Is childhood and teenage obesity an entirely modern creation? I feel that surely there were some sons and daughters of nobles or the wealthy middle class that had the resources and attitude to become overweight, at least occasionally.
Is childhood and teenage obesity an entirely modern creation...
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It's far easier to get fat on modern corn syrup than anything the rich had access to 100 years ago
Of course nobles would be able to become obese through eating. They'd be the only ones who could afford that much food without having to work all the calories off.
The difference now is that it's poor people routinely becoming obese. Mainly because the cheapest food is, usually, unhealthy fast food.
calories are cheap as fuck
How come they rarely seem to be overweight in their portraits and such, then? I was under the impression that being overweight, or at least plump, was considered desirous at the time.
while the rich were always more idle, I would not imagine they were completely insulated from exertion to our extent.
women usually are at least
>How come they rarely seem to be overweight in their portraits and such, then?
Being overweight was not considered desirous. Being thin but not emaciated, 'full' but not fat, was the ideal.
That's sorta a common misconception/misunderstanding of past perceptions. It wasn't like your average serf or lower-classman would have been insanely attracted to a fat woman, it was more that actually being a fat woman signaled that you were both able to buy and consume a lot of food and that you didn't have to work it off manually (ie you could sit around on your fat ass). So they would have been seen as "attractive" in the same way the idea of marrying a super rich girl is an attractive idea.
Ancient man would've been just as sexually grossed out by fat chicks as modern man is.
You'd think they could at least paint out her weird double chin.
Huh, I didn't know.
Wouldn't it be like modern-day Africa though? Where all the guys like disgustingly fat women?
obesity is a great sin, I hate fat people, really, and you should too, they're a detriment to all of humanity
Fat children can be kind of cute. My cousin is really chubby, and I have no doubt that when she's older it's gonna be gross, but for now when she's only 9 it looks kinda cute.
Read up on the regency period or the southern gothic period. You are entirely correct.
Actually in africa fatness is sign of wealth so it is seen as desirable.
>disgustingly fat women
speak for yourself
I speak for all civilized men. Fat women are disgusting.
I do not recognize your claim to speak for all civilized men.
Then naturally you must be uncivilized.
or you are
Imagine the smell.
Fat women are revolting, they can't take care of their health they sure as shit don't give a shit about showering or shaving.
It's not like in porn you virgin.
Food is incredibly cheap in the West tbqh.
In fact, it's so cheap, I often wonder who we are fucking over to get it so cheap.
Humans aren't the greatest at delaying gratification either, so I guess that's a large part of it.
poor hygiene is disgusting, but being fat does not guarantee poor hygiene
>Imagine the smell.
>Fat women are revolting
Fat people don't smell worse than thin people.
Stop spreading urban myths
They kinda do though.
Of course. Disaster of ages and all that.
3x a day meals is retarded. Our phyisiology requires 8-12 hours of fasting in order to start a suite of processes that one could call "cellular garbage collection".
We demonized fats (along with cholesterol) and praised carbs. Which is assbackwards. The body auto regulates consumption in a regime of high-flying and high-protein with low carb.
Now people think dietary health is a matter of morality, of being strong enough to beat the crave. Fucking idiocy! The body already has saitation mechanisms for regulating consumption, a lot via leptin. But eating, in our context, a lot of carbs fucks it from working via conversion to triglycerides which block leptin from activating the full signal.
A regime of high-fats*
I didn't know that, interesting.
I have no idea what you said there, but you certainly sound like you know what you're saying so I'll trust you on it.
Average obese diet = You eat 'till you feel your stomach being cramped
More sensible diet/paleo/keto = You eat until leptin signals fullness and any more food seems disgusting. This happens way before "stomach being cramped".
I see that. Whenever I go to my sister's, she and my niece always spend the half hour after the meal complaining their stomachs ache from eating so much. I never understand how they don't just feel full earlier.
In the war of evolution, a lot (at least) of creatures prioritized certain things. When fed, we prioritize getting everything from food. When not in a "fed" state aka "fasting", we prioritize maintenance.
America has a cultural 3x meal system which fucks with getting into a fasting state. You know how rooms get cumulatively dirtier until they're disasters?
High-fat and high-cholesterol and low-carb are better for you than the opposite. "It's as easy to undereat on a high-fat high-protein diet as it is easy to overeat on a high carb diet."
People already have mechanisms to induce the feeling of fullness before stomach fullness. They fuck this up by stuffing a bunch of processed grains into themselves. Leptin is around but it's being blocked.
Which is why fat people generally experience a dramatic drop in weight, initially, when they restrict consumption. They have higher levels of leptin but it never gets to work, so to speak. When they introduce a fasting interval each day and/or when they stop eating so much carb shit, that higher-than-average leptin is able to work.
This. You really would have had to work hard to get fat off of a medieval diet, hence the stereotype of the fatty shoveling food in their mouths. Today it's trivially easy to gain weight.
Maybe thiroid disorders?
>tfw everyone accuses you of gluttony but it's impossible to get fat while on a Medieval diet
>So they would have been seen as "attractive" in the same way the idea of marrying a super rich girl is an attractive idea.
To stretch the analogy.
I would fuck Miley Cirus just because she's famous and sheit... But this doesn't change the fact she is an ugly bitch.
Same went for fat noblesses back in the days.
Sugar and spices have been available in large quantities to the upper class and even the middling sort for 500 years so, no, your wrong. Cheese and pork products were also traded across europe because they coupd be preserved in one way or another.
>In fact, it's so cheap, I often wonder who we are fucking over to get it so cheap.
Third world... Mainly.
But the other worrisome shit is we are exceptionally good at exploiting tech and nature... Not so much at putting up sustainable systems.
This works against us in the long run.
In a sense, silly vegans are right. The issue is the industry, not diet per se.
But when you are Europoor or Burgerpoor, of course you will always elect cheap shit over expensive shit. You have no real choice in the matter.
>3x a day meals is retarded. Our phyisiology requires 8-12 hours of fasting in order to start a suite of processes that one could call "cellular garbage collection".
Utter garbage.
The trick is to have some 6-7 small meals a day so that your glicemic curve is always flat and you don't get ups and downs in your mood.
Also good for preventing diabetes.
Back to ribbet. And also i agree with the user all people smell bad if they dont clean, and fat people arent any more or less smelly than other humans. You have nothing to prove otherwise anyway except anecdotes which i doubt you even have given your use of "kinda". Just because fat people look gross doesnt mean that they are gross smelling.
That's retarded. 1x or 2x meals a day. Your body runs different shit when fasted. Hell, fasting increases insulin sensitivity. If you want to talk about preventing diabetes, you should practice intermittent fasting.
Back to preschool
Huh? Most countries. Let along tribes in Africa have skinny women. Not all countries are actually well fed anyway when you think of it.
Yeah, In this one country. Stop being retarded and acting like Africa is a country, instead of a continent.
>correctin grammar
>on a tanzanian wrench collecting board