my genes will continue of she mates with a man from my race.
This is really theoretical, since she'd have 0.000001% more of my genes, but still.

It's a construct in our human reality.

Race and racism will not go away because some genius decides it's not real.

It will be a part of our life on earth until the final stage.

Nazis were mentally ill people that took the movement against richness of Jews so seriously to a level of racial inferiority. And shortly after they started to claim everyone but Germanics are sub-humans.

Nazi Ideology also destroyed hundreds of years of German Culture legacy, just to replace it with retarded nazism.

and "race" is the imaginary boundary where you decide where breeding stops beeing ok
thus it is a social construct

>Race and racism will not go away because some genius decides it's not real.
no, it will go away through better education and cooperation between different ethnic groups

About as likely as economic inequality going away.

Consider an arbitrary point the spectrum between my clone, and the human least like me, where I decide this person doesn't have enough of my genetic payload to justify me sacrificing for their well being.
If this point is near my clone, I am probably talking abut my kin, my clan, etc. I am not a nationalist, I care for myself and my own, and the rest are all the same. This is me incidentally, I am not a racist or a nationalist, I divide people as being part of my extended family, or being other people.
However, some placements of this arbitrary points will fit the "race" followers, since it coincides with visual queues - skin color, nose shape, etc.

economic inequality is going away slowly

i am not really sure which point you are trying to me
as far as i see, we agree that race is a social construct

Placing the point is something you do, not something society does. It is not systematic. The mayor doesn't tell you where to place it. The town committee doesn't meet to vote on it. You and your dad don't agree where it is.

Its not a social construct, because its personal and not social.

Lmao. No it's actually going in the opposite direction.
The wealth difference between the top 0.1% vs the poorest 80% is ever increasing.

i think this is a bit offtopic, we should return to discussion about race

Biological race=the biological continuum of mankind, the largely but not entirely gradient like distribution of AGTC alleles which make up our genes and which sometimes have differences as high as >99% between populations.

Social race= the human perception of race which does not rely on technicalities.

Neither of these will ever go away.

Your biological race, or genetic clustering, stopped being relevant and is disappearing rapidly, because we now can go through mountains, seas, rivers and deserts and marry people from other clusters.
A slav marrying a frank may have been rare centuries ago, but today nobody would even blink when it happens.

It was just natural barriers leading to subtle inbreeding, and its over.

Gene flow is nothing new. It's neither random nor strong enough to change anything.

While Cameroonians and French might be busy breeding in France right now the offspring don't move to Cameroon, let alone a country like Iran or Kazakhstan. The French and Kazakhs will stay biologically distinct.

It is not a struggle between race and ethnicities. Nobody is consciously thinking 'let's outbreed whitey'-- that is a paranoid delusion from your political niche. It is none of your business, nor your responsibility, to ensure White people other than yourself continue the purity of your race. Feel free to only breed with white women and keep your mouthshut or fuck off back to your stormfront echo chamber

Your argument can be summarized as "things didn't change before, thus they won't change in the future", despite the very easy observation that moving people is easier and cheaper, and that more and more people find partners from further and further away.
It is observable. You don't need a scientist in a lab to tell you that more french are fucking more cameroonians today than 1000 years ago. This is change.

>A slightly higher standard of living is meaningless if your native population can't even replenish yourself and ends up getting outbred by """"immigrants"""".
How so?
And if that's what you believe why don't you join the birther movement or some shit?

Well you're clueless if you think things were stationary in the past, they actually were not.

The genetic history of France and all of Europe is a recursive series of biological admixture and especially large scale replacement events.

There is nothing new about gene flow.
Airplanes existing does not change anything fundamental. They don't carry people randomly across the world but to specific places.

>There is nothing new about gene flow.

Except the huge change of scale.
You are retarded if you think that before private cars, cheap planes and internet dating people had as wide a reach when choosing mates.

Nope the scale is no bigger than in the past. These papers and dozens of others demonstrate that.

These papers demonstrate no such thing. You might want to at least read the abstract before claiming that, if not the whole thing.

Going through the Alps to get a wife is objectively easier and more often done today than it was a thousand years ago.

I have read them. They demonstrate exactly what I claim them to.

They don't even address it, you lying cultist.

Oh yes they do.

>During the major warming period after ~14,000 years ago, a genetic component related to present-day Near Easterners became widespread in Europe. These results document how population turnover and migration have been recurring themes of European prehistory.

Nothing that compares with the realities of the current global world.
"There was movement" doesn't equal "the current movement is not faster or on a larger scale than what we have seen before".
You only have to get your head out of your ass to see the obvious eye gauging fact that with modern transportation and dating services people fuck other people who were born far away from them more often than in the past.

The reality of the current global world is that there is mass migration from all over the world to Europe and North America but other gene pools are effectively as closed for newcomers.

There is no Ethiopian migration to Bangladesh, no Peruvian migration to Afghanistan and no Filipino migration to Chad. All of these and all other combinations are necessary for your dream of a raceless world. Biological race will always exist because biological races will continue to stay separate for the most part.

These will occur when the countries are worth going to.
And the rest of your post doesn't follow from this claim.

I'm done here, you are repeating nonsense you can't prove.

>Culture is more important than ethnicity.
Culture is inextricably tied to ethnicity.

>when the countries are worth going to

So never.

>An english taxi driver has more in common with a german taxi driver, than he has with an english banker.
Yeah, because the '''''English''''' taxi driver and the '''''German''''' taxi driver are both from Afghanistan, all thanks to the (((English))) banker.

lmao how can English and German taxi have anything in common when they can't even speak the same language

lmao commushits are dumbshits